The New Overwatch 2 Mercy Superjump is DISGUSTING

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44 thoughts on “The New Overwatch 2 Mercy Superjump is DISGUSTING”

  1. I’m a support main on console and I’m frustrated with all these constant changes to the supports in general; not only does it feel like the developers don’t know what to do with the supports to make them more fun to play, but all these changes feel like they’re strictly focusing on pc gameplay and not thinking about the console community as well…

  2. Im a console player and i def think this is better than the last rework they did for her. Being able to jump in any direction is nice. thats it. i couldnt imagine trying to do this on a controller without changing the jump button (i changed it to left joystick press) but even then you just give yourself hand cramps trying to play this character on console.
    It would be way more intuitive if the jump just went in the direction your holding the left joystick/WASD keys and then going straight up if you arent inputting a direction. tbh as a casual this character is way more approachable now without having to learn difficult inputs, but def not rewarding as other supports.

  3. these GA and SJ changes are starting irk me lets fix something that gave people something to master as a mercy and made gameplay fun, and lets ignore the Valk breaking connection and rez issues for mercy but hay at least SJ is easier now RIGHT RIGHT!!!!!!

  4. Some of this comments are just a bag full of toxicity my god.I understand the complains, i really do, but u guys are seriously saying that now the game is shit because of this change, what about the whole fucking rest of the game? Im a roadhog main and if they fucked up hog, I would definely be sad but then gravitate to junker queen and orisa. In other words, everybody just chill because its just a fuckin ability on a videogame character

  5. I'm main Mercy and my second is Moira.If they decide to let things like this I'll quit being a support.I really can't play the other healers in this game they don't fit me I try to accommodate playing each of them but I fell mehh. I hope fox girl hero save this mess, because I don't want to buy ow2 just to play only my main tanks Orissa,Ball,DVa,and DPS Phara. In ow1 I'm primarily healer then tank then DPS.But if they butcher my heroes in 2 I'll return ow1.

  6. Honestly, it’s so bad on console, I have to start looking to where I wanna go from the moment I click on the GA button. It’s not only not fun, it also takes your attention away from the fight and even puts you in dangerous situations sometimes.

    There’s soooooo much to work on with mercy and they’re hell bent on making changes to GA and super jump which was never that difficult to learn in the first place and was also working perfectly.

  7. Gave me motion sickness from just looking at the videos. yeaaah wont be playing mercy as long as this is "live" xD. i really hope they can make super jump betttttter in practice or just revert it to the "bug" version. oof. feels like change for the sake of change and not improvements. I have thought about many times that GA could work like a dash to wherever u want. not dependent on other teammates and also work like that at the same time, for ress etc. This version though is too hectic and nauseating :/

  8. To be honest I tried her for three games today and I was frustrated i’m on ps4 and I didn’t feel good playing her and she’s my main The problem with me was I was trying to perform the normal super jump I’m covering myself forward to the enemy team by accident or trying to do an extended GA and you are again messing up my movement

  9. I preferred when you could cancel it with crouch and it would boost you up. I feel like that made it more controllable and reliable. I'm not sure though since I am only a silver support. But this is honestly just had

  10. Honestly, put the super jump tech info in the ability F1 description and put an indicator in game for when the super jump will work. Boom. Tech is still in game as is in OW1 and new players have the info and intuitive hud display to do it more easily out of the box.

    GG, easy clap.

  11. Used it briefly on my ps4, it was iffy without a doubt, it was hard to quickly snap my cam up to super jump, wile clicking jump(and holding it to use decent), wile also holding down healing, wile also keeping track of what was happening around me.

  12. These control changes straight up lock super jumping out for console players like sure this works on mouse but it feels so God awful with a controller.

    Not to mention it is so janky and clunky to do.

  13. I play on console and I do believe SJ needed to be looked at to actually ensure that this “bug” could be reliably accessed across all platforms, BUT it feels like the OW2 devs are almost being too “smart” in their recent design choices.

    Why not simply make SJ a double tap for jump that can be accessed if you GA to a teammate AND a stand-alone move that can be accessed without a teammate to give Mercy some level of independence? Not to mention, as you pointed out, there are other things that the Mercy main community have already identified as potential areas of improvement – her survivability, her healing output, being a more well rounded hero overall in terms of impactful actions/abilities beyond movement.

    Also with the Moira change – why immediately jump to switching out Damage Orb with a brand new ability and messing with the rest of her kit, instead of just moving Damage Orb to its own slot first and see how the community responds to that?

    Innovation for innovation’s sake isn’t always the smart move.

  14. You’re completely right. I’ve stopped playing OW for a while now (waiting for OW2), but these changes are not very hopeful. It’s annoying that there not on the same level as the community playing their game…

  15. I wish they would've just worked out the crouch jump (beta 1) version of superjump instead of trying to rework the design over and over. Or at least stuck to one version, listened to community feedback and developed on it instead of giving us a new version every beta so nothing is actually improved. Each version of GA could be good if the devs collected feedback and made changes instead of scrapping it. As a PC player I like this version I just wish it had a bit more umph to it instead of feeling like a bad slingshot.

    I REALLY wish they would look at other parts of her kit, especially things like Rez that don't fit in OW2 but the devs seem too scared to remove anything they deem 'necessary for the characters story' even if it doesn't fit the game. Which is why they end up nerfed and bad. Replace it with a different, more interactive ability like a cleanse.

  16. Personally I do play mercy on console at a REALLY high sensitivity (around 100 horizontal and around 50 to 60 vertical I don't remember 💀) so I dont really have the problem of what people who play mercy on a slow setting have but even then,having to look up or down just for more height is not great like at all and being able to backwards ga is amazing and I do luv it but honestly I barely use it at all because a lot people play zen or ana and there usually already in our back line so I would just fly to them and doing a sharp slingshot is to me personally really great because you can juke people who are targeting you way better then before but with the meter it's kinda of sluggish but over all I do like what they're trying to do to ga (backwards ga, sharp slingshot) but not with super jump.

  17. Honestly when I got on the beta last night I was rly excited to see that the change was gonna be like but I ended up feeling more disappointed then when we got the shitty automatic jump. Just keep it how it is in ow 1 please I am begging blizzard qnq

  18. As a Mercy main, I'm mad too. The super jump was already quite accessible in the first place, dare I say. It wasn't that hard to master if you put the time into it and it's clear at this point that Blizzard is just doing what they want and overcomplicating things in the process instead of listening to actual Mercy players.


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