Samsara (4): Buddhist Cosmology – 28 Levels of Heavens (Part 2)

Samsara (4): Buddhist Cosmology – 28 Levels of Heavens (Part 2)

In this video Jiawen continues to discuss the 18 levels of heavens in the form realm and 4 levels of heavens in the formless realm.

If you haven’t seen Part (1) of the video you can view it here in which Jiawen discusses the 6 levels of heavens in the desire realm.

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May all beings hear the name of Amitabha Buddha and be reborn in His Land of Ultimate Bliss πŸ™

πŸ™ Namo Amitabha Buddha πŸ™
πŸ™ Namo Amituofo πŸ™


15 thoughts on “Samsara (4): Buddhist Cosmology – 28 Levels of Heavens (Part 2)”

  1. Amituofo! In the Diamond sutra the Buddha has said: Because when a disciple practices seeking Anuttara- Samyak-Sambodhi,he should neither grasp after such arbitrary conceptions of phenomena nor reject them. "Namo Amituofo" πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  2. Hello Jiawen. Can you please make a thai channel because I'm from Thailand and no matter what I tell my family or friends they won't listen to me. I want them to hear the name of Amitabha but they are so faithful to theravada Buddhism that it is almost impossible to convince them. They won't listen to me and I don't know how to explain to them. Can you please make a channel with thai subtitles or speech it would really help alot. Thank you Amituofo.

  3. I keep seeing a man in an orange robe. Smiling at me. This takes place in my mind and i have been seeing him for years now. Before i only saw the place he was in… An empty area between an opening. In a temple on a mountain within a very green forest. Every time i see him there is a sense of peace and tranquility. After some mental development he appeared and is still there… He smiles.

  4. but according to Ksitigarbha sutra ,the 1st level of formless is called Mahesvara heaven.

    My fault , i check again the commentary n according to the teacher Mahesvara heaven is in the last level of form heaven but then all together are in total 19 levels of form heavens.

  5. Yes!
    The easiest is to NIANFO, to recite
    the name of Amitabha Buddha to attain rebirth in Amitabha's Pure Land to exit the cycle of reincarnation and to realise enlightenment and final Buddhahood.
    Namo Amitabha BuddhaπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
    Namo AmituofoπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  6. Namo BuddhayaπŸ™ Pure land Budshism πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
    I really enjoy your Valuable Dhamma talk it's said that, The gift of Dhamma higest and excellent then any other we can not measure so thank you so much.

    I have a question, that you said. Most of the videos but one thing i couldn't understood
    Whom do you call, Amitabha pure land could you explain it little bit in detail Thank you so much i hope you will reply.


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