Scott Ritter: Conflict In Donbass Is On Fire !!! MINSK Agreement Is To Buy Time Against Russia

Scott Ritter: Conflict On Donbass Is On Fire !!! MINSK Agreement Is To Buy Time Against Russia

🔈 SPEAKER : Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter


44 thoughts on “Scott Ritter: Conflict In Donbass Is On Fire !!! MINSK Agreement Is To Buy Time Against Russia”

  1. Sir everything you say is right on, but peace will not come while Biden remains president, he's got to many problems on his plate, to be able to concentrate on the war, the only thing he's capable of doing is signing more authorizations , for more weapons and more money for Ukraine.

  2. Minsk is a dead letter by now after Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the deaths of hundreds of thousands as a result of Putin's military moves on Ukraine at 2/24/22. Yeah NATO/US trained the UA forces and provided them with a few weapons: (Stingers, NLAWS, Javelin, maybe some small arms) SO THEY COULD DEFEND THEIR COUNTRY which they effectively did vs. Russia in 2022. Ritter has a poor Russia/Putin case that is why he is bellowing so much about Minsk..

  3. Подготовка = Молитва. 8 лет обучения войск = 8 лет молитвы о войне. Президент Путин ответил на их молитвы. В духовной практике каждая мысль и действие ЕСТЬ молитва. Следите за тем, что вы хотите.

  4. «Ядерная война манит»; это не значит, что кто-то поддастся трусливому выходу, который США предприняли против Хиросимы и Нагасаки. Кстати; Кармическое наказание за этот неправильно истолкованный подлый акт трусости еще предстоит полностью понести американской нации. Постоянные крайне разрушительные погодные явления с огненным воздухом и водой (через Калифорнию и США) – это лишь одно из покаяний.

  5. There is only one way as far as I can see it to negotiate. Let the people in each country involved decide but not the corrupt governments . They will swindle them selfs always back to the top of each country. It need to be a referendum made and signed by the people . I trust in the people but not in this corrupt governments in the west. It will be not easy to get such a international referandum done but it is possible by all this technology today available. Let it take a year to be done, never mind. For the time until the referandum is done , no fighting! The referandum can be not lead by the USA or Russia, neither by the EU. I believe The UN also not the right institution as they are also currupt. A commission of a few people from each involved country have to follow so all will be correct. Perhaps Switzerland could lead this operation. The western governments are all Nazi,s as they àre shoulder on shoulder with this Nazipack. Have we all forgotten the sufferings and great losses of the two world wars? Of course the USA know only a little about it. They never have experienced war on their on ground. How it feels when US building and factories are shoot I to rubble, like what they did with Dresden in Germany. The USA are even more evil then the Nazi's.

  6. Rejoicing over this invasion is insane. Surrendering to Russia is surrendering to death. Russia is busy poisoning his own. If you are a friend to a snake don't rejoice . If Russia want war lt should then fight NATO and Us

  7. Of course the the Minsk Agreement was nothing of the sort it was a delaying tactic while Ukraine was armed for war :-

    Former German Chancellor Merkel confirmed what the new Secretary General of Nato Stoltenberg and Kelley of Pentagon have said: 

    "Minsk Agreements were pure theatre to buy time to man, arm, train Ukraine for this proxy war".
    What is more the new Secretary General could not have been more unequivocal that Nato is an aggressive alliance not a defensive one when he said that because China refused to go along with Nato over Ukraine Nato would now form alliances in the Pacific for the coming war the US intends to initiate with China . At the time Gorbachev sort to reduce tension and unite Europe INCLUDING RUSSIA and take advantage of reduced arms expenditure the the Secretary General was keen to honour the commitments given to Russia about Nato . It was the US and the UK and one other country possibly Norway but I don't know that voted to renege on the agreements .

    "In mid-1991, Woerner responds to the Russians by stating that he personally and the NATO Council are both against expansion – “13 out of 16 NATO members share this point of view” – and that he will speak against Poland’s and Romania’s membership in NATO to those countries’ leaders as he has already done with leaders of Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Woerner emphasises that “We should not allow the isolation of the Russia from the European community.”

    This is just one of the “cascades” of statements and assurances given to the Russians at the time. Over 30 years ago, 13 out of 16 members were against NATO expansion because they respected Russia and its legitimate security interests! Today – 2022 – NATO has 30 members.

    "Minsk Agreements were pure theatre to buy time to man, arm, train Ukraine for this US proxy proxy war against Russia which is nothing more that a WARM-UP for the war that the US intend to initiate against China.

    How peace & security can be negotiated with such bad actors again.

    Defeating the US in the Ukraine is of paramount importance because if by shear chance the US manage to win in Ukraine and they are not going to alter the outcome without the resort to nuclear ,the war with China will be nuclear

    This conflict in the Ukraine is ultimately about the survival of mankind . Anyone who thinks otherwise is being incredibly naive .

  8. For far too long politicians of the west have deceived their electorate about why certain events happen . Ukraine is but the latest where great hardship is having to be borne by ordinary people and a threat to their very existence by dishonest activity by the political and financial clas. I was in international banking and saw this so often first hand . My bank chairman only becoming a director of the bank in the first place because he concealed the truth about the assassination of Dag Hammerskold. It happened before I joined the bank I only became involved when transferring the money that was paid to the chap who arranged the bomb on Hammerskolds plane was paid.

    The fact is the hammers holds assassination was a financial operation arranged by the Standard Chartered Bank in London on behalf of themselves and their East African customers . A gun runner the chap supplying the rebels in Katanga along the Benquella Railway that we also owned was paid US$5 million t bomb the plane to ensure that Hammerskold never arrived t peace talks aimed to bring the warring sides to some sort of negotiation because peace would have lost the bak a lt of money . While the war raged the valuable exports from `the Congo could not go ahead so we made a lot because our customers owned the alternative supplies which they then hoarded to bump up the price even further .

    That was of course one of only one occasions when we got involved financially to create a political situation from which we could make a great deal of money .

    Does anybody realise how many lives were lost in the Congo ,AND ARE STILL BEING LOST , by a civil war the a UK bank initiated in Africa.????????????We are concerned here with possibly a million African lives in a country with the resources that make it one of the richest on the planet but is in fact still back in the storage as far as development is concerned.

  9. The arrogance of the west dragged the world to inflation . The west want to take control of Ukraine beside destroying Russia . The Minsk agreement was just to buy time to defeat Russia . The west leaders never keep their words . Putin is just smart . He invaded Ukraine before getting invaded . West thought they built a strong army to defeat Russia but this war showed that they are still not ready. So western people should stop believing in their leaders because they don't give a sh*t about their security . What if Russia attack NATO members leaders will hide in their bunkers were will you hide then ? !

  10. Let me add too the previous comment with regard to the so-called Bunker-Hunt river scandal . That was neither Bunker Hunt or silver but gold and South Africa,

    The entire operation was to use the US forward silver market to underpin the price of gold on which the WHITE SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT depended . Bunker Hunt who we ran into in Libya ,only came into the equation when we ran out of funds to support the operation and when the Bank of England found out we "Stuffed ,Hunt with our loss making position to hide our involvement from the American treasury .

  11. I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about Scott Ritter, this was the result:

    Scott Ritter was a man on a mission,

    Exposing the truth with precision,

    Inspecting weapons with care,

    Making sure they weren't there.

    He traveled far and wide,

    With determination as his guide,

    His quest for peace never done,

    Until every weapon was gone.

    He faced opposition and disdain,

    But he wouldn't let it break his chain,

    He stood tall and spoke his mind,

    Until the truth was all mankind could find.

    Scott Ritter, a hero of our time,

    A man who stood for peace and rhyme,

    His legacy lives on in our hearts,

    As we strive to make a new start.

    His mission may have ended,

    But the message he sent,

    Will never be forgotten,

    As his truth lives on, unbegotten.

  12. Russians are always just about dumb enough to trust western diplomats and top brass xD

    Gorbachev got duped, Putin got duped.. a very naive people lol

    Edit: forgot about Hitler duping ol' Joe Stalin with peace treaties between USSR and Germany pre WW2 in much the same way.

  13. Oo because you are. The cimmander
    Of russia or ukraine? Your analysis
    Maybe good thats where you are
    Beibg paid for! Right or wrong
    Talk talk rhas what you eatned!
    Haha if rudsia did not attsck
    Ukraine what can you say?

  14. Lovely speech mate, just one thing missing. Russia literally performed an act of military aggression in Crimea and Donbass by fomenting unrest (if you tell me it all happened just because you’re a legit degenerate, Russia literally made the existence of these republics possible). And now here you are all of a sudden saying “who does nato train Ukrainians”, what do you expect them to do after they’ve been stripped of a part of their country, dance around a campfire?

  15. I hope all those tanks run on electricity. My god I can feel the world heat up while I watch them. US and the European saps are nothing but cowards. Using people like they are sh it. Death and destruction all US. I can only hope that Russia prevails, good over evil. I thought the human race were more intelligent and moral than this, just cowards. God bless Russia. From Ireland 🇮🇪

  16. Wrong again in so many levels who started the soecial operation? Who annexed Crimea? If you want to defend your civilians take them into your vast land of Russia dont force hundreds of thousands to die in a foreign land. Also very debatable that human beings have the capabilities to end the world or even wipe human life of it. Every missle goes of tight how in the exact right locations we still have at least a quarter of human life that's with the nuclear winter afterwards in my opinion its gonna take another 50 years before humans can irradiated themselves.


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