Can A.I. help enlighten humanity? with Dr. Leela Episode 5 #nonduality

⚡️Hello. Can A.I. help enlighten humanity? with Dr. Leela (5TH in a series of talks)
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All of Emerson’s meetings, events, videos, and content are for entertainment and general information purposes only. Emerson is not a counselor, therapist, teacher, doctor, or any kind of authority. Ideas expressed by Emerson should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice or professional help. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought.


12 thoughts on “Can A.I. help enlighten humanity? with Dr. Leela Episode 5 #nonduality”

  1. Hey Emerson. Sorry to hear about the bad actors getting access to your computer. Hopefully nothing major was taken from you. Do you know if they were able to delete any videos here on YouTube? Hope not because every single of your videos is a masterpiece! Much Love ❤

  2. Thanks for the content, bot I must say what I hope you will take as constructive criticism.
    At least in my eyes your understanding of the current artificial intelligence landscape is very simplistic and driven by the hype more then by actual reality.
    There is a lot of sensationalizing going on about virtual dating, bot in truth that is just a red flag of an underlying mental issues.
    The virtual companions are farther from being able to engage the need of intimacy and companionship then pornography’s ability to substitute sexuality

    True intimacy and satisfaction from a companion can come only when there are real things at stake and there is agency that you can’t control on the part of the companion

    I don’t think artificial intelligence will ever have such properties unless it evolves into a true AGI agent, which if happens, will never be interested in the satisfaction of humans romantic needs. If we are lucky, it will be a benevolent God, if we are even more lucky it will help us assent as well.


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