262 VIDEOS ON THE MOTB$/playlist/4833004ae63f3b43f202bb6b1ecf1663c641beb0
6 hr video on the MOTB, this video will explain what the right hand or forehead means
12 minute video on the MOTB, God is in your D*N*A, Don’t Change it



  1. Having lived in Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria, I can vouch that Orthodox Christianity is idol worship. Mary is seen on a par with Jesus. They pray to her to mediate on their behalf. Also, church members often don't even own a Bible and are not actively encouraged to read it. Worshippers also pray for the dead that their souls be saved.and they also refer to their priests as father. The New Testament explicitly teaches us not to call any church leader father.

  2. Thank you Paul for speaking loud and clear. (how I wish there were more like you since my hearing is not what it once was) Be the person God made you. I too, have a loud voice and have been constantly got at for it especially by Christians, I guess since I'm a woman they figure I should also be mousy🤣I also had two of my three brothers who were very soft voiced, I couldn't understand a word they said since I got "old" Anyway, I also love the long videos and watch Pastor Wally's long videos too, If I get tired or don't have enough time to finish them in one go, I watch them in instalments, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Love to you both.

  3. Brother Paul & Sister Adrienne, I hope you are okay! I had a dream last night that Paul needed help with his cell phone bill and all subscribers donated $1 each, and there was thousands of dollars received. When I woke up I was concerned if everything was okay in real life! You know how it is with dreams 💕 Much love. @off grid desert farming with Paul & Adrienne

  4. What scripture is that which proves Christ was an Nazarite? The description John was given didn’t say such a thing whether or not he had long hair. John said he had hair in texture like wool with a skin tone of a darken brown skin man.

  5. Great work Paul 👍 , revelation 19:20 and the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, ( with which he deceived them that had received the Mark of the beast,) and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire 🔥 burning with brimstone. Peace

  6. You Obviously don’t know The Lord but the Holy Bible. Nor the Bible, stop pretending. The scriptures say he had Hair like WOOL, which is Kinky/Afro hair. Not hair like yours. He was a Dark Skin man and Apostle PAUL said it was a SHAME to have love hair❗️❗️❗️💯💯💯🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ You’re Lost. His name ain’t even Jesus he was a Hebrew Jesus is a Greek title.

    1 Corinthians 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

  7. Paul im just curious as to why you turned off the comment section on your last video of your talk with pastor Phillip Barnett? I have a comment about that video but no comments are up for it, so im leaving one HERE about it. I think i know why you didnt put them up. Your not a pre trib rapture believer are you? Because i noticed something, watching your entire 1 hour 11 minute interview. At around 57:00 minutes brother Barnett begins to talk about pre trib i had hoped he would because ive had people in your comments many times in the past attack me for commenting on my pre trib belief. So exactly 57:07 you break in and basically cut him CLEAN OFF as he begins to speak about the bible telling us without ANY doubt that the church IS raptured BEFORE the tribulation. It IS the PROMISE of God to take us OUT of His wrath just as every other believer was removed before us..(Noah and family and Lot and family) and one who has the Holy Spirit within them KNOWS THIS instinctually. New or immature Christians often are post trib/mid trib, as are most catholics. Its this simple..CHRIST JESUS took ALL of the Father's wrath FOR US who believe upon and in Him. He took 100% of it. It was FINISHED, as He said it was. If one says he is saved,yet still believes we must be "purified" by the tribulation..he has just added works based salvation into the mix. He has taken what Christ did on the cross and lessened it to where HE now has to go through tribulation to do what JESUS ALREADY DID at Calvary. Basically wiping his feet in the blood Jesus shed to take all that wrath for us so WE WOULDNT HAVE TO. The pre trib rapture is biblical FACT, not IF. At the end of the interview he talks once more about the pre trib rapture being in the Bible and you end at 1:07:22 or so, saying to him that we ARE LIVING in the pages of Revelation as we speak. Which we are NOT, but i digress, he clearly doesnt agree with you because he continues to try to tell you about pre trib and you kept going to other subjects. I myself get this a lot from mainly "prepper Christians", who SWEAR we will see ww3 and go through the tribulation so we better "prep up". Im mocked for it constantly by other "Christians". I notice you are seemingly obsessed with who the antichrist is, which is the one thing no born again believer should even waste their time thinking about because we will NOT be here to find out. If you know who he is..its because you were left behind from the rapture. We are not destined to know him unless we see him from Heaven where we will be WITH Christ as He opens the seals of Revelation. If we were in the pages of Revelation now, the world would be missing millions of babies and Children from the rapture having just taken place. The rapture is the CATALYST to begin the 70 week of Daniel. Im not trying to be critical at all, im just curious. It doesnt matter to ones salvation if you dont believe in pre trib rapture. I can disagree to disagree on that. But when you obviously cut him off at 57:07 the Holy Spirit REALLY pointed that out to me and i had to ask you why you did that. We the BRIDE and BODY of Christ, MUST be in Heaven before the first seal can be open. We are represented by the 24 elders in Revelation 4:4. We are not looking for antichrist..but for our BLESSED HOPE, the rapture of the body of Christ BEFORE the wrath. So the church should be COMFORTED in this, not told to prep up, and be in fear of nuclear war. It simply will not happen until the church has departed. God bless.

  8. Having COMPLETE FAITH in JESUS means KNOWING He will keep His promises. He PROMISED to take us OUT OF the hour of wrath..the ENTIRE time period. Period. If more people BELIEVED and TRUSTED Christ is coming for us before wrath..more people might get saved now, rather than wait. This is why i dont like mid and post trib teaching. Its false, and keeps many from getting saved because they are erroneously being taught that they must PREP for antichrist,instead of prepping for CHRIST, looking up, as HE told His church to, and getting our SPIRITUAL house in order..not prepping our food and ammo stores. A believer wont need ANY of these things for the tribulation, because we will NEVER enter it at all. Antichrist CANNOT be revealed AT ALL until we are gone from earth. God's Word is CRYSTAL clear about it too.

  9. Do not worship things made by man's hands. Rather worship the one who made man and all the things that are in this world. Worshipping a statue isn't giving glory to God. It is giving glory to the one who made that statue you are worshipping.

  10. I converted to Mormonism 5 years ago and I've regretted the discussion for a couple of years now, the book of Mormon is to distract people from reading the Bible. Some of the other texts that Mormons follow, blatantly contradict the Bible and what should be known for a healthy Christian walk. Where other churches are waning, the Mormon church is bolstered. We are at fault for this, because where the church is divided, Satan sneaks in to sew confusion and contradiction.

  11. Please don't worry about those who don't agree with how you interview people. This is YOUR channel, and you are reaching people for our Messiah Yashua. We who love you, pray for you, and follow you will keep on loving you, praying for you, and following you. ❤ Keep on doing your Mission Brother and Sister!! You are Beloved!!

  12. There is so much here that one would like to answer but we pray to the Blessed Mother in Heaven. She is alive and is our merciful Mother also. All people live forever somewhere. She has appeared multiple times on earth with messages. What about Our Lady of Guadeloupe and the miracle ?

  13. We all have people in our lives that took the see-one-nine liquid into their bodies, and still go to church, or volunteer in helping others, or still meet in small groups, without having suffered physically visibly (yet). If this really is the biblical MOTB, I would have been mortified to discover this after the fact. I am seeking God for my answers. Just stopping by from southern California. PS. Thanks for showing where I can find the playlist; that will be helpful.


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