Scientist REVEALS Quantum Reality is REAL; We Live in The MATRIX? | Howard Eisenberg

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37 thoughts on “Scientist REVEALS Quantum Reality is REAL; We Live in The MATRIX? | Howard Eisenberg”

  1. I had admiration for Neil DeGrasse Tyson…

    When I heard him speak about shrooms as if he knows what they really do… and said that he never wants to try them because "the human brain already has a hard time decoding its environment, without being suscepted to other chemical factors" I concluded he has a closed mind.

    Wanted to grab him by the collar and shout at him:
    "How dafuq can you speak about swimming man, if you never tested the water?!"
    Speak from experience or shut up!

    I have no problem with the fact that he didn't want to try them; I had a problem with the fact that he is also an influencer to some degree and his logic was just wrong with this aspect.

  2. I really enjoyed Howard and relate to the things he was sharing. I was actually saying things before he would answer, and I was surprised that he said and knew exactly what I had already thought or said.

    Before I knew what meditation was (mid twenties – I'm fifty-five now), I was told by my spirit guide to "try not to think about ANYTHING, for as long as you can" and "quiet your mind". It really wasn't easy. But, that is how I had practiced "meditation". Currently, I am in a constant state of communication, and rarely sit for a period of time. I talk and keep myself open to my guides and angels always. And if I come across something that I'm in question of, I just say… "I wonder what this is, or for, or means?" And I typically hear the answer right away. However, the first thing that I remember being said to me… I was a teenager and having a difficult time with no mother or father, trying to work full time, and became emancipated to do it… I was on my lunch break, I was crying, and screamed at the top of my lungs… why the F*ck am I here alone?!!! And, I heard a deep man's voice say, "because you are chosen". I don't remember hearing anything else that day. But, it changed my life, and I knew from that point on that I was never alone. ~Christina

  3. The ego doesn't know anything at all. It clearly doesn't deserve anything from us, except the recognition for what it really is.

  4. I have consistently felt a strong urge to pursue wisdom and authority to make a positive impact on humanity. I've been actively searching for ways to gain influence and expand my understanding of the human race and uncover knowledge that isn't accessible to everyone. My ultimate aspiration is to achieve the enlightenment that has been handed down to us by our ancestors!

  5. I have consistently felt a strong urge to pursue wisdom and authority to make a positive impact on humanity. I've been actively searching for ways to gain influence and expand my understanding of the human race and uncover knowledge that isn't accessible to everyone. My ultimate aspiration is to achieve the enlightenment that has been handed down to us by our ancestors!

  6. Skirting around the elephant in the room,
    Unless you acknowledge the dark energy guiding this reality.

    The evidence is mountainous,
    the great awakening is real
    directly because the darkness is exposing itself.

  7. Wonderful conversation. I will definitely buy the book. As a fellow experiencer I would like to just suggest one possible tweak. In my experience it is the planetary consciousness, of which we are a part, that is the dreamer that is learning, through physical forms, these higher spiritual truths that source, universal consciousness, gave them the freedom to explore. When individuals awaken they can return to source and explore other possibilities, without all the trauma and limitations our limited understanding that we are all in this together has caused. I do however feel we don't have an unlimited amount of time to complete this experiment as a collective, which is why I appreciate people like Howard helping speed this change in consciousness up for the next generation.

  8. But there are many NDE experiencers say that we agree to our life's blueprint. If there is a blueprint, then it has predetermined beginning, events and the end that we sign up for. Thus, how we could possibly have a free will?


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