Shamrock Texas Football '21. Against All Odds – Episode 10. "Game of Inches”

The fighting Irish’s find themselves in unfamiliar territory, as they duke it out in a 3 way race with Wellington and Clarendon for the title of district champs.

Shamrock’s season comes to a close as they face the Clarendon Broncos at home for Senior night – 11/05/21.
The game is nail biter from kick-off. Both teams going back and forth until the final seconds of the game.


7 thoughts on “Shamrock Texas Football '21. Against All Odds – Episode 10. "Game of Inches””

  1. As an Elk City Football player, dang I couldn’t be more like I don’t know the word for it but your team is hard working, non fearing, football players. And number 17, Jeremiah Luna coming home telling me how much he loves his teammates and the football team.


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