Russia is Burning: The main battle base blown up by Unknown weapons!

Russia is Burning: The main battle base blown up by Unknown weapons!


23 thoughts on “Russia is Burning: The main battle base blown up by Unknown weapons!”

  1. Peace and prayers for all people in the World no misery ๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€
    Go for a picnic

  2. Russians are destroying putins military infrastructure to help with the removal of putin from power. There has been multiple different attacks on multiple different military buildings throughout Russia that started before putin started forced recruitment. Russia has already lost the war in Ukraine and anything that putin does will have no affect on the outcome because Russia doesn't actually have a military anymore, Russia has reached the point that it cannot provide its troops with food and medical aid not to mention modern military equipment. Russia has been taking vehicles from its scrapyards and sending them into combat without the necessary maintenance and repairs, it is also using firearms that are not in working condition and some even date from ww2. The only reason that Ukraine has not completely removed Russian forces from their country is because they don't want to waste Ukrainian lives and have realised that they can take their time to destroy Russians without endangering their own troops. The main reason why Russia cannot defend themselves against Ukrainian artillery and rocket attacks is because Russia lacks any command structure and the front line troops don't have direct contact with their commanders and other support services. Currently the Russian military just doesn't have the training, supplies and communications to be considered as a proper military force.

  3. "China is not assisting Russia economically, unless it benefits China. [..] Now that the Russian invasion has failed and produced unprecedented economic sanctions, China is making the most of that and forcing Russia to be even more dependent on China. [..] It suits China to allow Russia to weaken itself further and become more dependent on China. This is their long-range strategy to defeat Russia and retrieve the Pacific coast territory lost to the Russian monarchy centuries ago. [..] China intends to be the only winner in this war and so far, that is happening."


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