Sand & Stone Full Set Review – Icons of the Realms D&D Prepainted Minis

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0:00 Introduction
1:05 Enrich your collection with 400+ models, and discover the mysterious world of Deuslair. Explore an expansive world while utilizing detailed miniatures to unleash your imagination. Learn more about the extensive lore while combating the forces of evil and saving the world of Deuslair.
All miniatures are fully 5E compatible! Find the perfect use for them and use the included Bestiary along with the 5E campaign. Roll for Initiative in the magical world of Deuslair, or use your favorite setting.
2:30 Violet Fungus
2:53 Galeb Duhr
3:20 Priest of Osybus
3:46 Hyena
4:15 Dust Mephit
4:35 Mummy
5:02 Rust Monster
5:24 Dimetrodon
5:57 Yuan-Ti Broodguard
6:24 Nagpa
6:54 Young Kruthik
7:20 Flying Snake
7:39 Pteranodon
7:57 Basilisk
8:18 Thri-Kreen
8:41 Earth Elemental Myrmidon
9:01 Priest of Osybus
9:22 Swarm of Insects (Beetles)
9:47 Swarm of Insects (Wasps)
10:07 Wereboar
10:35 Death Dog
10:53 Jackalwere
11:19 Giant Scorpion
11:50 Djinni
12:12 Bulette
12:36 Lamia
13:10 Giant Vulture
13:30 Efreeti
13:58 Spirit Naga
14:18 Camel
14:38 Animated Spell Cards Series 2 is out from Hit Point Press. Series Two includes spell decks for Levels 6 to 9, as well as Conditions, Illusions, Townsfolk and more. Make a Wish, encounter an Aberration, open a Gate, enjoy a delicious pie with a Halfling Bakerโ€ฆ the possibilities are endless! Gear up with a brand new deck, or save on multiple decks by grabbing a bundle. Ready to take your spells to the next level?
15:36 Weretiger
16:03 Blue Dragonborn
16:24 Medusa
16:46 Adult Kruthik
17:05 Harpy
17:27 Bone Knight
17:48 Brass Dragonborn
18:10 Yuan-Ti Malison
18:36 Mummy Lord
18:57 Triceratops
19:18 Androsphinx
19:46 Chimera
20:29 Gorthok the Thunder Boar
20:58 Conclusions

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36 thoughts on “Sand & Stone Full Set Review – Icons of the Realms D&D Prepainted Minis”

  1. I love how many times our complaints align XD
    -pteranodon and dimetrodon not being dinosaurs
    -Medusas being actually gorgons
    -rarities… ok, serious talk, why is a CR 17 a common and a harpy a rare?
    I also don't understand why pteranodon is a medium creature… their wingspan could reach 7m in width!
    Also also… the triceratops is stright out ripped from the stock art for the JP/JW triceratops, down to the pose.
    Love the hyena (you know I'm a sucker for gnolls & co), the prehistoric creatures and, honestly, most monster!
    Kruthik, bulette, yuan-tis, RUST MONSTER, good ole giant bugs… even that wyvern looks cool. I love how 5th edition gave them that cobra-like head (although it could be decieving: wyverns have venomous tails, not bites… but I'm not gonna argue with the rule of cool, really a great design).
    All things aside, I really like this set, looks interesting! But wizkids should really do something for those floppy weapons… maybe add metal wiring inside? Or leave it separate from the mini, in the package, so they won't risk getting bent by clashing with other minis in the box?
    I know it's an easy fix, but I always thought that you shouldn't have to meddle with something that should come out of the box ready-to -play for having it to look how it should be intended to look, does it make sense?

  2. Candlekeep Mysteries has a rather rad desert themed adventure; Alkazaar's Appendix is set in the desert for it's entire run, with desert themed encounters, sandstorms, ancient ruins, dragons and all… including an interesting moral choice towards the end that will change the ending, depending what the players want to do.

  3. Just another boring set of minis. The beetle swarm looks good enough if the players have to cross boiling pit or tar. I wish WOTC would make a Warband or The Horde set where its just Goblin kind mounted, on foot, shamans. Another its just a set of practically every creature that can be undead or just skeletons.

  4. Thanks again for another great video guys! Another great looking set, starting to fall behind but man you giysvare giving me alot of stuff to look forward to. Travis send shis love and awe over this set

  5. Hi Theo! I am in complete agreement that Iโ€™d love to see some warbands of the playable character types! A Halfling one would be epic! You should put a bug in their ears! โœŒ๏ธโ˜ฎ๏ธ

  6. I love this set because it fills in some of the little niche monsters that I have yet to see in others. They are really knocking it out of the park with their releases lately. โœŒ๏ธโ˜ฎ๏ธ

  7. Best set I've seen in a long time, irrespective of the warped swords. Great review as always, will definitely be getting some of the singles in the after market; I despise blind boxes.

  8. I would normally agree with a swarm of wasps being immune to piercing and slashing damage, however after watching that one guy on tik tok cut wasps out of the air with scissors I have to disagree

  9. " Nagpa, plotting ways to bring civilizations down." – so they are Social Media Venture Capitalists?

    Great script writing with the accurate paleontology and Pliny the Elder references. ๐Ÿ‘

  10. Very nice review as always, Theo! I need those dragonborn minis and that chimera, and maybe that triceratops at least. Though it seems you missed the mini for the Therosi(?) Chimera in the comparison of previous chimera minis. I only mention this as the Theros book has the chimera at 1 CR higher, gives them spell turning against 4th-level spells or lower, and has accompanying build-a-chimera rules for added customization. Very handy to have.

    Keep up the great work, and I look forward to your next review!

  11. Wonderful set and actually has many minis Iโ€™ve been wanting and the rarity of them likely means I even get multiple of the ones I want to have a few of and one of the ones I one need one like the kruthiks ive been meaning to get a hive worth of them and the dragon born look great

  12. Kind of Meh on this set. A few classic creatures(though some are just resculpts) that I might consider grabbing singles of and depending on how much it costs… might grab Gorthok for my Ice Spire/Lost Mines Campaign.

  13. I was thrilled when they announced this set. But most of these minis look pretty bad to me. The paint jobs look either bland or just straight up bad. We finally get some desert-based creatures like the Camel and the quality looks like something you get from those quarter toy machines in the vestibule of a store. They might as well have just made a Camel pog and saved some paint.. Speaking of bad or lazy paint jobs, Iโ€™m so tired of WizKids doing these nice sculpts of bigger minis up with one base color and skipping any sort of wash or other treatment to give it respectable detail. Some of those dinosaurs look so bad.. And whatโ€™s up with all the minis done on one base size up? I get it for the dragons and other Huge minis upscaled to Gargantuan and sold as individual premium pieces. But regular Large minis converted to Huge? In my opinion this is WizKids running out of Huge minis to make, but needing to fill Huge sets in blind boxes. But what bothers me most is how bad most of these Rare minis are. From the Medium to Huge Rares, most of these look like a noticeable downgrade from other sets. How are they going to put out yet another Chimera but sporting such a messy paint job that it looks like one of the worst Chimeras weโ€™ve had? I donโ€™t know what this strategy is, but my guess is they are looking to make their non-blind box sets and pieces more enticing by downgrading the quality of the minis in their blind sets.

    Finally, whatโ€™s up with D&D? Could they not pull together cooler desert-like creatures than this for such a set? Iโ€™d give anything for the Pathfinder Battles line to get the same sort of treatment as the Icons gets with regards to amount of minis. Aside from their creatures being more interesting mechanically and lore-wise within the game itself, they actually have plenty of cool and unique monsters that have yet been made.

    Anyways, thanks for a great look at this massively disappointing set. It looks like itโ€™s yet another set where I wait it out for the inevitable massive price cuts on bricks or a case, or simply cherry-pick what I need.

  14. I usually donโ€™t care about the none directly connect set WizKids releases, but this one is pretty freaking awesome. I think I will have to pick up a brick or two

  15. Honestly, this is a very good set for a new DM.

    I like that the Basilisk is a Medium sized creature. If it had been based on the original myth, they would've been Tiny, but I also like that not all dangerous creatures are enormous in size. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    The Swarm of Beetles is straight up bad. It looks like lumpy oil. Consider the DDM swarm minis: Google "Rot Scarab Swarm" to see how this could've been done better!

    On the other hand, the Swarm of Wasps is really good!

    The Lamia is very nice, and probably one of the most interesting minis in this set. Actually weird that it's only Uncommon!

    The Camel is a really nice addition! There aren't many camel minis out there!

    Also, I wholeheartedly agree with you in regards to the naming of Gorgons and "Medusas".

    The Harpy should've switched rarity with the Lamia.

    Yes, that Yuan-ti is the best kisser! (Or was that "hisser"..? No..?)

    "Gorthok the Thunder Boar" is my new band name.


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