She Died & Had A Conversation With God | Near Death Experience | REPOST

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

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For more NDE narrations, please see below.

NDE Playlist:

I Died And Was Given Three Reasons To Return | Leigh’s NDE

I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE

#nde #neardeathexperience #afterlife #heaven #nde2021#heavenawaits


42 thoughts on “She Died & Had A Conversation With God | Near Death Experience | REPOST”

  1. I am speechless about the lightening strikes…..YES GOD JEHOVAH WANTED YOUR ATTENTION. And yes USA will be split by a fault line….we will be ruled by another country too….I am 60 and hope to see it….and I will really like the barter system….cook n cut hair for goods….I have always dreamed that we would go back to that way of life.

  2. That explains my friend windle's attracting Lightning all the time. After his first strike he wrote a book , and was awake for 14 days. Second time he understood Computers and was typing 120 words a min. I wish he was still here to hear this.)
    On this NDE Leigh, I believe that with this reposting you have and are waking people up. These events she saw or experienced were and are warnings of things to come. Some have already IE 9/11 & such as the riots and burning in the cities. 
    Japan was hit by a Tsunami as were the Indonesian islands. I would be prepared for the next one possibly on the east coast and Europe's western coast.( As of Late I have been apprehensive and on High Alert Something is about to happen, I get the sense of urgency! Just my GUT Feeling. Stay Safe Pray and again thank You Leigh!

  3. I love this NDE. It's described in such detailed sensory words that I can almost see, hear, and feel what heaven is like, and visualise what God and Jesus look like. So many profound things mentioned too – I can't list them all. Thanks for reposting.

  4. When you specify things like blond hair and blue eyes, you instantly reveal yourself as not being truthful. EVERYONE I JUST HAD A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE YESTERDAY. Do not be scared of “death” it is an illusion. We are all pure love and when we die we know this. There is no pain. God is not a man or a woman. God is awareness. Do not be scared of death. We never leave. I love you all

  5. Theres so much we don't know or understand. Your story is extraordinary. I do not practice any type of religion. You don't need to. We continually search for God. Why is that? I sound like Andy Rooney! What are looking for? God is and is in everything and anything we are part of. We are all a part of God whether we like it or not! Not impressed enough? How about our universe? Its endless with trillions of stars and planets. Look at yourself. We are an incredible creation. We are so accustomed to veing who and what. we are that we take everything for granted!

  6. I have heard this story before but and they talked about Jesus Christ and the Bible, now in this story it’s the koran..
    I don’t understand.. there are so many NDE’s some of them landed in hell,’others said there is no hell.. for many people it’s hard to understand…

  7. What an experience. I live near the Mississippi River and have heard about a prophesy about splitting the US in half along the Mississippi River through an earthquake on a New Madrid fault. If the MS River widens it will completely make the east cut off from the west by road.

  8. God is not in all of us. That is not scriptural. God created us but does not inhabit all of us. Only those that have been born again does God inhabit. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and have become the children of God only after we have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. There is also no scripture that says there are woman angels. This testimony is suspect to me because some things being said don't line up with scripture. So, listening to all of this she finally reveals where this is coming from. It's a New Age false experience. She claims she had a spontaneous Kundalini experience another words she became demon possessed. All her premonitions came from a spirit of divination. She has been deceived by demons presenting themselves as angels of light.

  9. Simply amazing! We all should realize that God is in everyone and everything. Not long ago I experienced a feeling that only lasted a second or two that made me aware of my place in the connectedness of all things. I was walking my dog and it hit me and I stopped and looked around me. Nothing unusual was there but it seemed that I could see the interwoven connections and how I fit into it. I looked down at my best friend, my dog, and said " Cool". I now know my place and it is good!


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