Showdown on Ruhnuk: Star Wars The Old Republic Cinematics

The latest story cutscenes from Star Wars The Old Republic update 7.2 showdown on ruhnuk. In this update, Mandalore the Avenger, Shae Vizla, hunts down the Darmanda known as Heta Kol. Heta intends to undermine Shae and avenge her own parents who suffered at the hands of Clan Cadera.

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25 thoughts on “Showdown on Ruhnuk: Star Wars The Old Republic Cinematics”

  1. Hey first of all, thanks for sharing the story. Now, I'll be honest, i dont care about Shae conflict with the bald gal, i wish there was an option to tell Shae to fck off and just walk away from this filler. That being said, the only thing I really liked was the planet design. Really good enviroment with enough space to explore.

  2. Love it. ………the planet is great, the story is great, finally working with my riduur again *sigh
    and luckily some of the enemies aren't that easy to kill.
    let's see what the daylies offer today.
    yesterday I spent about 5 hours with the content..
    you can certainly do this faster.
    but then the fun is gone ^^
    I'm just a bit crazy when it comes to Mandos.^^
    sorry (maybe)…. 😉
    OYA Mando'ade

  3. I liked it. Sad, it was really short, again, at least we still have content.

    I thought during a moment they will dare to kill Shae and that's kind of a miss opportunity to make the Mandalorians united again, under a new leader, to be the new threat to the galaxy.
    Even if (this time) they are pawns of Malgus.
    And I like the crimson red Mandalorian armor TFU style. Ri'kan's armor is clearly a Cho'paa Notimo reference.

  4. Thank you for posting this, I am thinking if it will be worth playing or not. I liked the origin stories MUCH better than anything (aside the Hutt Cartell DLC story), and am waiting for something like that to decide to subscribe again or not.
    I REALLY hate that they take your character and make them blabber without giving us any options to stop it.

  5. so… in legacy of the sith, we are paying 15$ for an hour and a half of gameplay, now is another hour and a half? im just going to keep waiting, meaby the next expansion will be two hour, or god forvides, a day of gameplay


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