Ron and Fez – Gail O Fears for Her Life from Paul O

While Ron and Fez are being visited by El Jefe and J-Dubbs from The Hideout, Gail O calls in and alleges that Paul O is stealing money and physically assaulting her in-between intimate liaisons with his new gal pal Melly.


Angry person photo created by stockking, Abandoned photo created by jcomp –


20 thoughts on “Ron and Fez – Gail O Fears for Her Life from Paul O”

  1. I fucking love the entire Paul & Gail O saga. It's morbidly fascinating. One of the greatest moments is when Gail is going apeshit on the phone and then some guy in the background asks her to leave the bar she's in.

  2. So, let me see if I have this straight: he took money from the so-called producers of Gap, took money from Gail, shack up with Melly in NYC hotels, and slap-dashed out Gap in 3 days with the money he didn’t spend on Melly. Am I missing any pieces? Oh, and was Melly the one who left Paul O to meet a pedo in England?


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