NYPD Stole Property | CAUGHT on Camera!

Sean from Long Island Audit FINALLY got his stolen property back from the NYPD. Let’s react to the footage!

Follow Long Island Audit here: https://www.youtube.com/@LongIslandAudit

LIA Live Stream about the incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k98-TJ97VRI&t=318s

My previous reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SprURS5fiQ

Sean’s live stream w/ his attorney: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iWDGsE53Os

PEACEFULLY address your grievances here:

NYPD 61ST Precinct: (718) 627-6611
Community Affairs: (718) 627-6847

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28 thoughts on “NYPD Stole Property | CAUGHT on Camera!”

  1. Youll link "his whole channel" i didnt know you could link just a partial channel. Thanks so much you queen your so much better than everybody and smarter and better looking. It must feel great to be better than everybody and i mean that k hun luv ya def don't mean it buyyeee

  2. Imagine activating emergency mode on your iphone because your being followed by a unmarked blacked out charger who whipped around and started following you with fully tinted windows and no plates and are terrified while driving out in the middle of no where at 2am! I had cops pull up on me with a “sheriff” aiming his gun at me because some petite 5’3 110lbs with her hands on her steering wheel nearly crying holding my phone worried this guys not real because how he acted and it was MY FAULT. I was let go and i was held against my will for a hour. This was years ago when i was barely 19 and hated driving because my anxiety was so bad… again my fault because i went over a line to see around the corner to turn than “sped off in a high speed chase” going 40 in a 40… yes its my fault still. Il never get that time back. Iv hated the cops ever since because i was yelled at for panicking and also getting ahold of 911 trying to find out if that guy was real when he couldnt tell me his badge number OR NAME. MY FAULT! Oh because i didnt roll my windows down in rainy windy weather with some creep who might not even be a cop!? Ya MY FAULT! 🎉 congratulations you pigs you played yourself. Drop your bullsht fake cowboy ancient because nobody believes it. If you see a cop talking like a cowboy he’s probably playing a roll like a cop

  3. Corruption from to bottom it is all way up to district attorney and the police chief and down thought every department including the police Department evidence locks because drugs and guns and money goes missing and nothing is done

  4. BJ, there is a video that published one hour after this one about Orange County probate corruption. I told you about Michael Volpe before, investigative reporter in Chicago. He doesn’t have much traction, but his stuff is solid, our paths crossed when I was covering VA and CPS corruption. Apparently money has been stolen with elderly guardianships – families are Picketing and bonding to expose Orange County corrupt system of judges.

  5. It's amazing how the NYPD Blue can do so much and still no accountability for the lieutenant or the chief we know the wrong apples on the bottom we need to go after the ones on the top they should do a hole story on top brass. 😉🤔😏

  6. You know what I just noticed the sergeant went inside to go get another officer he's throwing that officer under the bus because if anything happens in this arrest others is not the sergeant arresting him it was the the other pirate the sergeant just did that on purpose to throw that office around the bus because the sergeant doesn't want to get demoted

  7. People don't realize how seriously the NYPD union takes this policy. The union will allow the firing of an officer over their bodycams being on in the building. The NYPD has lost multiple lawsuits for filming over decades. They haven't changed how they deal with cameras at all. The police union fears cameras and defends the policy regardless of the law. I think the municipality of NYC fears the union so it turns a blind eye and just pays out.

  8. Oh my, BJ, I just love your new york cosa nostra mafia accent!! It's just "poirfect"! 😂
    I'd love to see you go there and argue with that pig with that accent, but probably you would end up arrested or with your knee caps blown off, so please don't. 😂

  9. Maybe there was a sign in a police department in Berlin, 1933 that said "You must kill 6 million jews in order to get service". So no one is at fault for the holocaust, there was a sign….


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