Rick and Morty Just CRASHED AND BURNED…

Rick and Morty and Beth and Jerry and Mr Poopybutthole have returned in a post-justin royland universe and the voices are great!


40 thoughts on “Rick and Morty Just CRASHED AND BURNED…”

  1. at first I thought the episode would change focus to the robo-ghost, and Mr. poopie would be moved to be in the after credit scene like they usually did, and yes, the scene with the predator being with amy… was WAY predicable, something rick and morty never was!

  2. I won’t lie to you I think you are low key just mad you didn’t get what you wanted I thought this episode was okay it obviously wasn’t the best episode of Rick and Morty but I still found my self laughing at the jokes in this episode

  3. Dude, I didnt understood any of this shit, why tf does bird person has a daughter, wtf isn't he still mad with Rick, why tf gearhead isn't mad with Rick, why tf is does this exists

  4. The voice change was pretty jarring already but even with the funny jokes this just made me agree the show ended in season 6. This wasn't the same show, a fanfic wasn't that far off of a good descriptor.

  5. I really do agree.. so much of this episode made me cringe. The characters didn't have.. their original depth to them? Hard to phrase it exactly. Maybe the first episode was intended to have story elements for later in the season, though I don't personally see many of such elements.. On a positive note though, the voice actors sounded great to me, from what I heard. Hopefully we'll get that.. original spark back at some point

  6. I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t see how anyone could think this was going to be good. The death knell rung when Roiland left. I can understand the morbid curiosity of seeing a body spasm, but that’s all it is. It’s already dead.

  7. The impressionist(s) do ok with what he’s (or they’re?) given, but as I suspected, Roiland was just too good at the voicing of these characters, and that just kills the last bit of intrigue i had for the show. Sorry but there is no R&M without the original R&M.

  8. it actually could be a different universe. After they got Jerry back from the season 6 premiere, the other Jerry let out that alien that ruined their universe. The Universe hopping is what actually made me hate Birdperson's backstory since he wouldn't be the same one from Rick's memories…

  9. There are definitely episodes better than others and i thought this was one of the better ones in several seasons. Also the voices are barely noticeable unless you wanna be nit picky. But if you are nit picking Rick and Morty to begin with you are definitely missing the point.


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