Putting steam trains on skis to make snow mobiles – Ice Locomotives

In today’s video, we take a look at Ice Locomotives, steam engines that were put on skis

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31 thoughts on “Putting steam trains on skis to make snow mobiles – Ice Locomotives”

  1. I think the russian ice locomotive that was steered from the front of boiler it had no cab so who ever was steering would get frostbite very quickly so only use for one winter as no one would want sit at the front exposed to weather so the word got out and they most likely could get anyone to work at the front of it even if they paid them alot of money

  2. One driver sits up front and steers.
    Another one at the back controls the speed.
    This sounds like a dangerous driving setup which would require a high amount of communication between the drivers.

  3. yes, the 1860ies… i remember, they where quite useless machines, gettig stuck and sawing themselfes down to water, sitting until they sank. also operators would freqently think it was a good idea to put ice and snow in the boiled dry tanks which cracked the boiler. the ones that was of great use and did not have all the flaws was the models with tracks on them. they could run everywhere. im 185 today, say happy birthday.


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