Navy Vet REACTS to CPAC Hosting a Literal Dictator in most Fascist Event Yet

Far-Right Republicans held one of the most Bizarre CPAC events yet this weekend, including imprisoned January 6th rioters displays and speeches from the world’s straight up authoritarians. Meidas Contributor and Navy Veteran Ken Harbaugh reacts.

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27 thoughts on “Navy Vet REACTS to CPAC Hosting a Literal Dictator in most Fascist Event Yet”

  1. So now a Christian nationalist is somehow the same as a nazi while those that want to apply mandates and censor speech are the good guys? How did we get here and how can a vet buy into this? You must not have been social with your peers and an outcast as most vets are conservative

  2. Trump Virus 2022
    Because of Trump America is divided
    Because of Trump people think it's a country of hateful unacceptance
    Because of Trump over a million have died from COVID-19 like my sister
    Because of Trump trust in our counties leaders are diminished
    Because of Trump we have become a laughing stock to the rest of the world
    Because of Trump news has become nothing more than propaganda.
    Can you hear the new Hitler manipulating the weak minded?

    Misuse and
    Abuse of

    There can be no peace for our dead loved ones until Trump and ALL his accomplices are behind bars, his family cut from the minds of Americans and we stop lavishing crooked politicians with the incomes of the workers who fall prey to empty promises

    Trump Virus 2022
    Trump is directly responsible for instigating an insurrection that caused destruction and death at our capital! His followers that participated are traitors!


  3. Do not dismiss the idea that trump would take military documents to try a coup with outside help of another country. He would hold them because he is not good at reading. Also trump would hold any info he could use to control others.

  4. Apathy lead more centrist and liberal people to stop fighting once President Obama won. He told us over and over, it's not a simple race, this is a relay, and it's going to be a long, long road. Because enough people can't be bothered to get themselves informed, be it tv, internet, radio (yup, NPR All Day) not only did we have a dangerously vain, vicious, moronic, power-mad, sociopathic narcissist running our country, but he managed to get the entire GOP behind him, despite being openly racist, vile, and all of the rest of the public spectacle that came with it. Sometimes I think he and those willing to support a compulsive liar, coward and cheater are more of a danger to the US than our foreign enemies. Add traitor to the adjectives, and any other adjectives you want.

  5. Hilarious, the fascist Epoch Times just had a commercial before this video of another conspiracy theory lie. Truly sad. Registered Republicans, which make up: 22% of registered voters, are full-on fascist bigots, there's no other way to say it.

  6. No MTG, I am a Christian who would never recognize any country run by any religious group, especially by Christians because they know so little about their own scriptures they couldn’t run a faucet let alone a government.

  7. How to push offensive ads with spicy blackmail and troll comments for profit?
    Not YouTube. No profit here.
    It's just desperation.
    The troll and pirate support kills the profits and the ads just suck.
    Best hope is that YouTube gets sued into bankruptcy so a good video website can emerge from the rubble.
    Unless you know of a better one now? Please tell me!

  8. Thank you Ken!
    Please keep up the good work!
    I would vote for you if you ran for President.
    What has this country fallen to promoting fascists? A lot of young people are clueless what that means.


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