r/AmITheA–Hole My Mom Doesn't Know Where Babies Come From

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0:00 Intro
0:06 I want my neighbors video doorbell gone
2:22 I don’t want my husband to walk his sister down the aisle
5:08 I left my gross sister and her husband on the side of the road
8:31 That is not sex positive
10:20 I didn’t pick up my nephew
13:48 My MIL is an idiot

“Sneaky Snitch” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) License: CC By Attribution 3.0


47 thoughts on “r/AmITheA–Hole My Mom Doesn't Know Where Babies Come From”

  1. Story 4 is one of the rare occasions when I disagree completely with rSlash. Yeah there is the nephew involved but he is like a teen already. rSlash is notoriously biased when it comes to anything involving kids, and I would, will, and have agreed like 99% of the time. Not this time though. He is completely ignoring and/or invalidating OPs point of view. This whole situation reminds me of Bill Burr and his bit about his GF getting a dog without consulting him: "It's just a 10-to-15-year commitment, why would you include me in that decision". So, the husband didn't tell, didn't ask, didn't think if OP is even comfortable with kids, just out of the blue "Honey, here's a child, you take care of him cuz I have a meeting now, glhf byeeeee". And then? Surprised Pikachu face? What?

  2. Story 4: Hah… you marry a person, not the extended family. The husband made a damn large decision without the wife… you'd be an ass to adopt a pet w/o talking with your spouse, so how is this not asshole territory? Sounds like the wife decided that since he made that call, he can deal with it. It even sounds like she'd prefer to be childfree and this is forced interaction. rSlash, seems like you having a kid has colored your view on various issues w/ kids in them.

  3. Rslash: I will judge the storied in a very fair unbiased way.

    Rslash when a kid is involved: I have a daughter and if my daughter had to go through that…

    Rslash becomes super bias and completely ignored the story except for the kid part. The wife clearly did not want to be a mom, it does suck that she is not being a part of the kids life but she isn't doing anything that she didn't already state she would do. She didn't say "of course I will take care of him" she said no and she ment it with out any exceptions.

  4. I am so sick the word "Conservative" being used as an insult. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a conservative so long as you don't push it to far, just like being a liberal isn't wrong so long as it's not pushed too far.

  5. Wait, the father's DNA detwrmines the sex of the baby? Cuz my family almost always had a girl first n is 2/3 women n I always thought it was something in our genes

  6. story 2. I still occasionally talk to my dad and we are working on a strained relationship. If I had my actual wedding (instead of a courthouse one bc of covid) I would have much rather had my brother walk me down the isle. This offended quite a few people during wedding planning but I personally don't feel close enough to my dad to have given him that honor.

  7. So I hate kids, I find them annoying and just all around don't like having to watch over any form of child. If anyone just threw a kid at me randomly and said 'Hey help me take care of this for an unknown amount of time' I would just flat out refuse. The few times I ever did take care of kids they usually either broke something of mine or hurt themselves and blamed me, so I respectfully disagree with rslash, it's not her problem she didn't agree to this

  8. Story 4 I disagree with R/- the husband said he would take care of the kid. Then after he said he had a meeting and couldn’t pick him up OP refuses and then the husband is magically available to pick the kid up.

  9. As someone who is extremely sex positive but who isn't a huge fan of PDA outside of hand holding, I think OP is right in the third story. Being sex positive also means respecting consent in my opinion. And if someone doesn't consent to you being sexual around them, by being explicit with your words or actions (including making out) then you shouldn't do those things around them.
    What OP's sister is doing is forcing her voyeur fetish onto her sibling. Not cool.

  10. First story. NTA. I don’t want someone recording my front door. I don’t have anything crazy going on there. But I don’t want someone recording it constantly. She is totally reasonable to ask that she remove it. Now the other tenant can be an ass and not do so. But the question asked was if the OP was just he Ahole. And, no. She isn’t.

  11. On story 2, I think OP is sympatazing with the father in law and OP whats to remove the husband from walking her down the ail so " she has to be lead by the father in law (her dad) "

    But yes it´s BS no the less lol

  12. Story 3: I think Rslash is off with his assessment. While yeah, I am totally on the side of OP she can't speak to her S/O's mother any kind of way. That's super disrespectful, and sure I get that the mother started it, but OP has to take the high road and needs to not outright insult her spouses mother

  13. In the last story, she is jerky for HOW she said what she said (.25 score) and I can appreciate him for being respectful to both is wife and his Mom. Good job hub (one thumb up). The MIL, definiately earned her 2 b@ttholes.

  14. One, it's the sperm that will determine gender. So blame your son.
    Two, who is to say a son wouldn't take the spouse's name?
    Three, who is to say the daughter would even change her name?
    Four, you weren't out of line at all because his mother IS an idiot.
    Five, MIL wouldn't be allowed to see my baby is this is her reaction to a gender reveal. There's gender disappointment (which I will only excuse with parents who DON'T view their child as less) and then there's this: Sexism.

  15. Story 2: It's straight up none of OP's business. Their post shouldn't exist, let alone their post. It's her sister in law's wedding, not hers. I'm 100% positive when she had her wedding she wouldn't have cared less about other people's opinions, so why does she get to think it shouldn't work the same for someone else's? It's because they're a controlling narcissist that thinks they need to be right and stick their nose in everyone else's business. Just stop OP, you're wrong, and you seriosuly need to realize you're over stepping to an inappropriate degree. You should seriously consider getting therapy.

  16. Ok so, to play devils advocate on two points for the last story:

    1. It sounds like the husband is more upset with how she handled the situation rather than because of anything else, but, ironically, he seems to not have communicated well either when telling his wife.

    2. While the mom is definately an idiot with how she thinks things work, recent research does show it is likely the ovum (egg cell in laymen's terms) does in fact have some kind of role in deciding which gamete ( sperm cell ) fertilizes it.

    Please note, the research on this second point is definatively in a very early stage of findings and is suject to correction as we learn more. Additionally, it still doesn't mean the mother has any control over the outcome so it still doesn't change how much of an idiot the mother-in-law would be.

    I also thought you missed taking into account how, assuming the idiot was correct in how it worked, it wasn't her business to tell them what their children should be in the first place.

  17. Story 3- there is a MASSIVE difference between sex positive and fuckin sexual harassment, if you can't go a few fuckin hours without sucking on your partner's face you need to get fucking help, it was not the fucking time while a woman was grieving the death of her brother. I'm sure those, and let's be real here, fuckin predators made sure they were in the same car JUST to do this. It's disgusting forcing your fuckin sex life down other people's throats, respect boundaries ESPECIALLY with something sexual like this.

  18. I disagree with the story about the nephew. We hear story after story that shows how meaningless family is. Then we jump to this story and for some reason family is supposed to be the most important thing in the world. She was very clear what her boundaries were. She would cook and clean for the kid, but not go beyond that. Her husband ignored those boundaries.

  19. Story 5: wtf did i just hear him read….. op is a AH to the extreme! My fiance and I are child free, we both love kids. I have 5 nieces and nephews, if my sisters needed help, we will help when an where we can. If my fiance was like OP, me an him gonna fight. Im glad he isn't.

    Last story: xD ops MIL is an idiot

  20. In story 2 I suspect her own father is dead or something happend where he couldn’t be there for her and she’s jealous that someone else is just throwing that away

  21. For the wedding story with the brother walking down the aisle with his sister perhaps she's not jealous of her husband, but maybe she has daddy issues of her own? Maybe a deadbeat dad who flaked on her wedding or her father died and was unable to walk her down the aisle as a result? So less Jealousy about the husband and more jealousy about squandering a moment that OP never got to have?

  22. For the nephew story I think everyone’s an asshole besides the nephew ofc. The wife is put into a situation she didn’t have any choice or consent in. However picking the kid up is a very minimal thing she could do and just postpone her lunch plans. Granted if she was already at lunch that changes things a little but still there was things she could do to help her husband out. The husband is an asshole for making such a large decision without talking to his wife. Even if it had to happen he should’ve said something to her before the decision was made.

  23. Bro i thought the story with the mom doesn't have any idea about how babies are made was ridiculous, i thought it was a freaking joke but after hearing the whole thing i thought this "there is no way a human being exist like her". That was the biggest mistake and she should have been ashamed for this

  24. My man here from Spotify just had to leave a comment. Story 4 I get that you are the father type. But not everyone is so if she sets a boundary and sticks to it she is not heartless she is simply self aware. It would be heartless if she said yes and then didn’t do anything but no she said she wasn’t someone who would do that kind of thing. This really bothered me I thought you were al little more open minded.

  25. the woman in the 5th story…she is a cold heartless woman…..he is a teenager not a toddler and most of the week he is at school….she should be supportive of your husband that his brother who has cancer and his nephew

  26. 4th story. The OP obviously did the wrong thing. What they should have done is pulled over and continued to stare as they tried to get it on. Freak them out and then when they ask what OP is doing just urge them to keep going. Either they’ll get the hint. Get upset and leave or they’ll be so uncomfortable they never do it again.

    Edit: I think it’s the fourth story I’m not sure.

  27. A wonderful comparison for the story with the nephew.
    I am single with no children, and I don't want children. I am not an asshole for refusing to help my sister with her child, so why is OP the asshole for not wanting to help her brother in law with his child?

    OP gets an easy 0/5.


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