Russia is working on new Powerful loitering munition kamikaze drone

Russia is carrying out work to create a new loitering munition based on the experience of using the Lancet kamikaze drone. Loitering munitions can be as small as a model airplane or longer than a surfboard. Typically fixed-wing and powered by pusher propellers, they can resemble everything from matchsticks with wings to Klingon Birds of Prey.


35 thoughts on “Russia is working on new Powerful loitering munition kamikaze drone”

  1. With its long tradition and capability of invention and innovation, Russia could capitalize on the lessons and their experience of the Vietnam War anf Syrian War to produce more lethal and cost-effective weapons to counter the military threat from the US-NATO gang.

  2. Who ever Owns Space Owns the Earth – this has always been about control of the space above the earth – Putin you have been directing your Tech against American Satellites right.
    You've had since Saddam was killed at the Baghdad Airport to get this right – Now you need to remove GPS and STARLINK in one day. 16 x S500's sets off a cascade effect but who knows where and when after all the sensors are gone. It's Well Worth the secondary risk of debris rain – Never going to happen it's burned up – at best be a week or 2 or some Great Night sky observations and get crap loads of people looking into the back.

    So the suggestion is for Putin to Exonerate himself after Saddams Iraq and kill gps and Starlink in a debris cascade the Aircraft Fly by Wire computer controls are going to be fucked up.

  3. Не стыдно убогим позориться с все новыми фанерными макетами и мультиками на фоне неспособности рашистов на поле боя уже почти полтора года , где воюют оружием со второй мировой ? 🤣🤣🤣


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