Psalms Reading Vs 1-41

Prayerfully viewers will enjoy this reading of Psalms. Meditate on them! Study Psalms! Pray Psalms! And, listen to Psalms with me daily!

The 1st group of “Psalms” are Read in this presentation by Mary Muse. It covers Psalms 1-41. Psalms is the host of 150 poems that are divided into five books (1–41), (42–72), (73–89), (90–106), (107–150), the first four of which are concluded with endings that express “Praise to God”.

These reverential songs and poems are thought to have been gathered over the span of a thousand years. When you think about it, music today reflects the times and mindset of the people who are living now. Likewise, these songs mirror a reverential tone and fear of God. They also teach us that the creator is loving, just, protective, fair and ever watching over our growth. Admitting mistakes, prayer, fasting, praising God, acknowledging “the powerful Hand of God”, and all of the notes in these “songs” can lift us up when we embrace them as a lifestyle.

Within this reading I have also included commentary on Psalm 36 & 37. Throughout and along with upcoming presentations, I’ll be sharing my thoughts and what I have learned from this awesome Book of Prayer. For me, Psalms has come to life on many occasions. It has become my “go to” biblical reading for prayer and resolve when I am unsure or have doubts. I will be reading each section, sharing some experiences and views on its significance in Biblical writing, history, spirituality and in my personal life.

Psalms, simply put, means “Song”. Many scholars believe that most Psalms were written by David. Other writers include: the First Man (Adam), Melchizedek, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Heman, Jeduthun, Asaph, and the three sons of Korah. Some Psalms, just as many poems or quotes, today, are entered into this 150 Book collection as “Unknown” or “Anonymous” in terms of authors. The Book of Psalms is considered to be divinely inspired “Hymns” that were collected over a period of time; and later compiled as one complete writing.

These “Scrolls” are groups of books in the Bible that take us through spaces in time, similar to “chapters in a book”. The following are included as “The Five Scrolls” (traditionally, in Jewish religion): Ruth, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Psalms (Song of Songs), Lamentations, Daniel, the Scroll of Esther, Ezra, and Chronicles.

All of these books are short, comparatively, considering many other books in the Bible. And, each explain laws, life lessons and advice for the “gray areas” of life. The book of Proverbs would be included among these, after all, Solomon was considered to be one of the wisest and wealthiest men to every grace this planet, (along with others, i.e., Mansa Musa of the Mali Empire) and King Solomon, was David’s son. Like Son, like father–David’s , “Song of Songs”/“Psalms” is a reminder that God is our faithful Shepherd, always with us, and realizing these things gives us “joy”.

Much like the 1st “5” Books of the Bible–“called” The “Pentateuch”, Psalms also mirrors the number “5” in terms of its conclusive and distinct ending. (The Pentateuch is referenced as the source of the laws of God. These “5” Books cover creation, the Israelites; (exit/exodus from Egypt) and were believed to have been hand-written by Moses himself. The Books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).

Stay on the look out for future “Live” posts where I tell some of my own “True Stories” where the “Word” miraculously “came to life” for me!

One thing for sure, studying the Bible, relating it to self & to today’s current events, makes the Bible “practical” in its usage, less mysterious & YES–“ALIVE”!

Mary J. Muse

more to come


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