I Treated This Grandmaster Protoss to a Surprise (Sky Terran to GM #5)

The last game was epic 😀

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42 thoughts on “I Treated This Grandmaster Protoss to a Surprise (Sky Terran to GM #5)”

  1. Hey man,
    thanks for all the constant and dedicated content.
    You ask for ideas*, I have some for you, because you claim to read all comments, to the best of your abilities.
    Absurd to less absurd.
    1) Mercenaries: You get 4 of every kind of soldier. Only BC unlimited.
    2) Every Soldier Is Real: minimal loses. max heal, max repair, max micro, max efficiency.
    3) Heavy Duty : reapers, marauders, ghosts, medivacs, tanks, vikings, banshes, cyclones, ravens, widow mines, BC BY PROXY, bongcloud for clout, to top ten GM (PS, dont build reactor core in proxy;))))
    4) Idea 5 and 6 put together
    5) An "ALL IN" card. I watched the video with the anti-armor TVT. He simply had the perfect response. I believe in these moments you are allowed a "GET OUT OF JAIL" card from your challenge. You obviously knew how to respond, you just couldn't. Maybe Ghost/Nuke? Marines can call in Special Ops and Tactical Nukes?
    6) Also, maybe add like 1 reaper, 2 tanks, 2 ravens, to your marine challenge as "GRANDMASTER AUXILIARY TROOPS".
    *(In SC and BW, in the campaign, Kerrigan would have Hunter-Killer hydras with her… I think in grandmaster, you should be allowed a pack of bonus troops to supplement your forces.)
    Keep up the good work,

  2. Ghost+viking, using the ghost openers you did from ghost to grandmaster. Landed viking in case of protoss stalkers or other mech units, ghosts vs the bio stuff.

  3. Love your content, good sir! Would you be interested in custom stream overlays? I think it would be fun to make different overlays to go with your unique challenges. GL HF 🙂

  4. I really want to see u play reactive.. no challenges just play ur game and see how well u do.. u toss off losses alot because of ur self handicap challenges. I want to see u actually push for real in some tourneys and not play challenges in them r l

  5. Wait, didn't uThermal cheat in his game against the protoss? I am sure that he made way more than five marines 😀

    Also: Day 4 of asking uThermal to allign his camera shape to the menu he is putting it in! XD

  6. I'm not sure 'psycho' is the right word you want to be using to describe SC2 playstyle. I know you don't mean any offence, you just mean a strategy is aggressive and risky – but 'Psycho' generally means 'crazy or mentally unstable person'. it's the shortened version of 'psychopath' which is 'chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.' which might be a rather large over-exaggeration just for the way people play a strategy game.

  7. 19:20 You say this every single video, I don't think there's any point in saying it over and over again. Literally 100% of all channels I subscribed to, I did just because I wanted to. I chose it for myself. (I've been subscribed to you for many many months) But on ZERO occasions have I ever subscribed to a channel because the Host keeps asking you to. I dont think anybody does. I dont think you need to keep saying it; just keep putting out the awesome content like you do and people will naturally enjoy it and want to subscribe to keep seeing it, just like I did. 🙂

  8. At Min 7:00 as he went so deep into your main, why didn´t you land your factory right in front of the ramp, to make it harder for him to retreat to his battary ? this should have been the end for his remaining stalkers ?

  9. Here's a dumb build idea: unit cycle challenge! You can only have 1 of each unit type until you have 1 of each, then you can have 2 of each etc…

    I'm just imagining your opponents face when you attack with 1 of every unit lol

  10. Hey dude, love your challenges but I think for example in game one here you could have made this build more competitive if you rebuilt your 5 marines, beacuse losing just by sheer production output feels a bit rough, as in don't build everything but you should be able to rebuild your 5 marines and 1 reaper if needed for a cheese

  11. I'd love to see you go ranged liberator rush, I remember this build was being used a few times in the GSL, one if this times was Maru.
    Thanks for the awesome content!!!

  12. I'd love to participate in build suggestions but I have only ever played Starcrafts campaign and I realize units exist that don't in multiplayer and vice versa. I just watch for the entertaining content and positive vibes. Also helps me understand what's going on when I watch the SC e-sports tournaments. My favorite campaign was the Protoss campaign so I am extra useless at suggesting Terran builds. lol. Keep up the great content though.

  13. I think you 100% need to be allowed to rebuild your marines if they die. 5 marines the maximum but if they die, you're allowed to rebuild them; kinda stupid otherwise since holding certain cheeses is practically impossible and your bunkers are wasted. 5 marines is not an attacking force anyways; it's just your "Cannon" since Terran "Cannons" don't shoot without units 😛


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