Starfield – BEST Outpost Location, Resources, Full Guide, Walkthrough & Tips! MAJOR Resources In 1

Finally, a full guide on where to find the best resources in one location for the best starting outpost location in Starfield, the new space RPG game! In this video, we’ll walk you through all of the major resources needed to build this outpost so you have the best start with a great all in one resource extracting outpost! This is one of the best outpost locations, so you can start building your empire as soon as possible!

Don’t miss out on this exciting resource guide for the upcoming space RPG game, Starfield! In this video, we’ll walk you through all of the major resources and the best outpost location, so you can start building your empire as soon as possible!

Helium-3: (gas)
Aluminum – 5/10/15
Nickel – 4/8/12
Copper – 3/6/9

Aluminum: (mineral)
Tungsten – 2/4/6
Aluminum – 4/8/12
Iron – 5/10/15

Beryllium: (mineral)
Tungsten – 2/4/6
Aluminum – 4/8/12
Iron – 5/10/15

Iron: (mineral)
Tungsten – 2/4/6
Aluminum – 4/8/12
Iron – 5/10/15

Power Cost x3 each – 60

Solar Array – 6 power each:
Aluminum – 4/40
Beryllium – 2/20
Copper – 3/30

Solid 2×3
Aluminum – 5/30
Iron – 6/36
Adaptive Frame – 3/18

Gas: x2
Tungsten – 5/10
Copper – 6/12
Adaptive Frame – 3/6

Adaptive Frame – 24
Aluminum – 121
Beryllium – 20
Copper – 51
Iron – 81
Nickel – 12
Tungsten – 28

#starfield #gaming #walkthrough #guide

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48 thoughts on “Starfield – BEST Outpost Location, Resources, Full Guide, Walkthrough & Tips! MAJOR Resources In 1”

  1. I found a spot with the 4 (al, ir, h3, ber) but it would not let me build the 4 extractors. So i kept looking and found a spot with 4 including europium instead of iron. Figured i could find iron elsewhere. Any suggestions are welcome 🙂

  2. Built a station with 2000 storage crates now I'm only carrying twice as much as I can 😂. Built a ship dock but for the life of me I can't find my starship. I can modify them but I'm unable to leave my outpost. It's officially my new home/prison

  3. OMG after like 5 hrs, I finally found iron aluminum combo. The stupid part is there helium and berilium near by but it won’t join together with the other two. I set my outpost down so fast. There’s like 3 planets I’ve landed on and littered it with landing posts. Time to xp farm baby! Good luck to all! The map is so dumb too. You land where you want but because Howard used AI, the map is generated snd completely different. So annoying. Thanks though, watched a handful of videos too

  4. After 3 hours of trying, I can confirm it doesn't take 10 mins to find, I see the vid here and followed the footsteps and images pretty closely and I can't get it, and other people are saying the same thing…. by chance does the surveyor school cheese the game into thinking you got a wider radius for outpost setups? I am trying to figure out why it won't work for me and others but it will for some.

  5. The Aluminum – Aluminium argument is a funny one, to be fair its spelt in the American version so your not wrong to call it Aluminum (Even spell check doesn't like the proper version…)

  6. Thanks for the helpful vid. It came a day after I built on the Aluminum side of the place. I tried relocating according to your instructions of walking towards the biome boundary. I got a “Boundary Reached” prompt: “Open the map to explore another region, or return to your ship” It gives me a choice to fast travel back to the ship or go to the orbital map. I’m playing on Xbox, so that might be a limitation

  7. Nice vid, been messing around myself with this for the last few days, did my head in a bit but eventually i got around to it. Found this vid a bit too late myself but great for other peeps who have been struggling. I feel your pain 😅
    You could also build a transfer container and have your resources sent directly to your ship if I understand correctly. This is especially handy if you don't have a home base yet so you cant use a cargo link but you wanna start extracting materials for future building if you've got a lot of cargo space (my ship has 2500) so you don't have to collect your resources manually on-site all the time.

  8. Player PSA: There appears to be a small bug when setting up the resource link landing pads. The pads would not deliver the outgoing resources, best way to fix this is to delete the pad on both ends and replace. (Took me hours to figure this evil thing out.) ((Pass this on))

  9. I landed in this area while listening to you say it might take a bit but I landed on top of everything except iron right under my ship.
    And less than 30 second walk behind the ship is the biome line.

  10. honestly fuck starfield, I was running around so long and finally found a spot with all ressources and then the h3 spot is blocked by some POI point which makes a 500m no build zone. Really nice work todd. Im going to deinstall that shit and never buy a bethesda game early, who thought it would be fun to run around hours looking for a good base spot because you can only have 8 shitty game

  11. I just don’t understand biomes bc i can’t fucking see them idk how you guys see the biomes all i see are mountains and flat spots. I landed like 7 times and can’t find iron and aluminum in the same spot

  12. No matter how many times I've tried building an outpost here, I just keep getting randomly exploding solar panels and extractors. There's nothing in sight, pirate or otherwise so not sure why this is happening and the game systems don't exactly give you enough information about what the hell's going on. This outpost stuff can kiss my ass if things get this tedious and micro-management in the first half an hour building stuff 🙂

  13. It's just not working out for me, I landed in the exact same spot you did and when I'm walking around I literally see all 5 resources, the helium vents, aluminum deposits etc. And all my outpost is picking up on is iron 😢 help me, anyone!!

  14. (WARNING!) if u are building an outpost do NOT build any of the robots for ur base as the have a bug where the wil walk outside ur outpost build circle and stay bugged or even dissapear and u wil no longer be able to delete that outpost because the game registers them as important outpost npc's forever as far as i found out myself 😑 . Rip my save game ☠️

  15. Kinda related/unrelated topic, but I need help none the less.

    Yeah I got a huge problem in my game. The starship technician in Neon, and Atlantis has disappeared. I have been sleeping in Venus for many days and they never came back. Now Amoli Bava, the general merchant, is gone. How on hells earth am I gonna be able to play the game if characters just disappears and never come back?

    Also Vasco is absolute nightmare of a companion. He doesn't work. He does not follow you and disappears all the time too.

    If anyone has a solution please tell me. I haven't found one online.

  16. I'll just add my own comment that may possibly help others having trouble finding these resources in one spot. I tried the location in the video and the one mentioned in the top comment and neither worked for me. I was constantly finding four resources, but having trouble finding iron.

    So in the location showed in the video, just below that 'blob' of resources is another small area shaped sort of like a glass bottle. It's dark green, surrounded by light green, with red on the left. I started on the top left of this area and did the same thing as in the video, I marked the mountains and slowly inched over to the right until I got craters and landed right there.

    Finally detected some iron there when traveling west and I ended up finding an area with all 5 resources by traveling a bit further south from that point.

    I hope this helps anyone if they read this. I spent a few hours trying to find the sweet spot and this is what got it for me.

    It is worth mentioning, however, that exact geographic features are still random and this is why a lot of people are having trouble finding it. So even managing to replicate my landing 100% will not give you the same exact results.


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