Pastor Matt Hagee – "The Crisis of Faith"

The government is trying to tell us what we can and cannot believe, what we can and cannot do. The foundation of the United States was built by soldiers who selflessly gave their lives for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Currently, our freedoms are under attack. Are you putting your faith in God or the government?


19 thoughts on “Pastor Matt Hagee – "The Crisis of Faith"”

  1. Jesus, hear my prayers these past three years have been difficult on me I am weak. Give me guidance. Please come back soon I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. As a single parent things are hard on me both of my sons are autistic and my hours to work are limited because I’m now homeschooling them. I’m constantly struggling to provide the basic necessities for them I’m so ashamed. I suffered an heart attack and I’m battling lupus I’m overwhelmed. Lord heal me. Father God hear my prayers. I constantly struggle to pay my bills and struggle to provide groceries. BUT I KEEP FAITH. Even though I want to give up. Jesus please take the fear from my heart. Father God it is you that gives me the strength to keep going. I praise you Father even as I fear homelessness please continue to give me strength.

  2. Since Yashua (salvation of YHVH) has been returning for 2000 years (a 1000 years is as a day) and everyone has a DAY (first or second 1000th year) and an "HOUR" (your individual LOT cast from the foundation of the world) you will EXPERIENCE MESSIAH RISING SUDDENLY in your temple, through your heart, up to the place of the skull, to JOIN you to God OUTISDE OF YOUR BODY (seated in heavenly places) but your body like the apostle Paul will remain till you are destined to die physically: The soul ascends with the HOLY SPIRIT though the anointing , Christ, Messiah, through the narrow road (singularity, single eye) out of the body to bring heaven here to earth as Jesus said to pray, let your Kingdom come in earth as in heaven: FIRST you have to get to heaven, win the spiritual war through CHRIST IN YOU while a part of you is seated till your enemies (your own wrinkles, blemishes and spots on your soul (RED HEIFER); This is your name and lot written in the Lambs book of LIFE: YOUR lot could come up any day: BE READY ALWAYS: Soldiers (angels) during the Roman Kingdom cast lots for Jesus outer garment (man, meaning, when would they become "MAN" in four phases, YHVH): His inner garment (CHRIST, the LIGHT) went from heaven to earth and is NOT divided:

  3. Preach my kingdom to all nations. A kingdom where if one has we all have on earth 🌎. Mansions for all on earth 🌎 food for all on earth 🌎. Let's all come together on earth 🌎 In love and help build mansions for all cars for all clothes for all food for all ..let's stop wars world hunger and poverty..let's turn earth in to heaven …love all Christopher herman

  4. DARKβ€’NESS: In the Bible the main use of DARKNESS is in contrast to light. Light is the symbol of God's purity, WISDOM and glory. Darkness (is) the opposite.

    When a person walks in darkness, they are living their life without the guiding presence of the Lord. The dark world in which they live is an extremely dangerous place to be, because they are unable to see the many pitfalls that remain in their pathways. Our lives were founded on making choices (Deuteronomy 30:19). Making the wrong choices in life can result in a life of misery and suffering at best, and death at worst. For a person to make the right choices in life as opposed to one who makes the wrong choices, is a person who demonstrates good wisdom. Unfortunately, humans are not born with wisdom (Proverbs 22:15). Wisdom is another attribute of God that He is more than willing to give to anyone who ask Him (James 1:5-8). Rather than praying and believing God for things like houses, cars, relationships and careers, we should be praying for Godly wisdom, because it will help us make better choices in possessing those things (2 Chronicles 1:10). We should learn from the WISEST man who had asked God for wisdom.

    πŸ“– Ecclesiastes 12:13 πŸ“–

    Now all has been heard; here is the CONCLUSION of the matter: Fear God and KEEP his commandments, for this is the duty of ALL mankind.

    Sent with much LOVE, take care and God bless πŸ•Šβ€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ•Šβ€οΈπŸ™πŸΎβ€οΈπŸ•Š

  5. REβ€’PENT: to have a changed mind.

    From heaven's viewpoint, the most beautiful and amazing thing to behold on earth, is having the opportunity to witness a sinner's life becoming drastically transformed from being a hopeless sinner, to becoming a true believer (1 Peter 1:12). God as well as every holy creature in heaven rejoices at seeing the confession and repentance of just one sinner surrendering to Christ. That may not sound impressive to you, but please remember that there are more celestial creatures that dwell in heaven than there are gains of sand on earth's seashores. We humans are limited to seeing only the corruptible things on earth to be impressed or amazed by, and those temporal things are NOT to be compared to the heavenly things that are not made visible to our natural eyes (1 Corinthians 2:9). You see?….God the Father's ideal of true beauty is to see His children living their lives in the LIKENESS of His beloved son Jesus! (Psalm 96:9).

    πŸ“– Luke 15:7 πŸ“–
    Just so, I tell YOU, there will be more joy in heaven over ONE sinner who REPENTS than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no REPENTANCE.

    What is God's ideal of true beauty? Seeing a person turn from a lifestyle of habitual sin, to surrendering and living their life in the LIKENESS of Jesus Christ!…even if it is just only ONE person out of a hundred. 😁

    Preaching REPENTANCE is only a means to an end. The end results of preaching is to witness Godly results in terms of obedience to the message preached, and not only receiving a biblical understanding of what was spoken (James 1:22)

    Sent with much LOVE, take care and God bless πŸ•Šβ€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸΎβ€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ•Šβ€οΈ


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