SERENITY answered some questions but RAISED MORE * first time watching

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21 thoughts on “SERENITY answered some questions but RAISED MORE * first time watching”

  1. How u gonna watch this movie and miss half of it. Now she did not grow up on Miranda. while she was being tested on members of parliament came and saw her. Those members of parliament knew how the reavers were made. River being a psychic saw what happened but could not express to anyone what she saw. Thats what the agent said it the very beginning of the movie.

  2. There's a scene (more than one) in the script that for some reason or another didn't make the film and would've improved it. Early in the Mal retrieves Inara part of the story, she asks him a question and he responds "I don't know." She argues with him saying something like "I don't know is not an answer!". This adds context to their final scene, she says "I don't know.", he responds, "Good answer".

  3. River isn't from Miranda, she was in the room with a high-ranking alliance official who knew about the tragedy that happened there (which was that the government accidentally calmed people to death with a chemical agent, which had the opposite effect on a small percentage of the people, making them insanely, inhumanly aggressive and violent, making them into reavers).

  4. I think they couldn't wrap up everything because they had to leave enough space for folks to demand a sequel. Serenity was successful, but not the smash hit with the general public that would have guaranteed finance for that sequel.

  5. I think the people in charge of the Alliance's Black Ops (Blue Sun=Blue Ops?) and worst secret missions were the ones who set up and ran the "Academy" that River was sent to. And they would come check on the progress of their human weapons in training. River was one of the "most promising", so they came to observe her….and she read them and learned their nastiest secret – that they had killed a whole planet by trying to engineer them into peace and created a race of monsters that even they were afraid of. In fact, given what little we saw of the experiments, I wonder if they came while she was "sleeping" and all the memories arrived in her brain like horrible lived dreams, and she never knew exactly where they came from or whose they were. And River, with her inability to turn off her feelings, suddenly got all the horror and all the guilt washing through her brain and had no way to compartmentalize or distance herself from it. She may know other things as well but that's the one that broke her.

    Knowledge like that could topple regimes, so that's why they had to silence everyone who she might tell – that's why the Hands of Blue killed everyone who had talked to her on Ariel, in case she said anything to them, and when all other attempts failed they sent one of their success stories after her; a clever Operative who took the scorched earth approach up another notch. Everyone who knew her, everyone who had sheltered her had to die. And no, I'm not saying the Operative was necessarily a psychic, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was trained at another special academy, and brainwashed into believing that his evil was producing a perfect world for other people.

    We had Shepherd, who has apparently seen many battles before finding faith, coming out to walk the world and bring the word, and he finds Mal, the man who lost his faith on the battlefield. Mal, despite all his outward resistance is affected by Book's counsel, and in finding some belief again in turn ends up breaking the faith of the Alliance's disciple, who may – who knows? one day find a better faith and ….maybe even become another Shepherd. It's an interesting chain of events.

  6. They didn't put Mr. Universe with his sexbot, he crawled to it in order to record the message for Mal. That's why there was a blood trail on the floor, he used his dying moments to leave a message to help his friend.

    Back when this movie came out, there was a forum on the net where someone connected with the movie (I forget if it was Joss himself or not) would post. When the box office results didn't pan out and prospects for a sequel were looking grim, I suggested crowdfunding it, although I'm not sure the term had even been invented back then. I suggested that they simply have fans send them money to get the sequel(s) made. I was told that it wouldn't work, because then everyone who sent money would technically be a backer and have rights to the film, or something like that. They said it could only work if they made some kind of product to sell, and then the profits wouldn't be high enough to raise the money needed for a movie. Fast forward to today and crowdfunding is common with sites like Kickstarter and GoFundMe. πŸ™


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