8-Game Resident Evil Marathon! || Handgun ONLY

Bawkbasoup marathons Resident Evil 1, 1 Remake, 2, 2 Remake, 3, 3 Remake, Survivor, and Code Veronica X with handguns ONLY for the first time ever LIVE on Twitch!

2023 Schedule (Updated Daily): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RF__MfTh6IrsZ5UwdtXqnQN7uFF9fgX-J0pKQBELnlg/edit

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Clips YouTube Channel | https://www.youtube.com/@bawkbaclips5984
Live almost every day | https://www.twitch.tv/Bawkbasoup

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Merch | https://bawkbashop.creator-spring.com

Streamed Live on June 29, 2023

VODs Editor | https://twitter.com/SlightlyBasic



45 thoughts on “8-Game Resident Evil Marathon! || Handgun ONLY”

  1. Thank you bawk for always uploading these vids. They keep me happy when things get sad especially when I’m scrolling through and see your vids recommended.

  2. My favorite thing to do on these is to speed you up to 1.5x and pretend that you and the game both drank a fuckton of tim horton's.

  3. it's not entirely true to say you have enough bullet to kill every enemy in RE2, like that beginning section, before RPD if you don't run past most of them surely you used up most of your bullets, and if you know where to pick up hidden bullets maybe you can, but if you consider the Hard/Nightmare difficulty of Sourcenext version, which most people have access to now, bullets you can find has been reduced, you can't kill each and every enemy you encounter

  4. dont know if you read these comments bawk but what was wrong with the thrustmaster D-pad?
    i got one and it worked fine for me when i was playing elden ring

  5. Me: Man, I think Bawk has reached his peak for marathons after doing a full series rando speed run

    Bawk: Hold my beer grabs pistol

  6. I can't understand the hate fore Resident Evil 3, its good how it is, could be a little longer thats all. Yet remember its Jill just having to escape the City, not like Resident Evil 2, when they are finding out the story and what is happening. I think with the amount of time Capcom has been making Resident Evil games, they have done a fantastic job, at least they care about their fans. At least they took the time to remake the old games and properly, not just update the graphics and have the same game.

  7. The guy in chat that said its weird there are no female zombies in CVX and the reason why is Claire is stuck on a male prison island so there are bound to be a very limited, if any, number of female zombies

  8. It's funny that there's still discourse about RE3make and its value. See, I actually LIKED Resistance and put 227 hours in it… but then Capcom abandoned it really early on and left it in the absolute WORST state of the meta- where the dominant strategy for both sides is to deny the opponent the ability to even participate in the game, with survivors being able to stun-lock any monster/BOW in the game and just rush through the level… which encourages masterminds to rely on attrition tactics and gun cameras to just burn up time in the lamest way possible.

    Now Resistance servers are full of bots and cheaters and Capcom is going all in on… REverse. So without Resistance, is RE3make now worth its $40 price tag on steam? Ehhhhhhhh.

    It's so disappointing that they had something with a lot of potential on their hands and just dropped it. What's funny is that Dead by Daylight and Evil Dead ended up taking quite a few mechanics from Resistance, meaning the genre-defining game saw more value in its competitor than Capcom did.

  9. What was that about 4 remake having polish? I thought that's what let down an almost great game, sometimes I'm not sure when Bawk is being sarcastic 🤔😅

    Unless there was some patch that fixed a few bits…

  10. people remember resources being limited in early RE games because they didn't have an encyclopedic knowledge of where every item in the game was the first time they played through it.

    it's a lot easier to manage ammo when you know what areas you can ignore enemies (so you don't waste ammo killing them), and don't know where all the items / weapons are.

  11. I know for some it's been played out, but if CVX does get a remake, I hope Steve gets transformed earlier/Chris' sections expanded and he acts as a pursuer [as he'd have no idea who Chris is, and could be a real threat till later on he and Clair encounter each other again and he momentarily regains his mind.]

  12. Most of the runs of RE3R I see has Jill flub the "I'll give you S.T.A.R.S.!" line when she takes a Nemesis fist to the spine and dies before she even finishes the line. Seems strangely poetic to me.

  13. On the Monster Hunter conversation, the story is completely awful. Like, the dialogue is Resident Evil 1 levels of atrocious, and doesn't have the excuse of being a PS1 game. Why the hell they would choose to show them off makes absolutely no sense to me either. I actually quit playing it the first time before Val Hazzak because of it, it made me want to stab the stupid chick that follows you around every time she opened her mouth lol.

    Game instantly improves 500% when you finish the story. Then they chose to do it AGAIN for the expansion. Like, Capcom can't stop getting in their way. It was so incredibly stupid.

  14. Honestly didn't think there would be enough handgun bullets to do CVX, but I disagree on what makes CVX bad for players at the time, I think it was that it felt like more of the same. Although yes it does feel like a huge FU from the developers to basically either softlock yourself at tyrant in the plane or anywhere after if you are a huge dummy and try to kill sandworm with Claire.


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