Remote Neural Monitoring & EMF Broadcast Basics – Telepathic Gang Stalking & Street Theatre Yeah Man


22 thoughts on “Remote Neural Monitoring & EMF Broadcast Basics – Telepathic Gang Stalking & Street Theatre Yeah Man”

  1. There ghosts and inter dimensional beings and they are feeding off you , every time you die you loose density. They are less dense then you. You are a partial ghost not as dense as total physical being. Ghosts eat other ghosts Dont believe me have them stretch your body, they can make you taller on demand, you will feel your bones grow.

  2. Can you help me…I met God and knew I was being judged for my sins, whilst on remote neural monitoring and I continued to glorify pure evil in my ways. The hackers are actually good and only doing what is best for the situation and I feel so lost.
    Please help me.

  3. I can't belive the damn cheek of these monsters.i can't call them people coz no one's that evil..I'm in assisted disabled n can't look after myself anymore.ive been trying2 get 2 my chance as my phones hacked.theve got the heat on full downstairs in a heatwave.whats going on.

  4. Throw ur phone away that's how all this is happening.just use ur laptop.n get Firefox security on it.this seems2 b the answer.u want to read Stephen Kings book cell.this is what it's all the way he only has landlines n no mobile..also Edward Snowden all over it.n something2 do with apps n games 2 lure people in.its all elite agenda 21 to get worlds population down so they can take over.also anonymous on it keep doing what ur doing Kevin chin up they won't win coz their scum murderers n have lots of bad karma coming their way..look at bigger picture.x

  5. In my case they are out to ruin my life and yours no matter what you think.they didn't even know I used to break into trains .I did get caught and went through the courts so they don't know shit.they are always around you even in your home I caught there broadcast in my home it appeared right above me and I put it on YouTube.

  6. Hey Kev yes they do talk back when we think something and yes I believe thousands of us world wide. I'm all the way in NZ love you brother πŸ˜‡β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ‘

  7. Hey bro I find some people can be extreme and I’m not sure if you are but I’m definitely being gang stalked or something investigated but I don’t break laws. I’m former military work at a government hospital and Muslim. So yes I’m going through this also. I just started getting gangstalking things through emails definitely being tracked and my phone is bugged for sure because someone plays with the keys

  8. well Kevin again, i completely understand what, you mean, I as well cant talk to any one,for the same reason's as U, I haven't slept good in 3 years,do to waking up with ligature marks around my throat 2 of them and a big bite mark on my neck as well,this was 2 in half years ago, They stopped leaving those kinds of marks,but about 5 months ago i woke up with bruises on the outer sides of both arms from elbow to wrist,I asked the that they call Zycus,or Zeesus,sometimes Tristan,Trixes,Trixi,what the hell happened to my arm's,she or he say's "Oh i tried to carry U down the stairs ,but you were to heavy,so i dragged you by one leg down them!! they show them selves to me as dwarf' size,except 1 who look's very tall and skinny,they also dress up like drag queen's for some weird reason,maybe it's because i'am a christian?an believe i don't like gay's or colored folk's,which of course isn't true,I just don't like them PERIOD!!! at first they did the demon bit,then they did the Alien bit,Now it's the CIA an NSA bit,also they've tried to say they've been hired by almost every person in my family,including,my son an his wife even her parent's,an my neighbor's,except all of these people have had major health problems from these ass hole's, always the heart an kidney's or digestive track issue's.any how Thank's again for your time an video's it help's to vent a little.God bless U and your's.,


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