Sen. Whitehouse and Lawrence Bash Justice Thomas's Billionaire-Funded Lifestyle

August 10 | Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) joins MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell discuss ProPublica’s latest bombshell report further exposing the breadth of undisclosed billionaire-funded gifts to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Whitehouse has long been the Senate’s leading voice for improving transparency and accountability at the Supreme Court. Last month, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed Whitehouse’s Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act, legislation that would help restore the American public’s sinking trust in the Supreme Court by fortifying regulations regarding judicial conflicts of interest and recusal. The bill was endorsed by The New York Times editorial board.


39 thoughts on “Sen. Whitehouse and Lawrence Bash Justice Thomas's Billionaire-Funded Lifestyle”

  1. it's obvious that Clarence Thomas is on the Court for money and money alone instead of the U.S.A. It's so refreshing to keep in mind that there are still very good people in the world, such as Warren Buffett, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Malcolm Nance, etc., etc.

  2. well…. I want Clarence off SCOTUS but this quote is really taken out of context. We don't do ourselves a favor when we misrepresent the whole truth. He did go on to say that you become a Supreme Court Justice for other reasons… AND I'm over all of the "disclosures " regarding this piece of shit justice because we are stuck with what we have. Elections do have consequences!!

  3. Well Sen Whitehorse it seems thatthe only thing we are getting out off this is that you were right. There is no sense of bringing all this out if there are no consequences. We can all just say yeah the Senator was right!! I think the problem is that you have no authority to do anything about it. Biden does not seem to have no interest in it, neither does the Congress. It appears to me that you are all taking bribes from these Billionaires. All branches òf Government. The whole system is corrupt. Who are you to hold the justices accountable when you allowed Kushner and Ivanka and Obama and Clinton and Bush, and Mitch McConnell and his wife do all they did when they held Office. Not to mention when Bush and Dick Cheney did all kind of illegal shit when they were in Office. So disingenuous to be going at the Supreme Court when you fail to deal with all these other issues. This so call Democratic experiment has failed. It's all corruption. Trump has showed how really corrupt the system is, even to the point that he can threaten witnesses and the whole judicial system and remain on the Streets. My Constitutional rights were denied me for both bail saying I was a flight risk. I did not even have a passport. Also my rights to a speedy trial were denied because the Officer in the case was out on a hunting trip. This was in the filing of the US Assitant Attorney. The Judge denied my right to a speedy trial it was in the Third Circuit. Now this guy because of his so call Status gets to run around threatening people. Yeah Justice is blind. If Justice is so blind why does she just target the African American community? If Justice is blind why is Trump not sitting some where in a Prison waiting for trial like another number of people who are sitting in prison right now with no bail? What was Trumps bail? Or is he out on his own recognizance. I was not even given a bail, if Justice is blind why was I not given a bail. What Justice needs to do is take that dam blindfold of her face, and be accountable for all her racism, and hatred for the black community here in America. Trump along with the people who did a insurrection have proven that Justice in this Country is racist. These white people all need to be held accountable for the murder and the assault of all the Officers that were injured. It was a Conspiracy. I spent 15 years in prison for fictitious drugs. The government of the USA convicted me of imaginary drugs they never found a drug on me. They used the testimony of other people who were saying I sold them drugs. But these people we have on tape as part of the whole process. Some got probation??? Really bro. Racism how many black people would be on probation for such an incident?? Anyone want to take at shot at answering that question. So for white people who do not know what White Privilege is, this would be a good frame of reference. This Justice lady with the blindfold is some shit!

  4. A real judge would realizes he has lost all credibility and just resign. Of course the Republican Party would go crazy because Biden would get to install a new one. There is stuff on the other judges. Anyone know if it's just the conservatives?

  5. Weiss sat on massive evidence and did nothing for years. They should assign another person as judge. We've been lied to by Joe Biden, Merrit Garland and Weiss. Ongoing investigations lasting forever for the Bidens are just a way of shileding the Bidens. There is no question Joe Biden committ massive ethics violations lying to the public, not explaining how nine members of the Biden family had money laundered to them through comlicated LLCs, being involved with dozns of inappropriate bisness meetings he should not hav been at in any form.

  6. Referencing the SCOTUS decision to side with PERDUE PHARMA, I’m wondering if there is a possible connection to Thomas. Though at this point all decisions by SCOTUS are suspect due to public lack of faith in the legitimacy of this court. In spite of evidence that there have been ongoing allegations of misconduct, even corruption within the SCOTUS, it remains,and has been glossed over and covered up. It is time to fix it.

  7. Ginni and Clarence: two greedy gluttonous creatures with no purpose in life. Their obscene lust for riches is insatiable. Hope there is room in their graves for all their loot..

  8. Clarence T was so traumatized by his childhood poverty and his pride hurt through affirmative action that he saw dollars as the only goal to reach in life, no matter the moral and ethical cost. Not only did he turn against his own race, he turned against poverty, not in the sense of trying to elevate the poor but in the sense of elevating the rich. This man sold and is selling every molecule of his body and every part of his soul.

  9. Why should we be shoked
    That why he sticking 2 fingers to people if American
    He is totally accepts bankhanders ,and his VOTE HAS A PRICE TAG


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