Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga First Impressions Review!!!

A game that looks and feels a lot like Fire Emblem but itโ€™s done in a completely different way. Is it good? Is it worth it? Well letโ€™s find out together!



33 thoughts on “Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga First Impressions Review!!!”

  1. Only negative is how simplified the enemy AI is. They will always, ALWAYS go right for your weakest unit. It's kinda a bummer that they have no tactics save 'weak link'.
    Other than that, a union of Ogre Battle and Fire Emblem is exactly as awesome as it sounds on paper.

  2. Just before the last mission the shop has unlimited supply (not sure if intended) you can buy the stat up items and traits until your gold runs dry. I made my main character and one other insanely OP.

  3. You should do Langrisser 1-2 remake on steam when they are on sale. This game is more like Advance Wars than Fire Emblem. The setting is Fire Emblem. But resource and building captures are Advance Wars.

  4. Seeing all the comments about this game and the complaints people have about the game's A.I. going for your weakest unit, makes me realize yall have never heard of one of the greatest tactical games ever made. Suikoden. you will thank me later and many times in the future. Have a good day.

  5. 9.5 out of 10 on the commentary my good man! most people yap over gameplay videos try to be goofy and funny, and its annoying. your commentary was super damn honest. great vid!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I'm going to make a comment here about the devs. I like the game (nitpicks aside) but the devs preach about communication and close topics the moment they don't like what they hear. Instead of addressing the concerns of the players, which are on topic, they close the topics when they go on about how their game just has to be seen in a good light without actually addressing the concerns of the players. "Example: Please reconsider. The game the game on a while, but at the same time I'll pretend to be kind while not addressing your specific concern when I change the topic". Nom really, that's what they did. They're pretending to be "nice" people when in reality they ignore the concerns of the players. I detest this. Actually what i detest is that they don't ever claim responsability. If they at least tried to listen to others and tried to be understanding I'd be fine with it. But they don't do that. Not when people have clear concerns and are frustrated. It's classic fear of conflict, leading to more conflict because you can't just avoid it. Until it's faced. They don't. So of course players remain resentful.

    If not for that I'd still be playing the game. But because the devs preach about communication yet then shut it down with closed minds I deleted the game. I dislike hypocrites that can't even consider the thoughts and opinions of others (hostility would concern me less to be honest). I will not support devs that treat players that way. I would be less concerned if people argued and yelled until things are worked out. At least then there's an exchange of thoughts and opinions and a line of communication. I'm not a "white knight". I don't say what I say to be "nice" or "kind". I do it because of honesty. There are things in the game that aren't clear. Like how healers surrender if they're the only units left. Why would a topic be shut down about such things unless the devs have irrational fear and avoid communication instead of actually communicating? If thye preach about communication then communicate. I'm not even angry. I'm disappointed. I want the devs to do better then this. To actually address the concerns of the players isntead of pretending they're "nice" or "kind" when they're anything but. Frankly they got their heads stuck up their own ass and can't see anything other then their own viewpoint. Are they even trying to be understanding of their players when they go "Look at my game differently"? And that wasn't even when they were talking to me. That was what they said to someone else. It's egotistic, it's not addressing the concerns people have. That's just making it about yourself and your own self image of the game. As good as the game might be it doesn't excuse lack of consideration towards others.

    A lack of communication is how companies like EA and Ubisoft go downhill. If that's the game they want to play then so be it. I made a thread stating my concerns and if they take it to heart, great. If not, fine. I fully expect it to be locked/deleted. But I at least tried. I just detest the hypocrisy when people don't do what they dare to preach. Turning your back on a situation and shutting down communication does not end well. Ever. If they can't understand that then I can't enjoy the game they made. At least with Ubisoft and EA they don't pretend to be nice or kind people when others are being mistreated. If people valued honesty more then people would be kinder and nicer. I value that. Do they?

    I'm not just frustrated of how I been treated. Others made threads with legitimate concerns which remain ignored. If that's what the devs do they'll do it again. Their game will die off and remain a little known title if they continue that behaviour. Frankly I don't want that. The game is enjoyable despite that. I want people to like it. But how can I support devs that pull this? I just can't. And I say this as someone that's been in volatile situations with others. But those situations get worked out because people mantain a line of communication. Get what I'm saying? Frankly it's a matter of honesty. Not fragile hurt feelings and delicate egos. If the devs show they can continue to talk to people that have concerns when they don't like what they hear I'll go back to the game. Otherwise I'm done. Dishonesty is one thing. Lack of consideration and refusing to consider anything other then your own viewpoint altogether is the line.

  7. Honestly my biggest gripe with the game is just that there's a noticeable variance in the quality of the character portraits. Not a fan of the style in general, but consistency could have gone a long way here – some characters look great, some have outright incorrect shading/perspective work. Wouldn't be all that hard to fix/improve, but sadly it's not the sort of thing that gets fixed usually. Oh and the font they went with looks really cheap. Aside from that the game's great though!

  8. gameplay and art looks solid. But the attack animations look like shit. I'm guessing they were heavily inspired by three houses that also added armies to the units.
    Nice little review either way. Cheers!

  9. Dude the bad artstyle (imo) really help me appreciate more of this game.

    First entry to the game, this shit look ugly lmao as expected from rpg maker game ofc. But then i was blown away by the gameplay, holy shit idek you can make this kind of complex in rpg maker. The squad composition system is so good, the battle feel like you really make change to the tide of the battle

    An easy 8.5/10 for sure. My favourite game in a while. The only thing to improve is ui, artstyle, and plot story.

    Edit: Well this game got a medium size update today along with sequel announcement. Let's see how this goes

  10. I usually don't comment on videos and never get responses either way, but yours is really well made and I have some doubts since I saw the aswers for the questions at the beggining, Can you play as "The bad guy"?, like becoming the enemy of the world or something?, It might be a little too much to ask, but I have always wanted a videogame similar to FE but where I can be the villain. If not, are there some games that you know that do this?

  11. Leadership is the squad size, higher leadership means you can equip more/bigger units in a squad. Capturing objectives usually gives a leadership point so if you want someone to have a giant squad keep grabbing objectives with that unit


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