Russians complain about heavy losses. Hundreds are dead. Prigozhin is building his power base.

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32 thoughts on “Russians complain about heavy losses. Hundreds are dead. Prigozhin is building his power base.”

  1. Khodakovsky's statement about friendly fire is quite ambiguous. It's not clear if he's talking about one unit (his Vostok battalion), or the entire Russian group of forces. He also isn't clear if he means all operations since Mariupol, or if he is referring to one incident that took place shortly after the fighting in Mariupol concluded. He just says "after the Mariupol operation, we took a larger portion of our casualties from friendly fire" (После мариупольской операции мы посчитали, что большую часть потерь мы понесли от дружественного огня.) The 60% figure he says is just what "some have claimed" ("Кто-то даже называл цифру – шестьдесят процентов.") He then refers to several specific incidents of artillery falling on friendly positions, and a General who mined an area without telling other units, who drove through it and suffered casualties.

    The only outlet I've seen that took those statements and made them into a claim about total Russian FF casualties for the whole conflict since the Spring was the Daily Mail. Not usually the most reliable of sources.

  2. surprised by the opening comments about the use of nuclear weaps, or the statement that they will not be used by Russia.
    Now, Putin does not back down, he cannot back down, he has gone all in with his personal reputation and personal creditability (authority).

  3. Omgosh. Your information is unbelievable. Know idea or how you can give us such a wide range of information. Thks so much for your hard work. And gives us all such a comprehensive amount of knowledge what's happening in so many aspects of this war

  4. This was the most refreshing video i watched today. Your cat reminds us on how unimportant we are in the grand schemes. We should treat our Politicians the way your cat treats you! 😉

  5. On the attacks on the nuclear power plant. There is no way NATO and its allies are letting Ukraine attack it. There would be zero logic for them to do it, giving credence to the Russians at this point in the war makes me wonder if critical thinking is involved here.

  6. It appears to me that Russia is committing genocide on its own citizens. The massive loss of young men in this war whether by death or flight means that an already problematic population decline will be greatly increased.

  7. Exchange of territory is of less importance than destroying Russians and their equipment. New conscripts are getting minimal support and leadership. In some cases they are dropping conscripts together rather than reinforcing veteran units. As expected they are being wasted with no significant gains. Some groups having no supply's to build trenches and bunkers. Incompetent leadership is a major factor. That should be the number 1 failure. Not blaming US weapons. Ukraine is using new weapons very effectively. Next years new conscript will not fix the problems.

  8. What concerns me is that Kherson is a Russian trap – and I don't mean just a conventional "booby-trap" or ambush. The Russians have completely emptied the city or anything and everything of value, have withdrawn all heavy armaments, deported the civilians and withdrawn all governance and military command, with the only troops manning the city apparently the newly-mobilised canon-fodder. The reason this all worries me is because this would seen the ideal scenario for Putin to pull a False Flag "dirty bomb" or low yield tactical nuke within the city. The claim would be that Ukraine did it to kill the Russian troops in order to take back the city. Of course it would be widely seen for what it really was, but the real motive would be as a warning that Putin cannot and will not countenance defeat.I can only hope I'm being overly pessimistic.

  9. Did you post link to Layout article? Great content but I would like to read it and its difficult pausing. Danke. It looks like its only viewable iff you install Telegram which I don't want to do.

  10. It seems that not only has russia been the main supplier of weapons to Ukraine 500 plus working tanks but now according to Russia itself Russia has killed more Russians than the Ukrainians this crazy war will go now in history as the most incompetent aggressive act in our time

  11. You say the only thing proven is that 68 planes were shot down but you don't back that up with any facts so why should I believe you over the Ukrainian estimation. SUPPORT your fact with real data not your opinions. Also, it seems that you tend to support the Russian side of this war which is your right but please make sure of your facts not opinions.

  12. It is interesting what you said about Prigozhin expanding his power base. It strikes me that Putin would be well advised to get a new chef!!! I am reminded that Stalin became wary of Georgy Zhukov when the latter became famous.

  13. Solid reporting, well done, succinctly to the point, free of editorializing. Well worth watching. The "friendly-fire" information was new to me. Very interesting insight. Thank you very much. Maybe your cat should have a Ukrainian collar?

  14. Prigozhin really did interfere with our US elections, but that was back in 2016 (possibly also in 2018 and 2020). That was how I first heard of him – the Senate released a bipartisan report detailing all the Russian individuals, groups, and organizations that had significantly interfered finacially or through troll farms, etc.

    I don't think he had the time or the money to interfere much this time around, however! 🤣


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