Proposal for Recon aircraft in War Thunder sent to the dev team.

Reviewing a proposal I recently sent to Gaijin outlining how reconnaissance aircraft could be added to War Thunder. Looking at the camera equipment itself, game modes, air/ground battles, rewards/points, and considering some example Recon aircraft that could be added (or back-fitted with camera gear).

I’m all over the place!

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37 thoughts on “Proposal for Recon aircraft in War Thunder sent to the dev team.”

  1. Hey Tim,

    I had a wonderful idea for ground battles;
    Troop carriers
    It never made sense to me that Main battle tanks are capturing objectives when unsupported tanks are easy targets in real life.
    So what if the tank cap point capture speed was slowed way down so tanks capped points much more slowly, and the cap point capture speed was vastly increased for light tanks and helicopters.

    Ideally, I’d love it if a light tank or helicopters like the huey or HIND or Mi-8 had the ability to carry a fire team of infantry and function as troop transport. Before gaijin ever has to create or render infantrymen into the game, they can simulate the presence of infantry by slowing MBT capture point cap time and speed up the cap time for any vehicle which selects “fire squad” as a load out option;

    Just like how using ATGM’s in a helicopter required you get off to a good start in the match FIRST,
    Selecting a fire squad to go into your heli or light tank/APC/IFV can increase its spawn points so these fast capping light vehicles won’t become the meta.

  2. This is a great idea. Even single engine fighters from ww2 are suitable for this addition. Many varients of the spitfire had sub versions fitted with cameras. We have their paint jobs in game already, the soild pale blue or pink for example. The medium altitude versions kept some or all of their guns, and there were also high altitude versions that swapped guns for fuel and speed. There were also dedicated versions like the PR Mk.XI which if I recall was more than 10mph faster than an LF Mk.IXe running 150 octane fuel, at the same altitude. I also believe the Germans did this sorta thing as well but I don't know their history as well as I do the brits.

  3. One mechanic this could add is that the AI will not attack ground targets until reconed. The AI ticket bleed on many maps is really annoying and this could add counter play and really emphasize the importance of intercepting them.

  4. On the topic of scouting…
    I would love recon helis and on the other hand- possibility to spot helis, drones and planes in ground rb (maybe not for so long like ground units). It would help spaa to get fair fight against CAS- since CAS knows your aprox. location- ground spawn.

  5. you could have it so recon planes will go while the attack/fighters fuel up and then if the recon aircraft are sucusessful, then the bases are shown like in a current battle, otherwise you will have to guess the base locations, if there are no player recons, ai can takeover

  6. I wish they would revamp the repair cost system, to make upper Escalon vehicle's more fun to use. Like if you die and don't make enough to cover the repair cost, you simply don't gain or loose anything aside from Research points. Allowing it to still be a form of balancing while not loosing your overall SL when you die, you either gain or you don't. Never breaking your SL bank just for playing and dying in a vehicle you would rather play.

  7. I don't think it would be very popular in ground battles. I already see light tanks ignore the scouting option and die (or cause a teammate to die) because they want the kill for themselves. The same thing will probably happen when the same people hop into an aircraft. Besides, most people in ground battles think of only one thing when they finally get into an aircraft, and it's to bomb enemies.

    I think reconnaissance missions would be more a bit prevalent in air battles than in ground battles, but reconnaissance planes make even more sense in the Enduring Confrontation mode, where tasks are more mission-oriented. Gaijin needs to make another EC mode with air realistic flight controls. I believe the pilots among us who love the mission-oriented aspects of EC but don't have the equipment to properly fly in simulation mode would jump on such a mode!!! I know I'm one of them. Anyway, back to simulation EC, I can see the option of flying reconnaissance missions being quite a hit.

    Imagine this: you're in a jet returning to base after a CAS mission in A5. Suddenly, a new task appears: "Photograph suspected enemy camp in the vicinity of D6." You land, change the loadout for a camera pod and take off again, heading for D6, flying low to avoid being detected. After a few minutes, you finally find the well-hidden enemy base in D5. You photograph it as you're trying to avoid enemy AAA fire while a teammate warns you that an enemy air combat patrol is coming your way. What an exciting mission this would be!

  8. This would be a really good way to get destructible airfields back in warthunder. Top tier bombers carry such a big load nowadays that if they ever go back to the 3 bases and airfield, from the current 4 respawning super bases, that the match would end in just a few minutes due to bombers. Recon planes could in sequence identify “special” bases outside of the regular ones to open up a path to make the airfield vulnerable to bombing, having bombers split their bombs between the “special” bases as they are marked over the course of the match and the regular ones while they wait for them to be identified. As much as bombing right now does reduce ticket bleed, the threat of getting an airfield getting blown up is much more of a motivator for both bombers, interceptors, and recon aircraft to make sure they do their part, and could provide bombers a more feasible win condition. The main issue I see with all of this is the existence of long range missiles on thing like the F-14, as top tier would essentially exclude recon aircraft due to the sheer range and surprise factor of TWS missiles in game. That could be fixed with the addition of missile warning receivers for more modern aircraft, but has not been seen or confirmed yet.

  9. I’m just concerned to whether if they are going to make the aim-54 loft or not. That is an important factor in bvr engagements. Not to mention an important function of the missle

  10. I think the idea is great and there are loads of nice recce aircraft, of various kinds, that would be fun… But I have a hard time seeing it happen, saly.. Most players are retars.. An Gaijin are not very clever either. All iiots/players just want to play the most OP bullshit over and over an over-…
    This would require actual thinking to implement and then for the retards to not just scream in for head ons in their Easy Mode Nazi or Commie BS-aircraft… They will be seriously confused as how to actually use tactics and skill, for once… And since most players are like that, I can´t see it being implemented…. Twatjin will be scared they won´t sell as many overpriced "Packs" etc… An the useless fucks – ie random players won´t be able to just do hea ons and unerstand nothing…..

    So.. great idea for people with a brain. Saly those are in a massive minority..

  11. If they do go ahead with it and implement it. One aircraft I’d say that would be cool would be the actual R2Y2 that was the prop plane for reconnaissance. We have the jet proposals that weren’t built so I’m not sure what would happen to them.

  12. This would complement a theoretical "artillery mod" where the recon aircraft would spot targets for ground vehicles that are based on mobile artillery platforms (of which there are already a lot of in game.)

    Eg. A recon aircraft would spot an enemy tank which would in turn be translated into a firing solution for a friendly self propelled gun to fire on from beyond visual range.

  13. by the time I'm done with the two hellfires on predator drones that's all I do, I just sit in the camera circling overhead scouting enemy tanks for players to know where to go and kill them, although half the time people are too stupid to see yellow markers and enemies

  14. I am for all recon planes. And I think this would work well with my proposal (which I admit have not fully put on paper and sent in.) Mine was actually more about adding a new game mode called interception, where you can play as recon plane or something like a bomber. The goal is to avoid getting detected and bomb or recon your target and get out. This is mean more as something you can que up solo and that last a bit longer. More about planning a good flight route then traditional combat. Until you fail at avoiding detection. At that time, enemy jets and AA will try to shoot you down. The idea was that you could even have asymmetric joining in to the game mode where once detected another player could join and try to shoot you down. I think this second way to play as a defender would have you're able to que for a regular game and this at the same time.


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