Does Prince Albert Pay Charlene To Stay With Him? #Royals #Monaco #Money

Secret lovers, a runaway princess, and $1 billion on the line. But were these rogue royals doomed from Day 1? If they’re faking it for looks, they deserve an Oscar. Here’s why Albert and Charlene are still a thing.


44 thoughts on “Does Prince Albert Pay Charlene To Stay With Him? #Royals #Monaco #Money”

  1. What’s the point?
    Why does he want to tie her down so badly???
    Is this his ego??? As she is clearly NOT HAPPY AND SUFFERING?
    What terrible way is he keeping her under control???
    It seems to head for disaster …
    What about HER LIFE???
    Is it going to be an other Princess Diana tragedy in some twisted way?

  2. It would appear to be accurate. I just hope that dear Charlene is able to find genuine love, even if the couple are unable to make their relationship official.

  3. Antinuptials are part of every day life – even for plebs. Why would the grimaldis be the exception to the rule? How money gets paid is therefore rather immaterial.
    Blue blood royals the world over, have not been the example of emotional security, dignity, loyalty or true love, why would she risk the prime of her life just to be cast aside after producing heirs?
    She's not pampered + defnitely no quitter. To run did not work out well for her in the past anyhow.
    Sacrificing their twins to be happy + her own person would be selfish + not an option.
    She has no choice but to settle for the next best thing in the small space of less than 2 square km with mostly 38,000 affluent citizens + the eyes of the world press constantly on her.

  4. The narrator keeps saying we will never know the truth of these alligations. So, why keep bringing it up, especially since it paints everyone in a bad light? How they choose to conduct their relationship is between them. She isn't being locked up and abused. She travels wherever whenever on as much money as she needs. And the children don't need to be exposed to this speculative yellow journalism. Have a care.

  5. I dont believe this gossip because this couple dont named: Donald Trump and Melania ❗

    Otherwise this couple are not prince William and Kate who are constantly battling for the attention and kindness of the people.

    The situation with William and Kate is soo severe that there is a REAL war between prince William and Kate versus the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

    So please, dont believe this gossip about prince Albert and Princess Charlene because Charlene doesn't seem such a jealous person as KATE.

    Princes Charlotte doesn't challenge her RIVALS🙏
    Otherwise, prince Albert doesn't NEED to pay princess Charlene to stay with him because there are THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS other female standing in line to take the place of Charlene. (This scenario of lovely ladies standing in line for prince William will makes that KATE will get a stroke about this toughts😱❗)

    Although prince Albert has been a naughty prince, the people of Monaco doesn't have to be worried of the marriage of Prince Albert because prince Albert know that Charlene is a sweet woman who will not challenge someone else to stand in SPOTLIGHTS or holding position like KATE does. It will be fine with this couple. Please keep praying for them 🙏💖

  6. Princesses Charlène is herself.
    * Princess Charlène dont TALK!
    *Princess Charlène is backing her husband, she is not like KATE coming in te royal family of England and acting like iets about her and making it look like prince William is playing second fiddle.
    *Princess Charlène dont use the PRESS OR servants to do her DIRTY work for her to put rivals in bad spotlight .

    *Princesses Charlène does not travel, do charities, or visit places with the idea of insurance that the PRESS will taken care of it about HOW wonderful she is, BECAUSE that kind of behavior is momently going on in the British Royal family about with KATE❗

    Above all, Princess Charlène is HERSELF, she is sticking on the person who is/was and will stay, so GOD save Princess Charlène for her QUIET KEEPING KINDNESS. 🙏

  7. Our SArican princess is the most beautiful princess in the world if this true it would mean she had no moral dignity and I as many SAricans would not believe this for 1 minute❤ Love u princess Charlene

  8. That’s their personal business! People in all life’s situations get married for various reasons.
    Years ago before women worked outside the home or later on when they did and didn’t make wages even close to men’s – so that they could afford to have a family and house on their own – they went into marriages that weren’t necessarily “happy” so they could have those “comforts” of married life.
    So marriage “arrangements” have been going on for centuries.
    In other parts of the world – it was common practice for parents to match-make their children to be ensured of a secure married life.
    They weren’t necessarily “happy” unions.
    Considering our divorce rates over here at around the 50% mark – there are still many unhappy unions.


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