Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 31: Ask the Inspector

Scott Ritter answers questions from the audience with host Jeff Norman most Friday nights at 5 PM PT/5 8 PM ET/midnight GMT and most Tuesdays at noon PT/3PM ET/7PM GMT. Submit your question in advance:


25 thoughts on “Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 31: Ask the Inspector”

  1. Hey channel owner. Stop being an idiot.
    DR7 says 'Israelis sending mercenaires and weapons to yukraine'.
    If anything the Israelis have been bending over backwards to stay out of this, the US has been pressuring Israel to get more involved.
    Clearly whoever that DR7 idiot is has no clue, and this channel owner idiot is only too happy to keep the lies going.


  2. Has Scott Ritter been allowed back on Twitter? He suddenly showed up in my follows…which is weird because he disappeared from them when his account was terminated earlier in the year. All his posts were in October, so no new posts. Does he know?

  3. that was always very high percentage of Jews in Soviet security and higher echelons of power. That is why they are whining and complaining now about how badly they were treated and discriminated in USSR 🙂

  4. Wow. Mr Scott Ritter USMC(ret) sure does show up in some interesting crevices. And this looks like an interesting one so SUBBED. Kudos for the translations as well.

    I can't help but feeling that Russians just aren't my enemy. Best "rationale" I have is we are funding not-Z's now….

    ✌🏼 &🌈

  5. Scott, You said an economist told you that America was trying to destroy the economy of the E.U. I agree, but I think it goes much further than that. So, with the lock downs and only "essential" businesses being the only places allowed to open, that hurt a lot of people, causing massive homelessness because people could not pay rent, also those who could not pay mortgage or make the payments for bank loans for business expenses. Think of all the Countries America has invaded in the past 25-30 years, can you name one that is now better off? We go in and destroy everything. If Muammar wasn't taken out, can you imagine the wealth they would have? Germany, as well. Hitler was bringing Germany up. He was "Man of the year in Time magazine. With all that said, I don't think it is "America" doing all this damage because we have to be above everyone else. No, I think America "The Government" is compromised, people follow the orders given to them or….Bye Bye! My son just joined The U.S. Marines. side note.. You know they give two awards after boot camp. One for fitness and one for shooting. Well, out of over 400 men, my boy got the "High Shooter Award" I'm proud. Thanks for your service Scott. For real, Thank you.

  6. The West ( EU, US, NATO ) wants this war to go on and hopefully defeat Russia for the main purpose to take the whole Russian Nation and its wealthy natural resources and huge land mass. From the Greeks to the Romans to Napoleon and to Hitler, all wanted the huge land mass and wealth of Russia. The same is true today ! This is a typical history of Europe. Each nation wants to be bigger and richer than the other and the national borders have moved so many times. Some smaller nationalities have been totally wiped out ! And Russia is well aware of that. So Russia is prepared to use all its nuclear stockpile of 6,000+ to defend its territory. And most people can empathized why they are protecting their Russian people living in parts of Ukraine to prevent them from being totally annihilated !

    The economic problems in the World and esp. in Africa where there is lack of food & hunger was caused by the sanction imposed by the West. Which in turn affected those European countries ( EU ) that weaponized it. This time the economic sanctioning turned around and bite the ( EU ) countries that imposed it and secondarily the 3rd world nations. GOD is just, and He sometime uses another nation ( like Cyrus the Great of Persia ) to carry out the punishment on another arrogant, corrupt & immoral nation that He ordain !


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