r/EntitledParents | ENTITLED KID TRIES TO KICK ME OUT MY HOUSE!!! – Reddit Stories

Reddit rSlash Storytime r entitledparents Entitled Child trespasses, demands dinner and attempts to steal ours (β€œTales from the Compound”) My mom, the internet sleuth My Sister is a sociopath with a narcisstic personally disorder and here’s why He would’ve moved if your car was normal! A lie that is going to be held over my head forever. Entitled Child destroys my property and threatens to evict me with Entitled Mother Parents tell me I have no right to be upset with my childhood because I’m so much more privileged than they were when they were my age

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🀑 ChoosingBeggars: http://bit.ly/2BVhw28
πŸ‘ͺ EntitledParents: http://bit.ly/2El9Cj9
πŸ”¨ IDon’tWorkHereLady: http://bit.ly/2NA9EYt
πŸ›’ TalesFromRetail: http://bit.ly/2TZKPa2
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Author’s names will be said before story, unless it’s been sent to us and they’ve asked to include their name.

Story 1 00:00
Story 2 02:04
Story 3 05:31
Story 4 11:45
Story 5 15:15
Story 6 21:54
Story 7 25:50


24 thoughts on “r/EntitledParents | ENTITLED KID TRIES TO KICK ME OUT MY HOUSE!!! – Reddit Stories”

  1. Second story – happens quite often with cancer patients – "I'm the one that is dying! Can't you do THIS for me??!!" – If not said then heavily implied.

  2. Story 2: I'm not sure that OP is diagnosing his sister. The way he's describing it sounds like she was diagnosed as a child, or at least young enough to still need to live at home, by a professional. That's my belief anyways, could be wrong.

  3. Story #5 OP needs to:#1, set clear, firm boundaries with her family, #2, apologize profusely to her boyfriend for having allowed them to trample all over and viciously abuse both him, her, and their combined goals, as well as their current and near future activities and accomplishments, #3 move away and live the life they intended, doing so will have the added benefit of facilitating the healthy new distance/dynamic, and aid in the healing as well as the growth of her primary relationship with her SO, #4, go NC with her family IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY if the do not adhere to her strict and clearly delineated boundaries!

  4. the story with Anna and Francis gets weirder. Francis has a birthday and expects op and their friends (or family…cant remember) to give him a gift. despite not being invited to party. he comes over and expects it. when they dont produce. expects more for compensation. he leaves upset and his mom comes over upset they didnt give him a gift.

  5. Sometimes nanny means adult who is paid to help the entitled child get his way. Not an adult who is paid to exert control over an entitled child. Sound messed up, but some parents want their entitled children to be as entitled as they
    can possibly get. If the nanny steps in mildly, she is out of a job.

  6. The family in story 5 are complete control freaks and are trying to drive a wedge between OP and her way out of that situation. OP should cut her family out of her life while blocking them on everything and move out for good. As well as changing/using passwords and authorizations on everything because if there's one thing controlling people kind to do, it's destroy and attack what they have in reach of their victim

  7. Story #2: Considering the fact that OP also has chronic illnesses herself, if I were her I would've thrown back "well, I'm probably going to die someday as well πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ"

  8. Story 3: What an ignorant ass OP on sugar and medication .
    Study after study shows sugar doesn’t cause hyperactivity, they’re kids and just got calories in the form a goid they’re excited about.
    The meds for ADHD is not basically sowed for god sake.
    That kid has no chance with this family

  9. parents: "why cant you just move on because i/your mother us going to die someday"

    me: "okay. heres me moving on: i'm cutting you two out of mine, my spouse's, and my kids's lives."

  10. I never assume that just because someone LOOKS happy that they are in fact Happy people…

    Looks can be and frequently ARE Deceiving…

    Just look at the unfortunate case of Robbin Williams…a man that made countless Millions of people laugh for YEARS as both a Stand-Up Comedian and Actor and yet he was so Depressed that he eventually took his own life just to end his pain…

    Society still doesn't understand Mental Illness and it's getting people killed on a daily basis…


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