Russia: We Must Send Warships To The US Coasts

Russia: We Must Send Warships To The US Coasts.
Under the current president, Russia has become the most dangerous and unpredictable power in the world. Putin constantly talks about security, but in reality he is rocking the boat. The Russian leadership is betting on instilling fear in its opponents. So Putin wanted to scare Ukraine with a blitzkrieg and force Zelensky to capitulate. Then the President of Russia frightened Europe by turning off the gas. The subsequent Russian threats to use nuclear weapons were supposed to scare the US.
Most recently, former President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev announced the dispatch of the Russian fleet to the mouth of the Potomac River. It’s a few dozen miles from Washington. Should we take the words and actions of Russian politicians seriously?

#russia #warships #usa

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23 thoughts on “Russia: We Must Send Warships To The US Coasts”

  1. " The United States Empire ended February 24,2022 " , " It's no longer possible for the US to expect the whole World to dance to their tune " From Most Of The World With Love 150 Country 85% .

  2. Russian Warships approaching the US. Hmmm , Fire one missile at the US. It's over. Those Russian Warships would get parked in pieces on the bottom of the OCEAN along with their submarines. Sounds like A ONE WAY TRIP

  3. Russia is full of it, I don't believe for a second that Russia has more advancements in the Military than the U.S. Military. Just use your head, America spends more than the TOP 10 other countries combined on our military budget alone. They will always be the first in Tech and when it comes to Military applications. 100% BS on Russia having it at all.


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