Shooting Film in New York 2

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podcast: @mamiyamigos
instagram: @50_shades_of_jason
print requests: [email protected]
business inquiries: [email protected]
cameras: agfa 1535, mamiya 7, lomo apparat


40 thoughts on “Shooting Film in New York 2”

  1. As a Ukrainian, NYC was always such a mystery for me, basically a decoration for the movies, hard to believe that those people on photos are not paid actors and the neon bar is a real place.

  2. I was just in NY yesterday and the smell was very distinct for NY lol. A mixture of hamster cage that hasn't been cleaned, like someone had a spicy fart, and marijuana in a wonderful blend of scents.

  3. Your lab is doing something very, very wrong if you're getting visible grain on XP2. No, I will not elaborate, because there is no need – something in the process is severely wrong if it looks that way.

  4. wonderful visit to the big apple! Your problem with mamiya sharpness was my horror. Doing Portraits and models, the 180.. on C330 was so sharp ! I used stockings ( still avaialble back then) or a piece of sticky tape on filter! E Hopper did those lovely weird images, that one remenbers of a place time dream whatever! Great work. Bravo.

  5. My Mamiya 7 gets cold sometimes so I packed it with hand warmers when I shoot in the snow. Last week I was in 0 degree weather and I got about 3 shots before the camera bricked up.

  6. Lucky you, that you got already the Hopper New York book. Will be released in Germany in April 2023. Can't wait to get it in my hands. And thanks for the great video! What about abandoned places in NYC?

  7. Two things I can't unsee. There was a cremation urn on the kitchen counter and you eat many things wrapped in aluminum. Are these signs of the apocalypse?
    Furthermore, is it Beers & Cameras or Beards & Cameras?

  8. You managed to capture a lot of great images during this trip — in my opinion, some of your most inspired looking work in a while. Just as important, I feel that you managed to strike a great balance between composition and opportunity. So many street photographers today flock to places with the highest amount of foot traffic possible as this provides them with the most candid opportunities. Sadly, those same photographers seemingly pay little attention to the composition of their images. (I did not know that Manhattan is dominated by the same big box stores found everywhere else in the country, how depressing.) Essentially much of what is referred to as street photography today is what was once called snapshots. It seems obvious from he images you've shared here that you are managing to do a good job at keeping composition in mind while also managing to deal with the people in the frame.

  9. you mentioned once that you know a way to emulate aerchrome with filters or something and that you will do video about that but you have to "finalise the process", how far are you with that? will there be a video about that soon?

  10. “Grainy days, let’s get my 4:3 iPad to enjoy your video full screen 😄Love your content (as always!). Since you mention NY as a people’s city. Would you ever consider shooting in a Dutch city? I’m super curious how you would shoot that 😁 keep up the great work!

  11. The problem with watching these videos is sometimes you run out and buy a camera because of it. Say, a LomoApparat. I hope you get some kind of kickback for that. Maybe in alka-seltzers for your roasted stomach.

  12. "you're using a plastic camera with a dead format inside on a planet in a universe that doesn't particularly care about you" now that's how you rile yourself up for some great art.


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