Ranking all 9th Edition Codexes MOST BROKEN Warhammer 40k Tier List!

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0:00 Intro
1:18 Necrons
3:07 Death Guard
4:50 Drukhari
9:09 Admech
13:30 Sisters of Battle
16:43 Grey Knights
20:02 Thousand Sons
22:48 Orks
26:05 Adeptus Custodes
30:46 Genestealer Cults
37:26 Tau
43:44 Eldar
47:19 Harlequinns
51:58 Tyranids
59:42 Chaos Knights
1:02:35 Imperial Knights
1:03:27 Chaos Space Marines
1:05:31 Chaos Demons
1:07:57 Leagues of Votann
1:15:03 Imperial Guard
1:18:39 World Eaters
1:22:20 Broviathan Rant
1:27:46 Imperial Fists
1:27:53 Raven Guard
1:27:57 Salamanders
1:30:32 White Scars
1:32:46 Ultramarines
1:33:03 Iron Hands
1:34:01 Deathwatch
1:35:37 Dark Angels
1:41:10 Black Templars
1:42:29 Space Wolves
1:45:48 Blood Angels
1:48:27 Rebalancing

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Opening song credit: Shitsubo Shita · Josh Lis ℗ 1153121 Records DK


24 thoughts on “Ranking all 9th Edition Codexes MOST BROKEN Warhammer 40k Tier List!”

  1. I think it's safe to say that Tyranids have reached Trauma status, prominently held by tau and eldar for decades, where people who've been around for a long time can't help but squint their eyes and scowl when seeing these factions on the table.

  2. Admech: "Everything had core." Dude… Admech has more core units now than they did at launch. Half the army's TROOPS units didn't have core for over a year and a half, and it's a book where basically every buff requires core. The impression everything had core comes from Admech players not being morons, and exclusively running the core units.

  3. 0:00 Intro
    1:18 Necrons
    3:07 Death Guard
    4:50 Drukhari
    9:09 Admech
    13:30 Sisters of Battle
    16:43 Grey Knights
    20:02 Thousand Sons
    22:48 Orks
    26:05 Adeptus Custodes
    30:46 Genestealer Cults
    37:26 Tau
    43:44 Eldar
    47:19 Harlequinns
    51:58 Tyranids
    59:42 Chaos Knights
    1:02:35 Imperial Knights
    1:03:27 Chaos Space Marines
    1:05:31 Chaos Demons
    1:07:57 Leagues of Votann
    1:15:03 Imperial Guard
    1:18:39 World Eaters
    1:22:20 Broviathan Rant
    1:27:46 Imperial Fists
    1:27:53 Raven Guard
    1:27:57 Salamanders
    1:30:32 White Scars
    1:32:46 Ultramarines
    1:33:03 Iron Hands
    1:34:01 Deathwatch
    1:35:37 Dark Angels
    1:41:10 Black Templars
    1:42:29 Space Wolves
    1:45:48 Blood Angels
    1:48:27 Rebalancing

  4. The rules: we want to rank the codexes based on them being at their most broken in the meta.

    The facts: Leagues of Votann are released prenerfed, never were on top of meta for a single day.

    The verdict: LoV best army of the edition bar none…

  5. I feel like Votan getting banned was something like an intervention of the community telling GW to plz stop this. Nids were only on their second nerf and we knew what Hail of Doom eldar could do and we new what undercosted shooting armies could do. And then that codex came and everyone just went like… Dude… You need to stop.

    But overall I feel like release Nids is the most powerful army of 8th and 9th combined, including Broviathan

  6. I have to completely disagree with your LoV placement. They never played a single competitive game before the big nerf hammer. Yeah, they were still very good on actual release, but 100% not S tier like those other abominations. They are lower A or upper B.

  7. 9th was looking good until Drukhari came out, and then it was pretty much one dumpster fire after another right up until the last 9th edition codex came out (no, world eaters doesn't count), with maybe a few periods where the smell of burning trash was not overpowering.

  8. "Technically Leviathan and Crusher were legal at the same time but I don't think any real tournaments let that happen . . ."

    But those tournaments had to ban it. That should tell you something about how even more broken Tyranids were.

  9. I still enjoy the tier list either way but is there any chance you guys can go back to the blue symbols for each army instead of codex pics? I just found it a lot more readable. Either way though love the tier lists guys and it's not a huge deal either way, keep up the great content!

  10. @Nick's question I think 2 reasons that guard don't get the same results of release nids and Tau etc.

    1) they are very squishy if you let your opponent hit you unlike say release nids, guard tables you, nids tabled you and made you chew through 50 transhuman warriors.

    2) Guard is a one phase army which as Tau showed us can work, but they just never hit that damage threshold Tau were at. Mortars are too strong, airburst Tau indirect was legit broken. AP 0 with the take aim canceling the indirect armor buff mortars is just not in the same league remotely as ap-3 airburst shredding even Marines in cover and stuff. Guard are also bullying a much softer meta with very nerfed versions of all the codexes that were ever strong, and I think they go to unplayable if you put them into a tournament where they have to play vs nids and stuff.

  11. The frustrating part of swift strikes + Hail of Doom was that we actually didn't know how swift strikes was supposed to function initially because it was written so badly


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