With me, Dennis and Jenny Watson

Donate to or invest in Jennyโ€™s Bar here โ€“ http://jennysbar.co.uk/


24 thoughts on “QUEENS SPEECH SPECIAL! You Look LIke A Terf Part Two”

  1. Who would ever have thought that in 2023 unhinged mostly middle-aged misogynistic straight men would be "colonizing" the gay community and female-only spaces and their biggest champions/enablers would 20-something young white women who "identify" as "queer people" ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. My neighbour is a butch lesbian, all 4ft 9in of her, and I canโ€™t imagine her ever passing as a man, or wanting to, sheโ€™s still so very much a female. Good luck with the new venue Jenny; what a much needed lesbian scene it will be and a fitting tribute to Magdalen Berns.

  3. OMG. Well done to Jenny for reading out those absolutely FOUL messages from those demented misogynistic bullies. Jenny's lovely ,inside and out and they're jealous that she's a REAL WOMAN ,something they'll NEVER be !! The TRAs show how evil they are every DAY now and the SANE world needs to wake up to that !! I hope she stays strong , and realises that ALL decent people are on her side. The hatred for women expressed by the TRAs is completely deranged and off the scale !! Good luck ,Jenny , with your new venture and thanks ,Clive and Dennis ,for making this episode โคโคโค๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘x

  4. Poor Jenny! I was born in 1969 so I had a wonderful time in the mixed gay scene and the lesbian scene. Even the nascent 90s queer scene was more about different outfits and music than being invaded by straights wanting to colonise the spaces. Sheโ€™s only had three years of that and some of us have had 20. This is why Iโ€™m happy to stand up for her generation, even though standing up for anything is very difficult on the joints ๐Ÿฆ–.

  5. Jenny! You do indeed look like a terf – intelligent, casual/classy, cool and cute! Wear that terf tiara with pride (if you can wrestle it from Dennis, lol!).

  6. Fellow Norn Irish person here: my heart always sinks when I hear GLYNI mentioned – the city is full of stories about them.

    I too desperately miss the olden days. At this point, they can take the rainbow and Pride and the gay bars.

  7. Jenny… you're awesome. Don't mind any of that hateful blether. I sincerely hope your wee plan for a cafe/bar works out great, and even if it doesn't I hope all is well with you and yours!


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