Police bundle Tommy Robinson out of the antisemitic London march as he's 'not welcome'

Tommy Robinson, the founder of the English Defence League, has been escorted away by police after joining the march against antisemitism in London.

#Antisemtism #London #Protest

Tens of thousands of people were expected to march in London in the demonstration, a day after pro-Palestinian crowds also gathered in the capital to demand a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.

There had been fears in that Mr Robinson, the former leader of the far-right grouping, could disrupt the protest organised by charity Campaign Against Antisemitism after violence erupted on Armistice Day. He was seen among a group of men who had turned out to protest against a pro-Palestinian march but then started attacking police.

The Metropolitan Police had made clear in advance that he was ā€œnot welcomeā€ at the march, with the force warning that any offences ā€œwhether from within the protest or from any groups trying to challenge or interfere with the marchā€ would be dealt with.

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28 thoughts on “Police bundle Tommy Robinson out of the antisemitic London march as he's 'not welcome'”

  1. These marches prove one thing.
    Government has allowed religious nits to take over the country.
    Our grandparents fought 2 world wars for this country and in 1 generation Labour and Conservatives have given it all away.

  2. I wouldnt support tommy Robinson or know much of what he believes but its hard not to support and look into his actual beliefs when he is clearly being persucuted by the british state and treated as a polical prisoner in what should be a 21st democracy

  3. Documents obtained by the civil liberties group Big Brother Watch revealed the Government cells included the MoD's 77th Brigade, based in G.C.H.Q. Princess Elizbeth Way Cheltenham. which deploys 'non-lethal engagement and legitimate non-military levers as a means to adapt behaviours of adversaries'. The truth always comes out in the end. We have supported our military for many years. We were tipped off by friends in Cheltenham, they were attacking a man called Tommy Robinson. The rest is History.

  4. Tommy was arrested at a breakfast table, not actually participating in the march, itā€™s not like the mainstream media to give out misleading news headlines is it !

    He was arrested for a public order offence of causing ā€œalarm & distressā€ however, to secure a conviction the police will need to demonstrate how his actions were ā€œintimidating, harassing or threateningā€, none of this happened. The only alarming & distressing scene here was how the police can intimidate an individual just for existing in a public place by threatening to prosecute them for a crime that not only hasnā€™t been committed by them, but a crime that doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s the policeā€™s actions that are causing alarm & distress to the very foundations of democratic freedoms, they themselves are demonstrating that they truly are public enemies.

  5. disgusting act by the police! he did nothing wrong and once again these clowns in power shows exactly the problem!!! time for a change all over the western world, enough is enough with this traitors!!!! they give out our countries to the savages and when we speak out about it and say hell no to it. we are put in chains and god knows what else! the hell with them


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