Season End Recap | New Season Preparation | Sample Team Comps | Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds

1 down, 2 to go.

If you made it til the end, you know what to do.
C R O W#9872


26 thoughts on “Season End Recap | New Season Preparation | Sample Team Comps | Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds”

  1. Hi can u help my team? my strongest is myte awaken 8 +300 and a i have to, stghorn awk0 +300, toko awk10 +100, oroborus awk3 +50 and chimpalor awk6 +90. But my comp sucks i need a comp that synergize with the myte, I have now 300 jelly to puty on a new pet but i do not now who I will put and who i change for that new. I have to choose, hipo awk.0, Tauros awk.3, bird awk.1, suryu awk.5, goblin awk,4 and tarakona awk.1

  2. this why i love your vids, u telling every one from your own experience, and you proff it 🙂 by any chance you can open like series helping subs familiar arena with your recommendation 😀 i would be happy if i can send you some my replay or lineup 😀 because at @20:00 i using exactly same line up, i dont know how you know, but yeah thats my main lineup. currently stable at top 30 every weeks with 80% others at 300-350k cp and my self with 280k+ cp stay there everyweek. great vids!!

  3. sir can you help me with my defense line up I have , A1 molten +300 ,A3 siuryu + 250, A4 mite +300 , A10 toko+300, A2 bryde +0, A7 boar +0, A5 splisher +0, A1 ebon +300 which do i use and where to place each of them thankyou verymuch


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