Robin D. Bullock PROPHETIC WORD: J0E BIDEN Won't Be Seated In Oval Office Much Longer

Robin D. Bullock PROPHETIC WORD: J0E BIDEN Won’t Be Seated In Oval Office Much Longer
#RobinDBullock2022 #RobinBullockLive #RobinBullockProphecy


31 thoughts on “Robin D. Bullock PROPHETIC WORD: J0E BIDEN Won't Be Seated In Oval Office Much Longer”

  1. I have had visions in the past early on in life. Real visions not induced by anything. I had another strange one last nite. I saw an event very symbolic. Now you probably can relate to what I'm about to write. When these visions come there is, for me, a certain part of human stupidity seems to be there. In a form of a human kinda question if you know what I mean. It's like although your there & see this event a part of human conscienceness says wait what is this? It is like being there & although you see this vision it's like that part of human conscienceness says what what. Esp if it is a recurring vision of a certain place or area you've seen before in other visions & you recognize the area yet have never actually been to an area like that. So where it is you don't know of any such place. As a former trk driver I've been to many areas but the area I see I've only seen it in visions so I recognize the scenery. Then if I speak about this most look at me strongly. DO you ever feel like this? I'm not saying I'm a profit BUT my visions clarify many events that have either happened to me or are there to point out I need to beware of certain things. I pray constantly for direction& protection. God is REAL and Jesus is REAL. I thank God above for your intelligence briefings. May the God Lord protect you & yours. May God continue to guide & inspire you & yours.

  2. I was up at 230 this am and watched you and Robin . She was singing that song there’s gonna be a shaking that she wrote I felt the presence of God so strong. It was such a blessing. I love my C I family. Blessings

  3. Just so you all know, this YouTube channel is not Robin Bullock's channel. So he isn't going to see your comments that you left here. Robin's actual YouTube channel is called "The 11th Hour" and he has another one that's called "Robin Bullock" or "Robin D Bullock". I don't remember if the middle initial included or not. But anyway if you want him to see your comments you will need to go to his actual channel.

  4. Get Biden out of our White House he has done nothing but screw the American People scence he took office He caused this unreasonable inflation causing us to be in pain by us all being stripped of our money at the pump,at the store,and causing us to loose our homes,is this right??????????

  5. Yes he will conspiracy profit. He has 2 more years. But we know how much you hate him by you singing take a jackal by the leg and throw him all over the ground. You said God told you in 2020 that Biden won’t be the president. You lied! God don’t tell you anything. You make 💩up and say it’s God. You’re gonna regret it one day.

  6. Emergency rooms were beyond capacity. Medical professionals we know were on long shifts trying to save lives, some lived, some died. In New York, other areas of the world, tractors dug trenches to bury mass bodies. People we know died from this disease. Our church shut down for a few months and when we gathered, we social distanced and wore masks for a while. The masks catch larger droplets of moisture that can carry this disease. Smaller droplets go through the mask, so masks filter out some of the diseases along with the moisture they are carried on. Doctors in surgery wear masks, they keep air born infections from harming the patient. Masks do not stop everything, but they do help. We got our shots, we did not get sick. We are doing fine, no strange thing is affecting us. We still love the Lord, and no one can take that from us. Medical science saved my life a couple times, and it is a gift from God as all good things are, as the Bible declares. Our church is doing fine, we lost no one in our church. There is a balance in all this, and being fearful is not good, but being wise and thoughtful is also a gift from God we use every day to preserve our life or help others. If we have faith, we do not fear death as others would, but still a healthy desire to remain alive remains in those of us that have faith. When I stop at a stop light, it is wise for me to do that, it is with faith we all will obey the law for our own safety. Yes, the government did over reach and over regulate us. It will not happen again. This is all about balance and using wisdom and common sense, using science, laws, things we follow every day to remain safe. We took the jab, we love the Lord, we will not let anyone talk down to us as God is my witness, and no one will keep us from the love of our God, it is His promise.

  7. God never speaks vein words. Gods Word is also always powerful. If we believe and speak God's Word on this earth we can see Gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God only has 1 will. When God speaks it is for a reason and the Words carry power. Speak Gods Word into this earth.

  8. OooooH PSYCHIC ROBIN gives a Clairvoyant and Telepathic message from Satan… Oh, did you think that man was a CHRISTIAN and the HOLY GOD of all speaks through him?????? You are kidding, RIGHT?!!!

  9. Be still and wait on YHVH, the only one that can fulfill Jeremiah 33:3.

    In 2020 Trump didn't call Covid, a weak cold/flu virus w/a 99.7% recovery rate, 'Fake News'. Instead, he created Operation Warp Speed (OWS). Anthony Fauci stood with Trump supporting OWS and Bill Gates offered to pay billions to upgrade the manufacturing plants. Jesus told us about the false signs/wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11). Revelation 17:10-11 says that one of the 'heads', which is a ruler/king/president (v.10), is called the 'one is', the next ruler (7th) won't last long/short season, and the one you saw comes back as the eighth, the beast. The 'one is' is ruling when the false signs/wonders happen in the present tense of the generation it was written to. Revelation 17:11 says we've seen the beast already, and now he is not (ruling), but he comes back as the eighth, and goes to his destruction. That destruction may take a while or a short time, we'll see.

    Trump’s OWS made the vaccine the world governments mandate.

    The line of kings from the 'one is' in Revelation 17:10:
    – Reagan (1st was shot/healed, and the world has marveled after the USA since him)
    – GHW Bush (2nd)
    – Bill Clinton (3rd)
    – GW Bush (4th)
    – Barrack Obama (5th)

    – Trump (6th – one is)
    – Biden (7th – won't last long/short season)
    – The Beast (8th – one of the seven who returns)

    Beasts = Kings and/or their kingdoms (Daniel 7:17-18 & Revelation 17:12)
    Heads = Kings (Revelation 17:9-10) and ref. as mountains in scripture
    Horns = Craftsmen of the nation (Zechariah 1:17-18) and can become kings (Revelation 17:12)

    In Revelation 13:11-18 John saw two 'horns' that looked like lambs, but spoke like a dragon. These horns can heal, bring fire from the sky, make an image come to life/speak, and make the mark. Anthony Fauci represents the Pharmaceutical Horn/Craftsman and can heal. Bill Gates represents the Technological Horn/Craftsman. Planes, rockets, space craft, satellites, etc are fire in the sky to anyone that lived in generations past, but we grew-up in this world of technology and like fish that do not see the water they're born into, we do not see the signs/wonder we're born into. We grew-up watching the 'image that speaks/comes to life' and we call it television/video. We get all our information from technology, because you ‘might die’ if you don’t hear of the bad news, such as storms, viruses, etc. Bill Gates funded the Quantum Dot Vaccine Patch at MIT and Rice University. The patch has microneedles that deliver quantum dots (QD) and a vaccine to the back of the hand, subdermally. The QD's glow under special light or phone app. But what about ‘speaking like a dragon’ part? A dragon is a beast, and beast are nations. Fauci and Gates worked out of China and openly speak similar Chinese ideologies. China's official national animal is the dragon.

    Who made the vaccine? Who does everyone want back? Trump

    What is his number in the line of kings? Count it. Six. Even the elect of YHVH would be fooled if possible. Do you hear the Spirit speaking to you? Why do you think Jesus asked if he'd find the 'faith' when he returned (Luke 18:8)?

  10. For 2 years now you been saying Joe Biden is not the president and Joe was leaving but not happen yet I don't know how you call yourself a man of God and liar like you do but we the people know Joe Biden is the president nothing gonna change that trump lost no way he can come back unless he run for president in 2024 but trump will never beat Joe Biden for president

  11. God will not allow satin to rule his people all over this precious world. Ask for guidance and then let go and trust for God knows all. He is the unified field of all that is. That which is non-arising, unceasing, unchanging, unconditional and pure awareness.

  12. I would only hope other pastors , real pastors would listen to you Pastor Bullock🙏. They are So afraid to “rock the boat”. My family still so complacent! My 86 year old disabled Mother is more fired up and she loves loves President Trump 🇺🇸 and first , The Lord


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