"RECORD Breaking" Tornado Outbreak Isn't Over – MASSIVE Meteor Sighting

Where ya been? Welcome back!
Big Meteor sighting
-Tornado Season Begins much earlier then we would like.. This may just be the new norm

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JUST So you know…
I am NOT a professional Meteorologist. This channel and content are my opinions and personal forecasts I share and blog with the public using public information and weather charts. I ALWAYS highly recommend people listen to ‘Local Weather stations’ for Current and up to date Weather information wherever you may live. Stay Safe!

#TornadoOutbreak #SevereWeather #Meteor


23 thoughts on “"RECORD Breaking" Tornado Outbreak Isn't Over – MASSIVE Meteor Sighting”

  1. Great to hear your voice.
    Your voice sounded like you’ve had a wonderful time off, and now back delving into the catastrophic tornado’s reaping across our nation..! Hurricanes are a couple months off and No, I’m not ready, yet…!
    Welcome back, my friend..!
    Thanx for listening.
    Be safe….yet….enjoy….!

  2. Greed is a Enemy Within !             
              Marxist Socialists disguised as democracy  'SEDITION;
    Can you see what's happening? Look deep into the bigger picture, our Constitution, Republic and our freedom is at stake.
    If the US falls the world falls to Marxism!
    We The Patriots will never concede to the marxist regime!
    Global election manipulation,
    Deep State takeover controlled by the CCP, a coup against the 45th U.S. Presidency, punishable by death.
    The deep state are merely puppets as with the fake news media, big social tech giants, globalists, and the cabal.
    The FBI, DOJ, NSA WHO, CDC, and CIA along with many others have been compromised by the greed.
    Marxism and The Communist China Party are the Enemy controlling the GREED !  They openly declare that their ends Can be attained only by their forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.
    Social Engineering & Critical Race Theory, Mass Formation Psychosis.
    Worldwide covid lockdowns and forced experimental vaccine injections (死亡) Which violates the Nuremberg Code !
    Socialist controlled Big City Implosions, highly probable world conflicts looming! World altering cyber attacks.
    A modern day Civil War over government control sweeps the Nations.
    Freedom against Communism !
    Food shortages, mass hunger and starvation, expansive human migration,  rolling blackouts, society meltdown, U.S. dollar collapse, Neuralink Chip Implants, AI. & Meta.
        WW ★★★
    War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is, Revolution is when you decide it for yourself.
    Patriots take back Liberty and control of this country !
    The Ballot Box, Jury Box and the CARTRIDGE BOX, Patriots main line of defense.
    Disobedience is the true foundation of Liberty, the obedient must be slaves.
    🚫 Mail-in-ballets, drop-boxes, Internet connected voting & tallying machines, no voter ID are windows to fraudulent deception!!!
    The tyrants don't create the tyranny, your obedience does.
    Imperative !  get out at your local centers & submit your legitimate  IN–PERSON–VOTE !
        Michigan Prepper  🇺🇸

  3. I prophecy that we are in the 4th book of Revelations teaching the 24 elders all political leaders across the globe a very valuable lesson as to who is really in charge on our planet with inclement weather, 4 living creatures will be leaving us signs such as men mixed with ox, eagle, and lion. Look at political flag's.
    7 lampstands we will be seeing lots of volcanoes showing sign's, sea level rising. Mixture with fire and ice. Cold/hot inclement weather drops. Tornadoes, hurricanes, la ninas, earthquakes are eminent. Grand solar minimum is about to be poppin this spring. Pay attention Brian.

  4. Im stating to think “tornado season” is just year round now with what used to be tornado season just being the peak of it people in the central US need to be prepared for a twister any time of the year, take the craziness in December as a prime example


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