Heavy Casualties – Episode 47 – Dreadnought Improvement Project Japanese Campaign

Ok maybe I shouldn’t have been so mean about those American battleships…

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Do you want to help develop the Dreadnought Improvement Project? Perhaps you just want to join a friendly Dreadnought obsessed community? Maybe you want to send in a ship design for this campaign? Well I have a discord server! https://discord.gg/4eDfzd9

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Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
Veteran Sergeants: 1stplaceonion, LCG Canyon, Welshy, Rui
Sergeants: Jackie, Twitchyknees
Veterans: Telemonian Dan, Sunless Sky Nova, Threadoflength, Darth Vendar.
Battle Siblings: Jacky Chan, nagebenfro, scurvekano, Cpt Graftin, Icd, Iroey, Zadrias, JT Bismarck, Documentleaker.


14 thoughts on “Heavy Casualties – Episode 47 – Dreadnought Improvement Project Japanese Campaign”

  1. Those British BC's in the first fight were ridiculous. They were down to like 5% structure, heavy flooding, maneuvering like crazy, and still putting shells right on target. The Norfolk (dumb name for an American BB) also behaved in a similar fashion. Lastly, you're reckless. 🙂

  2. i belive if you have ships in a colony and that is taken over by an enemy the ships in that port the sips there get teleported to a random port wich is so annoying wich would be a great feature to the game if they returned back to thier home port if we could assaign a home port to the ships

  3. The ai in my game got the bright idea to make a super glas battleship. 4:4 18 inch guns with with a total of 7 inches of belt armor. These BBs had such a low displacement that i lost multiple battleships to them because of that.

  4. Might have been worth giving the Yamato Reborns some extra superstructure and fore/aft deck armour as well
    Also given the amount of damage partial pens still seem to be able to inflict it might be worth nerfing them even further

  5. it looks like krup 5 is appearing on the tech tree before krup 4 when i do a 1920s start.
    Not sure if its intended, but it looks like you can only generate 1 strike on a port per turn. I feel like there should be more strike opportunities.

  6. Boy, I hope you don't end this two front War you have going on.

    And you want to do it for content purposes?

    These episodes have become more interesting interesting with this dual conflict. Those American battleships floating around that you are trying to find?

    And you're actually worried about a battle once in a while?

    So far every battle has been a complete Massacre of the Hopeless AI. I've kept watching now hoping to see the AI put up an actual fight.

    It's only been in the last couple where are the American battleships have shown up that things have gotten interesting.

    For Content reasons, make yourself sweat a little bit. Let the nervous tension bleed over to the viewer. Make me want to click on that next episode as soon as possible. Keep me on the edge of my seat about what the Americans are up to.

    It's quality stuff that you're thinking of ditching. I mean really if you don't want to keep fighting both, make peace with the hapless british. Take Australia and like Belize or something. Or the Bahamas . Can you take British columbia?

    But whatever I think making peace with the one opponent who's actually putting up a fight and isn't like a behaving like a clown fighting Mike Tyson.


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