Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 17: Ask the Inspector

Scott Ritter answers questions from the audience with host Jeff Norman every Friday night at 5 PM PT/5 8 PM ET/midnight GMT. Submit your question in advance:

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 Waiting Room
0:38 Title Page and News Compilation
1:10 Beginning Discussions
3:40 Why Did The Progressive Dems Withdraw Their Letter?
7:18 Russia, China, US, and the UN 2030 Agenda?
8:40 Why no William Ritter IV?
12:58 Poisoning of Skripals?
17:15 Ukraine Nuclear Plant Safe?
20:15 Twitter and Free Speech Discussion
40:00 WEF’s planned NWO diversionary NATO war in Ukraine?
42:25 How was Scott’s speech at Farmers and Chefs Club?
47:25 Could NATO Send More Advanced Equipment?
52:46 Reasonable Estimates for Casualties?
59:25 Why Polish and Romanian Mercenaries?
1:01:18 Has Europe Figured Out Energy Situation?
1:06:10 China Taking Taiwan?
1:17:06 Limitation of Assistance By the West to Ukraine?
1:21:50 Is the US Working To Destroy EU Social Welfare States?
1:23:46 Nuclear Weapons Hoax?
1:28:55 Chance EU Will Crush Dissent Revolutionary Times?
1:30:35 False Flag and Propaganda?
1:32:55 “Russian Agents” Misinformation, and Free Speech?
1:42:00 Will the German Public Wake Up on NS2?
1:48:20 Will US Midterms Change Ukraine Conflict?
1:52:57 Effect of Iran Drones?
1:57:40 What is a NAZI?
2:03:35 Russia Retaliate With Nuke if Dirty Bomb?
2:04:35 How Can America Take Back Democracy?
2:07:55 Coalition of Willing Taking on Russia?
2:11:30 Thoughts on Trump not Pardoning Snowden or Assange?
2:17:35 Is Congress Activating War Powers Act Unrealistic to Stop Russia?


39 thoughts on “Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 17: Ask the Inspector”

  1. No doubt Trump didn't know he was approving gain of function research that Obummer paused. I live near Asilomar where 1975 Recomb. DNA conference was held. Attended by Fauci. Conference was cited in the pause science statement. I'm answering the comment I can't find now. I pay attention. Fauci gave a speech for his overlords ( Leon Pannetta Foundation) here during the Plandemic. Yes I was aware of what went down Fauci &
    Trump at the time the pause was lifted. I went on the
    U.S. govt. mandated bus tour near my house. I saw the top secret site tour docent could only point at ,not say anything more about. Everybody knows about the spy school down by the beach. Only the few know about secret site in the beautiful hills where I live.
    I knew about the cures for C19 by 4/20. What does that commenter know about anything.
    Alex Chilton ( Big Star) Halloween Tonight show :

  2. Dear Mr. Ritter. I hope people are listening to you. Unfortunately, we have a lot of brainwashed or even brain dead people around the world who believe in "Hollywood", Top Gun i.e. The invincible US military. Since decades they believe in it. They were conducted that way. The US coulden't defeat even Afghanistan. So what would happen in just a conventionel war between the US and Russia or between the US and China??!! NATO, means the US, would lose disastrousley. A nuclear war??!!! Nobody will survive. But I have to listen to brain dead people like Shumer, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruis, de Santos , pres. Biden and all these mentally ill figures who want to make their people believe, the US could – not just survive – but win a nuclear war. It's tragic. These so-called elites should be behind bars are in a psyhiatric facility.

  3. Re Taiwan. China doesn't have to shoot down plains. It's enough to destroy the airfields in Taiwan. That's almost enough. Or, in case of a direct confrontation, they will block or destroy the ports, they take out all military bases (Guam, Japan, South Korea, Phillipines, etc.) and sink the aircraft carriers around China. Game over for America and its allies.

  4. Military in the streets. They forget to tell the following: They put military in the streets just for ONE reason!!! That they, the so-called elites, stay in power. That's the only reason, not because of the people's security, but for their own. But it will not help them.

  5. Drs. Tyson & Fareed of Imperial Valley CA Urgent Care had the C19 early out patient treatment at start. Trump was useless. Read Overcoming the Covid Darkness by
    Tyson & Fareed. Cheap & safe for their high risk mostly Mexican Am. population, old , fat & advanced seniors.
    The narrative is off. Size or age make no difference.
    People are fooled just like the war BS. Check out
    Lou Gossett Jr. 84. Oscar & emmy winner. Raisin in the
    Sun on Broadway. Wrote Handsome Johnny for Richie Havens. No coverage of his life saving treatment in
    ATL. We get pro jab lectures from Mick Jagger & Bruce
    Springsteen. Scott has suspect taste in music.

  6. oh cool it. People should know what Nazis are in reality. National Socialist DEMOCRATIC Worker's party in WWII time Germany. Just run of the mill socialists with a racist bent. But, you don't have to be "socialist" to be a Nationalist. There are also right wing Nationalists in Ukraine, but the point here is Racism and Ethnic superiority ideology. These people oppress all national minorities in Ukraine, which includes Romanians, Poles, Hungarians and Russians, which are the most numerous. These days, if a Ukrainian teacher conducts lessons in Russian or teaches Russian (which is spoken by a majority of Ukrainians as Native), they can get killed or 15 years in jail.

  7. Reading the news ukraine officiels declare there wining putin not make end of the year….

    Do you People remember 1st golf war Iraq,minister off information with his dealy briefing???
    There were not tanks in Bagdad while on the background you saw yankee occupiers hahaha flashback with ukraine and how the brings the news,there are done and over kill Amerika next basterds,the killed europe big time.

  8. I think at this point there's such a high amount of people donating to get some sort of answer to their questions that you might as well get the questions exclusively from superchats and still be able to fill the entire show with questions. I don't think anyone would get upset about that

  9. I enjoy when things heat up like this and there's no personal animosity. Things should be able to reach a rolling boil on social media without censorship. Once you are censoring people, you're creating animosity. And the tiny little club that's been censoring everything on and off the web for decades is going to answer for what they did.

  10. Nah Scott.
    Twitter is a private company. It is a publisher. And just like any business, it has a right to not let enter its media space ANYONE it doesn’t want to. It is not a public place like a park where you have inalienable right to free speech. It has its own Terms and Conditions", its own corporate "rules of behaviour", plus it is subservient to many state and federal laws.

    Contrary to your umbrage, you DO NOT have a some right to be allowed on that platform. Although you do have a right to lambast, challenge, embarrass, intimidate Musk into honouring his own bombast about Twitter being "the ultimate uncensored space" … which we all know it can never be. So calm down andjust let the processes of new management consideration take their own time.

  11. With less than $20 worth of parts, (plus a $200 oscilloscope), anyone can verify for themselves, that the energy synthesis of the bifilar toroid technology used by the Stan Meyer water fueled car, works.

    Video title: Physicist Steven Jones shows evidence for 8x over unity: circuit and measurements

    YouTube channel name: Shameka Loeffler

    Meyer – Water as Fuel – Technical Brief

    Search terms: orion Stan Meyer Full Data pdf

    Where does the energy come from? A dipole absorbs energy from the vacuum and radiates it as observable energy. C. S. Wu, "Experimental Test of Parity Conservation in Beta Decay," Phys. Rev., Vol 105, 1957, p. 1413.

  12. "Democrats withdraw peace letter": it's called 'courage of your convictions' and no US politician has any courage or convictions that don't land them in jail. They only lust after donations, stock tips, and getting reelected. These all require corporate donations who want war to continue so that they can continue to make filthy money.

    Anna Wiener (Uncanny Valley: A Memoir): “Certain unflattering truths: I had felt unassailable behind the walls of power. Society was shifting, and I felt safer inside the empire, inside the machine. It was preferable to be on the side that did the watching than the side being watched.”

  13. "Skripal Poisoning": Novichok can be produced by any competent chemist. Mr. Ritter is correct in his reasoning: Skripal was no threat to Russian interests. Or he is a double agent reporting back to Moscow, which might explain why they have both disappeared.

    "Nuclear Power": Look at the siting for every nuclear power plant. They are all sited on shore lines of major water supplies. Look at Fukushima and you will see a huge headland behind it over 100 feet tall. It would take an end-of-the-world tsunami to damage it if the plant was built there. But it would have cost a few million to install the piping and pumps to get it to a nuclear plant set safely back from its water source. At Fukushima, they were so stupid, so greedy, that the engineers didn't isolate the plant from ground water, let alone the sea. So no nuclear engineer in the world is willing to sacrifice a few million to measurably increase plant safety.

    "Twitter & Free Speech": no one should expect any corporate creep to honour the truth or respect free speech. Mostly, these monkey's think broadcasting lies is 'free speech', when it's an attempt to kill intelligence and free speech under BS. 
    'Free Speech' is constitutionally protected. That a corporation claims its activities are 'private' has no weight with me. Corporations are subject to the Constitution. 'Executive privilege' isn't a right despite 'Originalists' ruling that its necessary for the separation of powers. It requires strict limits to comply with the Constitution.

    "Diane Sayer": She is kept out of the debate because she IS AN OPTION that corporations want closed by ignorance.

    "NAYOYO hasn't begun to fight": NAYOYO doesn't send its most advanced weapons because they are worried these weapons will be sold to the Russians. Used under battlefield conditions would reveal weapon strengths and weaknesses to the adversary. US-NAYOYO doesn't have the weapons in hand to support Ukraine and maintain their own defences. Quite apart from logistical, training, and operational concerns that complex weapons require.

  14. 'Dirty Bomb': this isn't a hoax or lie as AFU artillery continues to shell the Zaporozhye NPP and its dry and wet long term spent nuclear fuel storage. Spent fuel provides the 'dirt' in 'dirty bombs'. Ukraine only needs to drop high explosives in one of these storage cells to produce the effect of a dirty bomb. This was the basis for Russian contacts with Western counterparts. They were warning the West that shelling nuclear power plants are the equivalent to using a tactical nuke or 'dirty bomb' on Russian territory. I'm surprised that Russia hasn't issued this warning months ago. This war crime shelling enlarged the scope of this war to include any energy facility, anywhere in Europe or North America.

  15. "Coalition of the Willing attacking Russia in Ukraine": this would enlarge the conflict into WW3. Every country in NAYOYO would be a target. In Canada, this would put the Hardisty pipeline hub, Fort Mac, Quebec's James Bay hydroelectric dams, St Lawrence Seaway, Irving Refinery in Fredericton, NB (Canada's largest refinery supplying US East Coast), Sarnia refineries, ports on St John's, NL, Halifax, NS, Vancouver, BC. The US could expect to loose the Trans Alaska Pipeline, Galveston, Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, irrigation dams, Mississippi River bridges, every military base, Hawaii, Guam, Okinawa, Korea, Japan. The carnage wouldn't stop until billions were dead.

  16. I like the notion that russia can somehow influence the elections in the US) that's dumb. But more than that i like how the US calls out Russia for influencing the elections and how it is against the law, while doing the exact same fucking thing) And not only russia btw, the US is running around the world regime changing, overthrowing governments like its nobody's business))


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