Speed painting HeroQuest: Mummies and Zombies

Zombies and Mummies and spooky lads, oh my! Let me show you how to paint up these undead monsters from the Heroquest rerelease, alongside their old ’80s cousins!

Here are some useful links to the stuff I used or spoke about in the video:

The HeroQuest boxed game: https://geni.us/heroquest

The plastic cups I use as painting handles: https://geni.us/plasticshotglasses

A great model paint starter set: https://geni.us/VallejoPaintSet

A great beginner paint brush set: https://geni.us/RLTaklon

Cheap brushes for detail work: https://geni.us/RLDetailTaklon

The other Heroquest videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3sr5KdJlYo7SfRMUX_OCFA78rMVaqFnJ

Basic painting advice for beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLJwh4ClZ6U

The paints I’ll be using for this series, and decent alternatives, are as follows:

Red: Citadel Mephiston Red / TTCombat Viscera Red / AK Deep Red
Green: Vallejo Intermediate Green / Citadel Warpstone Glow / AK Deep Green
Grey: Vallejo Neutral Grey / Citadel Dawnstone / TTCombat Admirality Grey
Khaki: TTCombat Mummified Khaki / Citadel Zandri Dust / Vallejo Khaki
Dark Blue: TTCombat Throwing Shade / Vallejo Signal Blue / Citadel Night Lords Blue
Brown: TTCombat Matt Brown / Citadel Mournfang Brown
Yellow: AK Deep Yellow / Citadel Flash Gitz Yellow
Silver: Vallejo Aluminium / TTCombat Supernova Chrome / Citadel Stormhost Silver
Purple: Vallejo Royal Purple / Citadel Xereus Purple / GreenStuffWorld Liche Purple
Black: TTCombat Black / Citadel Abaddon Black / AK Black
Off-white: Vallejo Pale Sand / Citadel Screaming Skull
Gold: TTCombat Counterfit Gold / Citadel Retributor Armour
Black wash: TTCombat Black Wash / Citadel Nuln Oil
Brown wash: Citadel Agrax Earthshade / Vallejo Brown Wash

Music by Midwinter Minis, and the YouTube Audio Library.

Support us on Patreon, get a shout-out, jump on the Midwinter Minis Discord, and take part in the Painty Points competition! https://www.patreon.com/midwinterminis

Listen to our album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWqw5iOh7Es
Buy our album: https://midwinterminis.bandcamp.com/releases

Grab Midwinter Minis merch here: https://www.midwinterminis.com/

Surprise your friend with a personal video from Guy! https://www.cameo.com/midwinterminis

Guy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mwminis/


47 thoughts on “Speed painting HeroQuest: Mummies and Zombies”

  1. Nice to see some classic miniatures like zombies and mummies which we don't see very often in Warhammer, and the back to basics approach I'm sure will be extremely useful for people wanting to get models like this painted up fast for tabletop games or D&D/Pathfinder sessions!

  2. The original Hero Quest was what got me into ttrpgs waaaay back in the 90s. Its become a family tradition once again with the rerelease and we all meet up at my parents place to play and defeat Zardog, our name for the bbeg 😊

  3. Even if this series doesn’t get as many views as other videos, I absolutely love this series. There is just something very comforting about it, and it doesn’t hurt that I recognized a lot of miniatures I bought had some HeroQuest skeletons in it from them too. (Had about a fifth of a HeroQuest minis and a Battle Master Orge.)

  4. Just in time!!!😃 I finished the skeletons of my '89 MB base box just a few days ago and now I'm happy to go on with the next batch. The box was a Christmas gift in 2022 from a HeroQuest veteran who owned two boxes.
    Great tutorials! 👍 I also take this series as a re-entry to mini painting and looking forward to the next part. Happy painting everybody 🖌

  5. this is one of my favorite comfort channels, i'm fighting a virus right now so obviously I can't paint my models, but i can still experience the joy of the process through these videos. Thanks guy!

  6. I was waiting for this next part !!! I received Heroquest for Christmas and I paint my first minis thanks to your videos. I did all the furniture and the skeletons, and was hopping for the next part. Painting minis is so fun and I'm so proud of what I'm achieving. Thank you very much for this series ! 😊😊😊

  7. Given that Heroquest often gives you multiples of the same model as the entirety of that monster type (only one sculpt of zombie in the box, for example), it can be advantageous to give slight variations in color to make them seem less uniform. Different shade of skin, hair, or clothing for example.

  8. I snagged a (mostly complete) D&D board game from 2003 at a charity shop recently, and this series has been pretty helpful with getting those minis painted! Cheers, Guy and Hatty!

  9. I sometimeswonder why we all get so fussy about neatly painted models. If you can have a fully painted army or boxed game with some simple steps, that’s way better than pushing grey plastic around.

  10. i- i dont even KNOW what heroquest is, and I watched this video fully, just because its so amazing seeing ur skill guy. ur the best. (btw I love the ring on ur thumb, super stylist)

  11. I love how beginner friendly these tutorials are while still being advanced enough that experienced painters can still enjoy and enjoy them, it’s great to get new people into the hobby

  12. I'm loving the evolution of Guy's pallet as the little cups slowly get filled with layers of paint and grey primer over the top. I feel like if he cut it in half, you'd be able to see all the layers of paint like sedimentary rock layers!

  13. Guy, I have to ask. I see you using TT Combat paints a lot these days, and that’s a pretty obscure brand of paint. I’m pretty sure you have access to a lot of different brands (I know Hattie brought a lot of Citadel with her, but I know you don’t want to use just Citadel in your videos). What are the properties of TT Combat paints that you like for those basic colors? Also, are they gel-based acrylics like WarColours or am I remembering that wrong from when you introduced them about about a year ago?

  14. Another question. Guy, when are you going to start playing HeroQuest with the twins? I recently sat my 16 and 10 yr old boys down to play on the weekends and we’ve been enjoying it. It’s a simple intro game into the hobby.

  15. Great job, as usual! I'm probably going to use at least part of this for my Descent mobs. I usually tend to spend waaay to much time on my minis, having a set "protocol" as this will probably help me in keeping it simple and straightforward (and possibly "done" instead of constantly "in progress")

  16. They look great for relatively low work. I went an even faster & simpler route for mine which I fine works great for gaming. While I gave all the heroes a "full" tabletop standard paint (base, shade, highlight, etc), I went mono-color for the monsters. Just a prime, followed by a mono-color coat of contrast paint (green for orcs & goblins, a bone color for skeletons & zombies, etc), and a drybrush with a light contrast. Very quick — I was able to do all the monsters basically in a day. On the board, the heroes pop nicely and the monsters are distinguishable without drawing too much attention away. I find it facilitates play better than having fully painted multi-colored models for everything — but go with what you like best!

    (I also applied the same approach to my War of the Ring board game minis, with equally pleasing results.)


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