RUSSIANS WIPED OUT BY HURRICANE! Breaking Ukraine War Footage And News With The Enforcer (Day 641)

US Abrams tanks have entered Ukraine to be used in the northeastern part of the frontlines. There are nearly 30 M1 Abrams that are currrently in the Ukrainian army, which may open up the road for further deliveries of M1 Tanks. Russian forces were swept away by a massive storm in Crimea which has destroyed nearly all coastal fortifications on Crimea’s West coast. Russia has taken heavy losses again today, and almost no ground at all.

Tonight’s Fundraiser is for Razom. Help Razom and help the Ukrainians win this war!

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Day 641 Ukraine War Map:

Day 33 Middle East Map:


36 thoughts on “RUSSIANS WIPED OUT BY HURRICANE! Breaking Ukraine War Footage And News With The Enforcer (Day 641)”

  1. Hey critters!! The youtube issue is about isarel reports, every channel that reports about isarel is been demonetized and videos blocked, no matters if you dont post videos or pics, just talk about isarel war in your strean and ban is coming

  2. Your icon turned red and I knew you were live but I was working second shift last night so had to watch after the fact but I did see you were live. Dunno, that’s usually the way I join.

  3. Keep in mind it was the long weekend. Folks might be traveling. Though I heard the comment on other channels as well, that videos about the war in Ukraine aren't getting pushed by YouTube. Lets hope this is just a holiday glitch.

  4. Even with this video hosting company being a right pain in the ass, all of the awesome people still managed over $6000.00 for Razom for Ukraine!!
    Thank you for another great fundraiser stream! I'm sorry there's so much crap flying around, but we're with you guys. Also, fingers crossed for good marks on your finals! Thank you for doing so much to help!
    Together to Victory! 💙💛💙🤍

  5. 47:15 ironically why Socialism doesn't work. Trying to break down the organic nature of an economy which is made up of millions and in case of the world economy billions of people making individual decisions. It makes the "Planned" economy aspect of Socialism ie the Rationally Regulated Economy directed by the State as if it's some kind of Orchestra impossible. It's actually why Socialism often does the opposite of what Socialist believe it does, it creates poverty, reduces over all wealth in the economy, and often decisions are left to morons who have no right making the decisions that they're making.

    It's also why the Subjective Theory of Value is placed above all other Theories of Value, and even pulls the rug right out from under Marxism's Labor Theory of Value, because in the end all decisions are individual decisions. One person will find gold worthless, another will not. One person will find a rare painting worthless, and another will not. Using Quantitative Math doesn't fix this paradoxical issue that destroys things like Use Value, Labor Value and Rarity Value.

  6. 31 tanks is a tank battalion. 3 tanks make up a tank platoon. 3 platoons plus a company commander's tank (10 total) make up a tank company. 3 companies plus a battalion commander's tank (31 total) make up a tank battalion.

  7. The Al Gore rhythm is not telling me you guys are on at all. Luckily I know to check every night at about 10 PM by going down into my "Subscriptions" and clicking on you. As for the Hurricane I'm glad the curses our coven throw at Russia every week is working!

  8. Good luck with your exams. Don't forget how you started & plz keep the primary focus on Ukraine. Beware of responding to criticism in the comments it is just not worth it. Remember utube platform launched the stream & there is no other platform with its reach. As you have pointed out constantly most of our day to day issues are very insignificant compared to nearly any Ukrainian. Keep doing the news & LSA will support Ukraine & the stream. Slava Ukraine.


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