Russia: Shadowy Wagner mercenary group opens St Petersburg HQ

Russia’s secretive Wagner mercenary group has come out of the shadows by opening a new headquarters in the country’s second city, billed as a tech campus for defence operations.

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21 thoughts on “Russia: Shadowy Wagner mercenary group opens St Petersburg HQ”

  1. I look at wagner group the sameway as azovbattalion, they're both a diffrent class than the military, they are preatorians that work as a nationalist anti retreat policing force. I have no doubt that these guys, or what is left of them, will run their countries in a few years

  2. Russia are up front with a 'paid for' military organization, that's fine however, what about the USA (NATO) funded mercenaries (which are called volunteers) from France, UK, ISIS, Syria, Germany, USA and Poland? We do not seem to report any form of 'truth' the other war round in this conflict! And I personally don't have to wonder why!

  3. Ukraine down to BEGGING for weapons as all they had destroyed CHECK

    EU economy in shambles and cost of energy unaffordable CHECK.

    Americans flipping house and senate against Biden (Sure its a CHECK)

    Weapon drawdown in NATO countries inventory's CHECK

    Costs passed on to American taxpayers CHECK

    De dollarization of world accelerating CHECK

    More of the World not caring what America Wants CHECK

    Good Job says Team Z

  4. The point of Wagner was its ability to work outside of the law without being affiliated with a government.
    Now they are officially tied to the Russian government.
    At least we now know where to look when it comes to prosecuting them.


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