Richard Eden believes strange times are ahead as the Monarch may not be seen for MONTHS!

Richard Eden believes strange times are ahead as the Monarch may not be seen for MONTHS!

#shorts #kingcharles #palaceconfidential


30 thoughts on “Richard Eden believes strange times are ahead as the Monarch may not be seen for MONTHS!”

  1. My husband died of pancreatic cancer, had treatment for 18 months. He was an architect, drove to work 1 hour and back every day till a month before he died. We skied weekends, sailed in summer. He was in his late 50’s so with Charles in his 70’s his road may be more difficult but I believe the best way to get through is keep on keeping on. The royals do that well. Charles attend lighter and less strenious duties, it will do him good. He has a strong woman. By his side. Hope his cancer is very treatable. May he fare well.

  2. I think the king is doing the best he can under the circumstances to keep in touch with the public via announcements, printed and recorded messages to the public, and letting photos of himself never he is outside, like going to church or the clinic.

  3. The last year of her life, royal reporters complained because the Queen was slowing down. The King has cancer, and has rights as a human being to be treated. Sometimes these reporters split hairs to make news. It can be tiresome.

  4. When the queen was IN HER NINETIES the pissy press got all upset if she missed one thing. And the woman was suffering in silence with bone cancer, for heaven’s sake! I hope they give the King a break. I just got thru a year of chemo, and let me tell you, it was rough. Wasn’t too bad to begin with, but became a nightmare all too soon. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

  5. People who have had daily or them selves with cancer understand and would not be botherd about not seeing the king Knowing what it is like if he has good days it would. Be enough to appear on the balcony so he is no t over doing it love to the king and queen and all the family

  6. It was dodder t times, Queen Elizabeth could never have disappeared because there was not the social media there is today, King Charles has told us why he’s missing from public life, the queen never would have.

  7. What nonsense! Some people seem to forget that with internet we now see our monarchs more than ever. He doesn't need to be constantly surrounded by public to be seen. All he needs to do is go to church and the whole world will see him.

  8. The King will be carrying out his duties but whether he has chemotherapy or radiotherapy these affect the immune system which makes him more susceptible to infections. That will be the reason why his medical team has advised against public duties. For him to get the best effect from his treatments he cannot also fight further viruses or infections. We all know how many there are going around. Let us just be satisfied with the glimpses we get as he has apparently decided to use his vehicles with large windows. HM, I'm sure will want the public to see him as he travels this current journey which only he can travel with support from others.


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