Royal family book author denies naming two 'racist royals’

The author of a book which named two members of the British Royal Family as those who brought into question the skin colour of Harry and Meghan’s first child, has denied publishing the names in the manuscript.

The identities of the two individuals were published in the Dutch language version of the book, which has since been pulled from the shelves.

Author Omid Scobie has denied ever writing or releasing a version of the book that had these names in it.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not said anything on the latest controversy.

Buckingham Palace is allegedly considering legal action over the naming of the two senior family members.


28 thoughts on “Royal family book author denies naming two 'racist royals’”

  1. It amazes me how the Sax-Coberg-Gotha royal family claims direct line monarchy. One example of how this is incorrect is when Elizabeth Tudor died. Mary Queen of Scott's son Prince James became the next King of England. There are many more indirect lines of succession throughout the history of the English royal line.

  2. OS can deny all he wants, no one believes him. We all know that he’s writing whatever Harry and Meghan want him to, after all they were caught out in court lying about Finding Freedom and now this piece of trash. Interesting that to write this book (if we really must call it that) he moved to California and lives 10-15 minutes away from his friends Harry and Meghan. The 3 traitors

  3. I feel sorry for the Dutch translator. She was clearly set up. William sued a French publication over pictures of Catherine. Therefore, I believe both author and Dutch publishers can be sued for bringing the institution of monarchy in disrepute. In turn, the Dutch publisher can sue the author and the American publishers. It's is being claimed the published names are not the ones discussed in the Oprah interview. So this is all speculative and slanderous now. KCIII is the Head of State of several countries. He has to do his duty and not put his personal relationship with son before what's best for the monarchy. The royal website should reflect working royals only. Harry and Meghan are working against the monarchy.

  4. My ex son-in-law is Bengali-American and has somewhat dark skin. I too wondered what "color" of skin my two granddaughters, both born apart, would have.
    It was curiosity, nothing racist about it.
    I wondered if they would have beautiful coloring, like a year round deep tan that so many of us caucasians seek out and pay to have.
    The two girls do.

  5. Half-brothers fighting Ishmael and Isaac (the Jews Israel and the Moslems the Arab nations)and other nations who profits from oil and the Spiritual importance of the nation of Israel will encourage and supply arms to allow them to kill each other, rather than make peace.

  6. Weak men makes weak earthly kings and Charles is the greatest example of a weak insecure man/king that has or will ever live on GOD'S Earth, and sadly, William is a carbon copy of his father. Thank Goodness most people do not honor nor worship earthly kings..

    Princess of the people forever, Princess Diana more royal than all monarchs. RIP our angel 😇. One day, GOD ALMIGHTY will reveal who killed you.

  7. The Royal families and all nations and people who follow them misused GOD'S WORDS to Conquer, Kill and Steal from nations and people worldwide 🌎 most especially from the continent of Africa and all its people of African descent to this day. And that is against ALMIGHTY GOD.
    If you are not warned then GOD'S JUDGEMENT will come upon you unaware:

    Proverbs 15:9

    9. The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, but he loves him who pursues righteousness.

  8. If you are not warned then GOD'S JUDGEMENT will come upon you unaware:

    Proverbs 15:9

    9. The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, but he loves him who pursues righteousness.

    And so when we Black people sue until the coming again of JESUS CHRIST for Reparations it is for past, current and if the Powers that falsely believe they are, are not held accountable and stopped from future infringement on us and our properties which include murders, imprisonments, land, monies, ideas, inventions, innovations, etc.. it will be our DIVINE DESTINY to Stand and Persevere for our GOD GIVEN Human Rights.

  9. I’m mixed race and everyone was talking about what we’d look like before being born, my brother is a lot darker than I am, I just look tanned but with black features, my brother has white features but darker skin, i dunno what the problem is except white people making a deal about it coz they’re secretly the racist ones


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