Richard Hammond explains what he experienced during his coma | 310mph Crash

Everyone remembers Richard Hammond’s near-fatal crash back in 2006 in the Vampire jet car. But for the first time on camera, Richard reveals what went on in his head during the fallout of that life-changing event, including a very specific, heart-warming memory when he was in the depths of his coma.

Music sync: MB01UYUBJR8N9HN


31 thoughts on “Richard Hammond explains what he experienced during his coma | 310mph Crash”

  1. In complete alignment with my own idea of how we end our stint in this life. How “fortunate” you are to have been there – and returned because your wife shouted at you.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I've spent a lot of years of my life not so much in a coma, but a kind of emotional prison.
    That sense of dread, of 'i'm going to be in trouble, aren't i', of impending doom… I let it decide my course in life, for so, so very long.
    Where i would be metaphorically in trouble for not being home in time, i would never come home to avoid the trouble… But the thing is, that dread, it never went away, for the longest time, it just stayed with me, and compounded, with every step i took, with every mile i walked, not being able to offload that sense, just letting it build up, it nearly crushed me.

    That description, it's very familiar to me.
    Elevated heart-rate, being aware of every pulse, that feeling you get in your gut almost as if you haven't eaten for weeks but without the hunger, the sense to get up and run away, the suppressing of panic as you're trying not to let all that compounded dread spill out at once, the guilt of running away from every chance of getting in trouble…

    I don't know who i'm typing this for, nor who will read it.
    But if you are still reading this, and if you recognize that same avoidance of consequence, don't run from it.
    Don't let that pile of past mistakes trick you into thinking confrontation of that which you fear is worse than the avoidance once again adding to the ever-growing pile.
    I ran until i no longer could, only to find out that i didn't have to run at all.
    I ran myself broken, and it almost cost me my life, very literally.
    Don't let it get to that.

    If all your instincts are telling you that one phone call, that one opportunity, or that one choice in life is the worst mistake you can make, make that mistake with everything you've got.
    Because reality is the only truth that matters.
    Instincts, feelings, fear, it all comes and goes.
    What you do is the only thing that remains.

    If all your instincts are telling you to not do something, it means that doing that exact thing is more than worth it.
    Because even if you don't succeed, you overcame the fear of trying.
    A teacher of mine once said that the only way to learn is to fail miserably, but to fail slightly less miserably every time you try.
    And if there's nothing left stopping you from trying, there's nothing preventing you from learning, improving, and eventually, succeeding.

    To fail means to succeed another day.
    To never fail means to never learn, and never improve.
    Quite simple in theory, but it couldn't be more difficult in practice.
    Try to fail at everything, and one day, you'll run out of ways to fail.

    It's a lesson i'm still learning to this day.

  3. bless him thanks Richard that was something special and even i welled up a little may you your wife and family have as many years as posible in peace and happieness much respact. i met you at topgear of the pops years ago i had long hair and a metallica cap on. changed a lot now and grew up lol take care bud

  4. Wow, that is incredible. 🤯 You have actually found your heaven on earth! It truly is a beautiful place. And your wife knew exactly how to get you back to the world, so if you want to spend eternity with each other, I do hope she knows how to get to that tree. ❤

  5. Believer or not, this story epitomises the power of love. The power that 2 connected souls can give to each other, the way they can communicate intrinsically when all else is gone. Richard stared at the light and her voice pulled him back without him knowing.

    There is a higher power at play somewhere in this world, we will just never understand it, nor be able to replicate or touch it.

  6. This was beautiful, Richard. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm glad that you have your tree. My trees are the black oaks of Northern California. I hope that my spirit always sits under one of those.


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