Rating Men’s Facial Hair


44 thoughts on “Rating Men’s Facial Hair”

  1. your attractive but negitive 300 out of 10 for the shallow judgemental attitude that would be a loving hell on just one date. look into buying cats. also that dude out of your class i can find him if you really want that restraining order js.

  2. Us men should have every right to have any kind of beard we feel comfortable with. It's our faces and women have no say. She must date soy boys living in Mommy and Daddy's basement with Justin Bieber hair and dressing girly. It's called masculinity sweetheart. Get used to it

  3. I'm seriously hoping she is joking. If she isn't, somebody gotta go full, "1950's coming home from a long and difficult day at work to overcooked tuna casserole for dinner" on her ass.

  4. i don't give a F*** 😂. I don't seek too many women either . One woman is enough for a real man. Seeking woman your whole life will take away your real happines. Im married for 13 years now. And my wife's happy even if i have long beard.


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