Bigfoot tracks, missing person clothing, and bones.

Bigfoot, finding missing person clothes, crazy bones and more.


45 thoughts on “Bigfoot tracks, missing person clothing, and bones.”

  1. Bro, I find those hearts all of the time. I found one made of sticks adorned with small shells on the beach, and a mile or two to the south along the river, I found one made of stones. They are both on video from last year. I think both pictures are in the thumbnails of the videos. Really cool. Keep documenting. Don’t forget to stop and take pictures. It matters bro. Keep up the great work my friend. I’m just getting started on this video.

  2. I also want to mention that numerous times I have found their creations adorned with flower petals. Rose petals and also lily petals. Things that they picked from a human garden for sure.

  3. I’m not saying what Sasquatch would or would not eat, but gorillas are big and muscular and we know what they eat. They eat mostly plant matter. Some get a little protein from ants and termites.

  4. Curious about the arrowheads. Is this like fairly recent arrows or back to the pre colonial days? If so, I figure they would be buried in dust. Truly curious and not trying to be a smart ass. Maybe in the desert, things don’t change much?

  5. Should see the runoff in the Wasatch range and Unitas are just barley started to melt , Heavy snow full of water , It’s a good thing . Sasquatch’s aren’t all tall Brett ! All sizes , Up as I’ve told you at the cabin we built I saw so much , I plan to check out that area myself , Yea , I will be armed , Never boring to me, Love getting out all day , Good 👍 for ya in so many ways , Your the first guy I have known though on the internet that likes to look for arrowheads and old pioneer days stuff, INTERESTING TRUE STORY, Down past Reno to Folsom about a dozen miles on the south side of hwy 50 Escalating a cobble stone rocky area that midlanders on and in the company working the land found some suspicious cloth and it they dug up to find a wagon with Gold Bars ! Broken axle and buried a hour and a half from San Francisco , No one is an expert on Sasquatch , It baffles me how many think they do, At our cabin sitting in a Hammock on one of the decks I hear the wind coming especially in late summer as it approached and it’s so relaxing ! The smells and stellar Jays , Be a great pine nut year ! That scream you heard up fishing , Wasn’t it going to a Beaver Dam for some nice Brook trout up in the Unitas ?? Let me know Brett , I heard about your experience , Went through a superstorm when I was texting at times to your site and getting back to myself , It was mutual , Hope all’s well , Take Care and get those Pinyon nuts ! I didn’t know every three years and in sept – Oct , Good to know, Trail cams ! That one was what you say it was , How did anyone question that? Once you have seen as I without any doubt have you are trying to find out more !! Kevin

  6. Brett , WHERE’S YOUR DOG 🐕??? Hope the coyotes didn’t get him, That other chicken 🐓? Then the trap one ? In regards to your crunching while walking , If you do what you do it’s music to the ears ! NOT BORING !!! It’s suspenseful , You see and we do at that moment ago-Pro’n it ! Yea, Brett you were mentioning their duet, They eat elk and any meat , They have been documented by Native Americans up to twelve feet the Alpha males, John Lowinski ( spell?) in Wyoming working up researching mountain sheep had found a perfect ambush area adjacent to a meadow ,He is with the Department of Wildlife in Wyoming , The ambush spot was a boneyard moved around from coyotes and others that go after bone marrow, He studied the antlered skulls and vertebrae and their heads were like twisted and it was extremely different, He had seen these creatures and was awakened and sat by his fire 🔥 with his .357 in his lap as lil pine cones were tossed at him , The breaks in the neck included a horse in a back area stable that the breaks were attributed to extreme strength to twist and snap at the neck , Yea today May , 23rd we have cloudy weather right ? And a lot of moisture in the water , Not up there since Oct ? Snowmobiles ? And a few other ways, It’s about three to four back in there if it’s the area I suspect, Take Care , Glad your back ! HIT THE LIKE BUTTON ! It’s important.

  7. Brett , Sorry I am texting again, You know where you heard something and you said you hadn’t been in that area ok, The path that you naturally gravitated towards ok , There’s a pattern of downed trees , That’s indicative of so many areas and no hunting zone gives it credence , That’s a way of saying stay out , An X should of been in the mix , Just think about it, I know what I am saying , Not a coincidence , I am still in the video , Yea if you got stuck you I am sure gave matches and there’s so much dry wood it would be a long night , But the fires warmth and I am sure you’d make it hearty to deter the indigenous dangerous wildlife and the creatures/ Beings , Had to tell you what I was seeing , If no one like the noise they can watch Finding Bigfoot reruns , Love that area , It’s so unique .

  8. There was a bed roll with that stuff , He was inside your property and stayed inside somewhere doing the winter ! We have a remote cabin and it does happen , Check your lil three cabins or maybe four and the other you found a pack remember , People no that there’s cabins that aren’t stayed in , There definitely was , And when they felt it’s time to leave they got outa Dodge, We had guy we hired who went in with a snow mobile to check a half dozen as it got a lot of snow and he was the closest to do so for a few the group created association that addressed misc issues , Though were not that close , There is people aware Brett ! And check it out good in any area you suspect, Fortunately it didn’t look like a group with theft on their mind , Halloween 2003 was a nasty winter there from that day on !

  9. Great video Brett, glad it was a long one. Looks like the snow was pretty deep up there. You always find interesting things when you are out exploring.

  10. More than one type of these creatures, if your friend came up missing he had an encounter with the bad kind, the other XANUE are light beings.They been coming here since the days of the dinosaurs, their planet is now officially dead,it no longer supports life. During the day they sleep inside trees in an orb form the size of your fist white in color, they are all shapeshifters, they draw magnetic energy from the trees and sunlight,they will eat small rodents squirrels rats mice,they only kill mammal's for food for their pets cougars bob cats, panthers, mountain lions ,the very last of their kind came through the portal last week 38,000 orbs, 3 died they were old and weak but lived long enough to see this world, they live 250 avg,some 300 years . XANUE will never beat on a tree,if you hear that popping noise it's not them . They tell us the others are fallen angels? they saw us arrive. I am still learning about the xanue,i have a clan living on my farm for centuries , never showed us any aggression claim they don't know their actual origins, their DNA says they are 1/4 human female and 1/2 brown bear 1/4 still unknown, that's from drawn blood, 50 years of interacting , 32 of them at last count, we know for sure they were created and not a natural selection, by very advanced race of beings, my wife and i are both christians, you can imagine what is going through our minds.

  11. When I go camping I do it like a homeless person …
    Not really .
    When I go dispersed camping I'm often treated like I'm homeless .
    And thats a nice version .
    Even if im 20 miles from home .

    Ive had strange experiences in the forest trying to not freak out and leave in the night . Once I drove off after seeing something out of my side mirror and far down the road i remembered I left all my stuff . I went back and pretended I saw nothing . I still have troubles out alone , I did get a dog and find I get more sleep now camping or at home ..
    In Washington I heard something scream or it was a horse moose elk getting hit by a semì on a the nearby highway all at the samètime .
    The next day i found a camping spot i liked until my dog was often distracted by something in the treee line so I packed up everything .
    My dog is to brave even atbbarely a year he wanted to find a bear he could smell he just didnt know it was up a bank above him . I seen it standing looking over the bushes looking for dinner we had just finished with .
    I blame a bear for my camping issues and i never saw it but my ten year and 13 year old daughters did my youngest daugter scream and a bear that i can not find a audio of a black bear that roared like a grizzly bear . But I wouldnt know. I dont know why it was even there . I was told black bears werè the only bears out there .
    All I know was i running up hill with a twig in my hand and no plan other than fight it if i had to . Thank god my daughters were safe in my jeep but no clue where the bear was ..peace utah looks like a fun place to go on a adventure.

  12. Great to hear from you Brett. Your cabin in in a magical area . I agree with you that they travel with the Elk heard and many Elk hunter's have had sightings . Thanks for taking us along.

  13. Hey Brett, 😁
    No matter what you say in your videos. I enjoy listening to your thoughts as you let us tag along for the journey on your mountain side. The arrow heads, bones ,BF, sounds and prints etc are a joy to watch . Anyway your time is appreciated.. Thank you for another wonderful video. 🙋‍♀️🕊️.. the crunch of you walking is the inexpensive sound effects I enjoy😂

  14. Wild bovine can be massive and only eat plant material , something to think about, this thing is different and it’s possible that it can thrive on a diet similar to a woodland bison or a perhaps a bear.

  15. Hey Bret! Was so happy to see you up and around I burned the crap out of my waffle! Lol! Thanks for the the walk about, things I can no longer do. I relate to your style… pay attention, but don't interfere. I'd bet you are being flanked for protection as you don't/didn't hunt where you hike.
    With the run off, if you have access to any with a grade, and could rig a metal grate, astroturf and camo… ya may score a nugget or two!
    So happy you're back! Can hardly wait till the nutters flip out when you can't float above the pinecones this year! Lol! B

  16. Bonjour 👋🏽 çà doit être très intéressant l’ont visionne T. simplement cette histoire dé BIGFOOT= GROS PIES = PIE-GRANDES. dommage que ces pas traduit dans d’autres langues 😔 désolé. en plus dé sela le , Mr. Parler beaucoup Trop. Habla mucho el Sr. ? 🤷🏾‍♀️. Bon courage 👍🏼💚🍀. M.gracias. 🙋🏾‍♀️ F. 🇨🇵.

  17. hi its me again question we know they are smart we know they must eat meat we know they know about fire i wonder if they cookthe meat or preserve it some how just saying


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